
Unravelling Destiny

Dive into a world where Amara's ordinary life is turned upside down on the most unexpected family reunion day. Destiny, a concept she's never given much thought, now unravels before her eyes. The twist? Her fate is slipping away, caught in the hands of an unseen puppeteer orchestrating chaos from the shadows. It's more than a game of hide-and-seek or a tale of love—it's a rollercoaster ride through the unexpected twists of a destiny that wears many disguises. Join Amara as she navigates a thrilling journey, where every revelation brings her closer to the heart-pounding truth that lies beneath the surface of her seemingly ordinary existence.

suzxmii · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

10: Serpent's Gambit

Note: Guess who's backkk! Yes, I'm not dead yall☠️. I haven't posted my story for a while soooo here it issss

"He playing the ass!" Trivan grumbled under his breath, preparing himself to charge towards Sasha.

Jade grabbed his arm and pulled him close to her, their faces almost touching.

"Yuh chupid awa? If he wants her destiny let him be!" Jade muttered, her voice softening. 

This only fueled Trivan's tension more.

"Buh who you is telling me what to do? A stick up yuh ass awa! De little freakshow giving me orders?"

Trivan let out a sigh and pulled away from her grasp.

"It kills me to see Amara with Sasha...why should she live a lie?"

"I understand your concern for her but please let's not escalate," Jade replied, her voice tinged with empathy. "Sometimes, people have to learn their own lessons, even if it means making mistakes along the way."

Trivan clenched his fists, grappling with his emotions. "I know, but I can't just stand by and watch. Sasha's trouble, Jade. He's always been trouble."

Jade nodded, her expression mirroring Trivan's concern. "Then go check on Amara...I'll have a chat with Sasha for a bit.

 His footsteps heavily passed Jade and was on the way to find Amara. Meanwhile, Jade approached Sasha, her demeanor calm yet firm as she prepared to confront him about his behaviour.

As Trivan reached Amara's side, he could see the turmoil in her eyes, the uncertainty about what was unfolding evident in her expression.

"Amara, whatcha doing alone?" He placed his hand on her shoulder.

Amara looked up at Trivan, her eyes searching his face for reassurance. "This reunion makes me want to squeal," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "But something tells me this feeling won't last."

Trivan took a deep breath, the way Amara behaved was driving him insane. She was so brave at times and when she was vulnerable he couldn't push away the ache in his heart. He no longer knew if her heart belonged to Sasha or him.

"I know it's a lot to take in, but I'm here for you. Whatever happens, whatever you need, I've got your back."

Amara managed a small smile. "Thank you, Trivan. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Trivan returned her smile, his heart swelling for her.

"You don't have to figure it out alone. We'll get through this together."

As Trivan and Amara shared a moment of solidarity, Jade approached Sasha, ready to address the situation head-on.

Jade's expression was a mix of determination and concern as she approached Sasha, her steps purposeful yet measured. She knew that confronting him would require finesse, especially considering the volatile nature of the situation.

"Sasha," she began, her voice steady despite the tumultuous emotions swirling within her. "We need to talk."

Sasha, ever the picture of nonchalance, met her gaze with a smirk, though there was a glint of apprehension in his eyes. He could sense the gravity of the moment.

"Ah, Jade, my dear," Sasha's tone tinged with false charm. "What's on your mind?"

Jade's jaw clenched as she fought to maintain her composure in the face of Sasha's insincerity. She knew that confronting him directly would be futile; instead, she needed to approach the situation with tact and precision.

"I know what you did, Sasha," she said, her voice low but firm. "Just put it back. No one else has to know if you just put it back."

Sasha's facade wavered for a moment, a flicker of uncertainty betraying his outward confidence. He realized that Jade was onto him, and his mind raced to concoct a plausible explanation for his actions.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about, Jade," he replied, his tone laced with feigned innocence. "I'm simply here to enjoy the festivities, just like everyone else."

Jade's eyes narrowed as she saw through Sasha's facade, her patience wearing thin. She knew that confronting him further would only escalate the situation, but she refused to let him off the hook so easily.

"Sasha, don't play games with me," she said, her voice tinged with frustration. "We both know the truth, and it's only a matter of time before everyone else does too. You need to come clean before things get out of control."

"Why should I?" he muttered, his voice barely audible above the din of the room.

"Her destiny with holds something splendid! Who knows perhaps if you join me you can finally be...normal."

Jade went silent for a few seconds, unable to respond. All the laughter she once was surrounded by was now on repeat, the eyes like monsters ready to swallow her whole. If she only accepted herself she could have indeed been just like any other human being. She opened her mouth to speak but shut her mouth again, looking at him in a daze. 

There he was, the serpent himself, with a glint in his eyes. Sasha's presence seemed to cast a chilling aura over the room, his every movement calculated and precise.

Jade's heart raced as she faced him, a knot tightening in her chest. She had once trusted Sasha and believed in his promises of acceptance and belonging. But now, she saw him for what he truly was: a manipulative predator, ready to strike at any moment.

"Just give in Jade," Sasha hissed, his voice dripping with malice.

"I see the way you look at Trivan, he has eyes for Amara you know. Not even Amara will remember your existence."

Jade gritted her teeth, her fists clenched at her sides. "Yuh is a bloody liar! I'm not naive as I used to be so if you want her destiny...you have to get past me first."

Sasha lunged forward, his movements swift and agile, Jade braced herself for the confrontation to come. She knew that defeating Sasha would not be easy, but she was determined to stand her ground and protect herself from his venomous influence.

With a surge of courage, Jade met Sasha's gaze head-on, her eyes blazing with defiance. She would not be cowed by his threats or intimidated by his strength. She was a force to be reckoned with, a survivor who had faced down her demons and emerged stronger than ever before.

And as the battle between light and darkness raged on, Jade knew that she would never again be swayed by the whispers of the serpent. She had found her voice, her strength, her true self. And nothing could ever take that away from her.

As Sasha realizes that Jade is not backing down, a flicker of frustration crosses his face, quickly replaced by a sinister smirk.

"You're making a grave mistake, Jade," he sneers, his voice laced with menace.

"If you continue to defy me, you'll regret it. Your blood will stain your hands, and you'll be branded a monster for eternity. Is that what you truly want?"

Jade's resolve only strengthens at Sasha's threats, her jaw set in determination.

"I'd rather be alone than be under your control," she retorts, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

"I won't let fear dictate my choices anymore. I choose freedom, even if it means facing the darkness head-on."

With a chilling laugh, Sasha launches himself at Jade, his movements swift and aggressive. But Jade is ready, her reflexes honed from days of training and hardship. She meets his attack with precision and skill, each strike fueled by her determination to protect herself and those she loves.

As the battle rages on, the air crackles with magic and tension, the clash of light and darkness illuminating the night. Jade fights with everything she has, drawing strength from the depths of her soul.

Sooner than ever, Sasha's attacks grow more desperate, but Jade stands firm, her spirit unbreakable. She knows that she may never be able to erase the scars of her past, but she refuses to let them define her any longer.

In the end, it is not the serpent's whispers that guide Jade, but the strength of her convictions. And as she emerges victorious from the darkness, she knows that she has finally found her voice, her strength, her true self. And nothing, not even the darkest of shadows, could ever take that away from her.

The battle reaches its climax, and Sasha's desperation becomes palpable. With each strike exchanged between him and Jade, his movements grow more frantic, his attacks fueled by a mixture of anger and fear. But despite his efforts, Jade's determination remains unyielding, her resolve unwavering in the face of his onslaught.

Suddenly, a cry of pain escapes Sasha's lips as Jade's counterattack lands with devastating accuracy. He stumbles backward, clutching his wounded side, the realization of his impending defeat dawning upon him. Tears of agony mingle with the sweat upon his brow as he struggles to remain upright, his once-confident facade crumbling before Jade's unwavering resolve.

The sound of Sasha's cry echoes through the night, piercing the silence of the family reunion like a clarion call. Those gathered nearby turn their heads in alarm, their expressions shifting from confusion to concern as they rush to the scene of the confrontation.

Amara and Trivan are among the first to arrive, their eyes widening in shock at the sight before them.

"Jade!" Amara cries out, her voice filled with worry as she rushes to her friend's side. "What's happening? Are you alright?"

Jade nods, her gaze never leaving Sasha's trembling form.

"I'm fine, Amara," she replies, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins. "But Sasha... he needs help."

Trivan moves to assist Sasha, his expression conflicted as he surveys the scene before him. "What happened here?" he asks, his voice tinged with concern as he kneels beside Sasha's prone form while hitting Jade with an intense gaze.

When the rest of the family reunion gathers around, whispers of confusion and speculation fill the air. Some cast accusing glances in Jade's direction, while others offer words of encouragement and support. But amidst the chaos, one thing remains clear: the events of this night will leave an indelible mark upon them all, forever altering the course of their lives.

As Jade watches Sasha being tended to by her friends and Amara's family, she knows that despite the darkness that threatened to consume her, she has emerged stronger than ever before. 

The commotion draws the attention of the entire family reunion, including the grandmother, she rushes to the scene with a frown etched upon her face. With quick, measured steps, she reaches Sasha's side, her eyes scanning his form for any sign of injury.

"Dear child, what has happened here?" the grandmother inquires, her voice a soothing balm amidst the chaos. "Are you hurt?"

Sasha's breath comes in ragged gasps as he struggles to compose himself, his gaze flickering between Jade and the concerned faces surrounding him. "I... I'm fine," he manages to choke out, though the pain in his voice betrays his words. "It's nothing... just a scratch."

But the grandmother's keen eyes miss nothing, and she sees through Sasha's feeble attempt to downplay his injuries. With a gentle touch, she examines the wound on his side, her expression grave as she assesses the extent of the damage.

"It's more than just a scratch, my dear," the grandmother murmurs, her voice becoming tinged. "You're lucky it's not worse."

She tends to Sasha's injuries with practiced skill, her thoughts turn to the source of the conflict that has erupted among them.

"Where is the destiny string, child?" she asks, her tone gentle yet insistent. 

Jade meets the grandmother's gaze, her own eyes becoming fierce.

"It's... complicated," she replies, "Sasha and I had a bit of a...," she glanced at Sasha who was giving her a death glare,"A bit of an argument."

"A bit of an argument?" the grandmother yelled, "You two could have almost killed each other!"

With a loud sigh, the grandmother hesitantly accepts Jade's words, knowing that there are truths yet to be revealed and wounds yet to be healed. She tends to Sasha's injuries and soothes the tensions that threaten to tear them apart, she knows that their family's bond will only grow stronger in the face of adversity.

Her eyes fell down to see the string laying peacefully on Sasha's disheveled hair. 

"And why were you two fighting in the room with the box?" the grandmother said firmly.

Sasha tried to arise at his feet and pull accusations out of his pocket but the wound's pain was inevitable and he quickly fell to the floor again.

"I saw Sasha interfering with the string," Jade announced.

"I saw him too!" Trivan chimed.

The revelation sent shockwaves through the gathered crowd, their murmurs of disbelief mingling with gasps of indignation. All eyes turned to Sasha, who lay writhing on the floor, his face contorted with pain and guilt.

The grandmother's expression hardened as she looked down at Sasha with disgust, her disappointment palpable. "Sasha?" she questioned, her voice heavy with accusation.

Sasha's breath came in ragged gasps as he struggled to form a coherent response, his mind racing as he searched for a way to deflect blame and salvage his crumbling facade. But at that moment, there was no escaping the truth: his actions had been exposed, his deceit laid bare for all to see.

As the weight of his betrayal settled upon him like a leaden shroud, Sasha knew that he had lost more than just the battle with Jade. He had lost the trust and respect of those he had sought to manipulate, and in doing so, he had sealed his fate.

Though Sasha was in serious agony, he pushed himself up from the floor, his wounded side throbbing with each movement. Ignoring the pain coursing through his body, he fixates on the destiny string clutched in the grandmother's hands, his fingers twitching with anticipation.

In a swift and reckless motion, Sasha lunges forward, snatching the string from the grandmother's grasp before anyone can react. The gathered crowd gasps in shock and disbelief, their voices rising in a chorus of protest as Sasha makes a break for the door, his steps faltering with each agonizing stride.

Jade moves to stop him, her eyes burning into his skin, but Sasha's wounded pride and desperation fuel his flight. He dodges her outstretched hand, pushing past her with a surge of adrenaline-fueled strength. His vision begins to blur but he refuses to be deterred.

Outside, the night air greets Sasha like a cruel reminder of his folly, the darkness swallowing him whole as he stumbles into the unknown. With each step, the weight of his actions bears down upon him, the realization of his betrayal a heavy burden upon his soul.

But despite the darkness that threatens to consume him, Sasha presses on, his greed for Amara's destiny unwavering as he disappears into the shadows. For in his mind, there is no turning back. He has chosen his path, and now he must face the consequences, whatever they may be.