
Unorthodox God: I’m A Trap!

Everett woke up in a new body, in a new world. Now, with a super overpowered system, and a brand new bloodline, how will he uncover the secrets of the world alongside his slightly strange family! Did I mention, he’s a trap? And, maybe his family is a little close… Too close? Read as he gets strong enough to combat gods, discovering the hidden history of his home world, and even recruiting those from across the universes to help him. ———————————— femboyxboy, femboyxgirl, feet stuff, all the shabang! If you know me then you know how I write so I hope you enjoy!

PinkPlague · Cómic
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14 Chs

Waking Up.

Chapter One, Waking Up.

He groggily blinked, sitting up on his bed and pulling the covers off. He put his feet on the floor.

It was cold.

"Hardwood?" Everett muttered, struggling to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

With a yawn, he peered through the darkness. Though, the sight that greeted him wasn't one that he was familiar with.

"Who the hell?…" He whispered, looking at the slim thick pale thighs, and soft and dainty hands under his vision.

He lifted his leg, looking past his hands as he watched the pale knees respond to his commands.

He rolled his ankle around, taking note of the pink and the joint that was clearly soft to the eye.

At the tip of the small foot was five toes that wiggled around with a strange range of motion.

"What is happening…" He questioned, bringing a hand to his face as he completely ripped the rest of the blanket off.

Instinctively he stood up, his feet softly touching the ground.

With each step, he watched as his short but meaty legs moved, not even knowing where he was taking himself.

His free hand raised itself, pressing a button as he stepped through a door way.

He made a sharp turn, stopping in his tracks as he stared at his reflection.

With the lights only being dimmed, Everett removed the petite hand from his face.

What greeted him was out of his wildest imaginations…

A doughy face, with pink cheeks. A slim but perfectly shaped jaw. His nose was slightly big, but upturned, quite literally it might have been the prettiest nose he had ever seen. He had long lashes, and slim but well shaped eyebrows. His eyes were big, huge even, but most noticeably, they were almost a golden color. A bright milky hazel, yellow even. As for his hair, it was short, and midnight black, not even reaching his shoulders.

His fingers touched his cheek, turning his head both directions. He intently examined what he saw in his mirror, a small smile creeping up on his face.

His perfectly straight and pearly white teeth were revealed, making him smile even further.

His gaze turned downwards, his free hand finding its way to the waist band of... the female underwear he wore.

Pulling it back, his eyes widened, and his jaw dropped.

"I"M STILL A GUY!" Everett yelled, a confused yet ecstatic grin on his face.

[Congratulations, you have successfully inherited the {Trap System}!]

A purple screen appeared in front of his eyes, covering the two inch flaccid beast in his pants.

"AND A FUCKING SYSTEM??!" He screamed in a hushed tone, falling to his knees.

Tears of joy welled up in his eyes as he reached for his hair, pure shock and happiness coursing through his body.



[Name: Everett Wyte]

[Achievement(s): 0]

[Age: 17 Years 346 Days]

[Class: - ]

[Level: 1 (0%)]

[Body Type: Trap/Femboy]

[Species: Human ?]

[Enhancements: - ]


STR - 7 DEX - 15

END - 10 AGI - 15

INT - 10 WIS - 8

CHA - 35 LUK - 10


Staring at the purple screen, it was almost pure ecstasy welling up within his soul. Everett huffed and puffed, with a hand on small but soft chest.

He could see the tabs at the top of his system screen.

Skills and Enhancements, Store, Roulette, Family Tree, Quests.

These were the five tabs he saw, and despite being a little confused by one, Everett couldn't wait to spend time going through all of them.

But, maybe that time wasn't just yet, as he heard a loud thud resound throughout the house he was in.


It was like something fell. Of course, Everett was startled by it.

He got up from his knees and and turned the bathroom light off.

"Is someone here?" He crept to the door to his room, taking note of how incredibly dark it was in his house.

Thinking about it, his mind was hazy, but he could feel memories slowly coming to him.

He didn't think he lived alone, but who was it that he lived with?

He slowly slid open the door, peaking his head out into the hallway.

The hallway was big with many doors, and after glancing down to his right, he could see a dim yellow light coming through a crack in the door.

He took a second to peer out the window at the end of the hall, and absorb the view, but after that, he stepped a foot out of his doorway.

His heel touched the cold floor, the rest of his sole following after. He stuck to the wall, slithering down the hall silently.

"Someone is definitely here." He muttered, getting closer to the light.

He could hear some sounds, someone's voice maybe. He couldn't make out any words, really they were just noises.

But, even then, maybe something was wrong with his hearing.

Despite being so close, he couldn't hear so well...

Having approached, Everett stood on his tiptoes, making sure to lean against the door frame and not the slightly cracked open door itself.

His big yellow eye lined up with the opening, adjusting to the light and peering inside.

What greeted him was another completely shocking surprise...

A teen boy, maybe just a little older than Everett himself. But that wasn't the shocking part.

What was most shocking was the pair of underwear in his mouth...

And apart from that, what was even more shocking was the massive dick residing within one of his hands...

Everett's eyes fully expanded, a shocked hand covering his mouth to prevent any noises from coming out.

The boy in the room was completely naked, his dick wet, oozing a clear liquid from it's tip. 

He bit onto the underwear, moaning and smelling it at the same time.

Everett watched as the boy's hand smoothly moved up and down at a decent pace. Noticeably, Everett would've been able to fit well more than two hands on it.

But... why was he thinking about that?

Everett bit his finger, his memories starting to resurface just a little.

"That's... That's Noah. My brother...."




Chapter one!

Leave paragraph comments they make me want to write more!

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