
UNMEI : Whispers of The Curse and Blessing

In a world on the brink of collapse, four individuals with conflicting motives are inexplicably drawn together by a shared mission: to save humanity for their own gains. As they navigate their own agendas and personal struggles, they must grudgingly unite their skills to confront a global threat. Betrayal, danger, and self-interest clash as they race against time to secure their own futures while saving the world from destruction. In a world teeming with diverse creatures, from gods and humans to angels and devils, the balance of power is defined by Neba and Zeten. Neba, a divine blessing, imbues individuals with mystical energy, while Zeten, a sinister curse, manifests as an elemental aura. Neba: A divine blessing that grants individuals mystical energy. Users can enhance their abilities through rigorous training and consistent usage. Mastery of Neba empowers individuals to reach their full potential, with 100% representing peak efficiency. Zeten: A sinister curse that envelops individuals in an elemental aura. Mastery requires heeding cryptic whispers and completing their tasks to enhance Zeten power and ability mastery. Overuse of Zeten can lead to loss of control, transforming individuals into powerful yet uncontrollable entities. In this world, mastering Neba and Zeten is the key to unlocking untold power and facing the challenges of an ever-shifting landscape filled with danger and opportunity.

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58 Chs

Chapter 33: Warrior's Resolve

Dune and Ned faced the towering red golem, its immense form casting a menacing shadow over them.

Despite its size, Dune and Ned knew they had to work together to bring it down. Dune tightened his grip on his sword, ready for close combat, while Ned's eyes glowed with the power of his red Zeten.

Ned was the first to strike. With a swift motion, he unleashed a flurry of red wind slashes, each one cutting through the air with deadly precision.

The golem roared as one of its massive arms was severed by Ned's attack, the limb crashing to the ground with a thundering impact.

The golem, undeterred, swung its remaining arm towards them, a deadly arc that threatened to crush them both.

Dune moved with agility and precision, sidestepping the golem's attack. His heart pounded with the thrill of the fight, but his mind remained sharp, analyzing every move.

As the golem's arm passed harmlessly by, Dune darted forward, his sword flashing in the dim light. He slashed at the golem's leg, but the creature's tough exterior absorbed the blow without faltering.

Meanwhile, Ned continued his assault from behind. He concentrated, his red Zeten glowing brighter as he summoned more wind slashes.

The air around him seemed to shimmer with energy, each slash tearing through the golem's defenses. The golem stumbled but remained standing, its eyes fixed on Dune.

Dune used this moment of distraction to his advantage. He ducked and rolled under the golem's legs, coming up behind it.

With a swift, practiced motion, he drove his sword into the back of the golem's knee, weakening its stance. The golem howled in pain, its balance wavering.

Ned saw his chance. With a final, powerful strike, he slashed at the golem's other leg. The red wind cut deep, severing the limb. The golem lost its balance and began to topple, its massive body crashing to the ground.

As it fell, Dune leaped onto its back, running up towards its head. With a fierce battle cry, he swung his sword in a wide arc, decapitating the golem with one clean strike.

The golem's head rolled away, its body collapsing into a heap of glowing red embers.

Dune and Ned dashed forward to help their friends. They saw one more golem fall; it was Atlas's doing.

Atlas, of course, managed to kill the monster alone. His purple Zeten was strong and enhanced, its power even more formidable.

Atlas shouted, "I'll help the brothers! You two go help Cadogan!"

"Alright," Dune said as he and Ned ran to aid Cadogan. When they arrived, they saw a brutal scene: both Cadogan and Matiane were drenched in blood, their bodies exhausted from the fight. Cadogan attacked relentlessly, but Matiane blocked each strike and countered with deadly precision.

Dune leaped into the fray, slashing his sword towards Matiane. Matiane sidestepped the attack and aimed a punch infused with red Neba at Dune.

Dune dodged and countered with a punch to Matiane's face. Matiane was pushed back, wiping blood from his lip with a grin. "Oho," he taunted.

Suddenly, a red wind slash from Ned struck Matiane, sending him sprawling to the ground and severing his hand.

"You! I should kill you first," Matiane snarled, glaring at Ned. He dashed towards him, his eyes burning with fury.

But just as Matiane closed in on Ned, Atlas appeared, stabbing him in the chest. Blood flowed from Matiane's mouth as he fell to the ground. "Die," Atlas said coldly.

Matiane's body hit the ground, his eyes still open. The silence that followed was heavy with the weight of their victory.

But he was not dead.

Despite the blow, Matiane's eyes flashed with determination. He used his remaining Neba to pull himself up, his body trembling with the effort. "This isn't over," he growled.

Dune, Ned, and Cadogan readied themselves, circling Matiane. Cadogan's breathing was ragged, but his resolve was unshaken. "This time, you won't get away," he vowed.

Matiane summoned the last of his strength, his remaining hand glowing with an intense red light. He unleashed a barrage of fiery blasts, forcing the trio to scatter. Dune rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the scorching flames.

He sprinted towards Matiane, slashing with his sword. Matiane parried the strike with his glowing arm, the force of the impact sending shockwaves through the air.

Ned, from a distance, focused his energy. He created a whirlwind of red wind slashes, aiming them precisely at Matiane.

The wind tore through the battlefield, striking Matiane from multiple angles. Matiane grunted in pain, his body battered by the relentless assault.

Cadogan saw an opening and charged forward, his sword poised for a decisive strike. But Matiane was quicker.

He blocked Cadogan's attack with his remaining hand, the force of the clash causing sparks to fly. "You're persistent, I'll give you that," Matiane sneered.

Atlas joined the fray, his purple Zeten flaring with power. He launched a series of rapid punches, each one infused with Neba.

Matiane was overwhelmed, struggling to defend against the onslaught. Atlas's final punch landed squarely on Matiane's chest, driving him back.

Gasping for breath, Matiane staggered but refused to fall. "Is that all you've got?" he spat, his voice defiant.

Atlas, seeing Matiane's momentary distraction, seized the opportunity. He darted forward, his purple Zeten sword cutting through the air.

With a powerful slash, he struck Matiane's remaining arm, severing it. Matiane howled in agony, his strength finally waning.

Ned and Cadogan pressed their advantage. Ned's wind slashes bombarded Matiane, while Cadogan's strikes found their mark. Matiane, now defenseless and bleeding profusely, fell to his knees.

Dune stepped forward, his eyes cold and unwavering. With a swift, final motion, he drove his sword into Matiane's heart. "One" Dune whispered. Matiane's eyes widened in shock, then glazed over as his life slipped away.

The battlefield grew silent once more, the echoes of their struggle fading into the distance.

As they regrouped, the weight of their actions settled upon them. They had taken a significant step in their journey, but the path ahead remained uncertain and fraught with danger. Yet, in that moment, they stood united, their resolve stronger than ever.