
UNMEI : Whispers of The Curse and Blessing

In a world on the brink of collapse, four individuals with conflicting motives are inexplicably drawn together by a shared mission: to save humanity for their own gains. As they navigate their own agendas and personal struggles, they must grudgingly unite their skills to confront a global threat. Betrayal, danger, and self-interest clash as they race against time to secure their own futures while saving the world from destruction. In a world teeming with diverse creatures, from gods and humans to angels and devils, the balance of power is defined by Neba and Zeten. Neba, a divine blessing, imbues individuals with mystical energy, while Zeten, a sinister curse, manifests as an elemental aura. Neba: A divine blessing that grants individuals mystical energy. Users can enhance their abilities through rigorous training and consistent usage. Mastery of Neba empowers individuals to reach their full potential, with 100% representing peak efficiency. Zeten: A sinister curse that envelops individuals in an elemental aura. Mastery requires heeding cryptic whispers and completing their tasks to enhance Zeten power and ability mastery. Overuse of Zeten can lead to loss of control, transforming individuals into powerful yet uncontrollable entities. In this world, mastering Neba and Zeten is the key to unlocking untold power and facing the challenges of an ever-shifting landscape filled with danger and opportunity.

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58 Chs

Chapter 14: Judgment Of Mortals

Opening his eyes, his heart pounding in his chest as he gasped for air. His hand instinctively went to his chest, feeling the lingering ache of pain.

How was he still alive? He vividly remembered the moment Matiane's blade pierced his heart alongside his brother and Atlas.

As Dune's breathing steadied, He slowly rose to his feet, taking in his surroundings with a mixture of confusion and disbelief.

The sight before him was overwhelming, a multitude of people scattered about, some bewildered, others engaged in conversation or combat.

The sheer number of them was staggering, and they all seemed to be within a colossal building that stretched endlessly upward, its upper floors shrouded in darkness.

Beneath their feet, the ground was covered in grass, a stark contrast to the imposing structure they found themselves in.

Ahead of him, ten statues sat upon gigantic throne-like seats, each towering thirty meters high.

The dimly lit surroundings were bathed in an eerie red glow emanating from colossal torches, casting long shadows across the expansive space.

Dune stood in awe and uncertainty, unsure of what to make of this surreal scene.

Dune was perplexed as he noticed a girl with black hair and eyes lost in her own thoughts nearby.

Approaching her cautiously, he inquired, "Hello, excuse me... can you tell me where we are? Or what's going on?"

The girl glanced up at him before responding,

She turned sharply, her black eyes narrowing. "Another newbie, huh?" she said, her tone laced with bitterness.

"I'm Nely. Been here longer than you, apparently."

Dune nodded,"I'm Dune. Do you have any idea what this place is?"

Nely glanced at his scarred eye and smirked slightly. "Nice to meet you, Scar.

This temple's a prison, or a test. Depends on how you look at it. Thousands of us, all trapped, no escape. Only way out is to survive."

Scar Huh? I guess I've been called worse.

Nely rose to her feet, her expression troubled. I've been here for six hours, and you've been asleep there for few hours.

Nobody can escape this place. Some have tried to approach that giant door or the statues, but an invisible barrier prevents them from going further."

Few more minutes passed and Dune decided to take a walk.. Nely followed him behind.

As they navigated the temple together, Dune broke the silence. "Why are you following me? And what's your power?" he asked.

Nely's voice carried a hint of regret as she confessed, "it's better to make a team, can't you see ? Everyone else is doing same thing, who knows what will happen?..about the second question, I have the power to manipulate fire, ..

…but sometimes I wish I had something to fight fire instead."

Then she raised an eyebrow. "But now don't expect me to save you if you get in over your head."

Nely's smile masked the momentary vulnerability in her eyes as she swiftly changed the subject, " Enough about me, Shorty. What's your plan for getting out of this mess.

Shorty? Really?… Dune sighed

He pondered her words for a moment before asking, "Nely, did you die before coming here?"

Nely looked at him with confusion. "Yeah? How did you know?"

Realization dawned on Dune. "I died too. If that's the case, then my friends and brother could be here somewhere. I have to find them."

Before he could make a move, a voice resonated from the statues, Causing one of them to rise from its throne.

Whispers rippled through the vast crowd as thousands of humans gazed up at the towering 30-meter-tall statue, its imposing figure casting a shadow over the gathered mortals.

With only two glowing red eyes and a mouth visible amidst the darkness of its face, the statue exuded an aura of power and authority.

As the other statues followed suit, revealing their own crimson eyes, a palpable tension filled the air.

Then, the statue standing in the center began to speak, its voice echoing across the expanse with a commanding presence that sent chills down the spines of all who listened.

"Mortals, humans," it boomed, each word dripping with disdain. "You lowly beings, striving to eke out your pitiful existence in this world. Weak and pathetic creatures, unable to even best the weakest apostles of the gods. Your frailty is a curse upon you all."

A hushed silence fell over the crowd as the god continued, its voice resonating with an otherworldly power.

"But fear not, for today shall mark a turning point in your wretched existence. The gods, in their benevolence, have deigned to answer your prayers. Ten of you, chosen by fate, shall be bestowed with the blessings of ten gods."

The god's words carried a weight of divine authority, instilling both awe and fear in the hearts of the mortals below.

"Though you may receive only a fraction of our power, it shall suffice to elevate you beyond your wildest dreams," it declared.

"Be grateful, mortals, for the gods have deemed you worthy of their favor. Praise the one true God, the Lord, the arbiter of justice and fairness."

As the god finished its speech, a brief silence descended upon the crowd, only to be shattered by the cacophony of mockery and insults hurled by the humans below. "Gods? Don't make me laugh!" they jeered. "Let us go, you pieces of shits!"

But amidst the chaos, a figure emerged below the towering god. Clad in a black robe and mask, the mysterious human raised both hands into the air.

In a heartbeat, shock rippled through the crowd as humans began to explode, their heads bursting one after another as if by some unseen force.

Panic swept through the throngs of mortals, but the god's voice boomed, commanding attention.

"Enough!" it thundered, freezing every human in place. "You poor things," the god

continued, its tone laced with disdain.

"You brought this upon yourselves by disrespecting the kindness of the gods."

With a sense of grim satisfaction, the god proclaimed, "Now the gods shall revel in the spectacle you have wrought. Remember, I only require the ten of you.

" The air crackled with tension as the mortals absorbed the gravity of their situation, knowing that only the chosen few would escape the impending fate that awaited them.

The figure beneath the towering god, clad in a black robe and mask, raised his hands once more.

A purple Neba enveloped him, and with a gesture, he summoned hundreds of deadly creatures.

Some were taller than him, while others stood as tall as the god himself. With thunderous force, the creatures crashed against the barrier surrounding the crowd.

"In exactly one minute, the barrier will be deactivated," the god's voice boomed, echoing across the expanse. "And then, the creatures will begin to feast upon all of you."

The pronouncement sent shockwaves through the assembled masses. Some broke into panicked flight, others collapsed in tears, while some simply stared, transfixed by the looming threat before them. Amidst the chaos, voices rose in desperation, pleading for guidance.

"What do we do?!" cried out one terrified soul.

But the god offered only a single, commanding word in response: "SURVIVE"

As people scattered in every direction, a massive gate swung open, revealing a sprawling landscape beyond.

Without hesitation, the fleeing masses surged towards the open gateway, seeking escape from the impending danger.

Amidst the chaos, Dune searched frantically for his companions, his mind racing with worry.

Suddenly, Nely grabbed his arm, shaking him from his reverie. "Oi, wake up! We need to run!" she urged, her voice urgent.

With a surge of adrenaline, they sprinted forward, but Dune struggled to keep pace, falling behind the determined Nely.

"Why are you so slow?" Nely questioned, her confusion evident.

Then, with hesitation, she stopped and bowed, gesturing for Dune to climb onto her shoulders.

Initially hesitant, Dune relented, clinging to Nely as she propelled them forward with astonishing speed.

"How are you so fast?"

"How are you so slow? Short? And ugly?"



Surpassing the fleeing crowd, they reached the edge of the land, where the building perched atop a floating island.

Below them stretched another vast island, cloaked in dense forest. With unwavering resolve, Nely leaped from the precipice, hurtling towards the forested expanse below.

Holding on tightly to Nely, Dune watched in awe as they descended. Despite the dizzying drop, Nely landed gracefully, unscathed by the perilous journey.

Dune realized the extent of Nely's bravery and the power of Neba that she wielded.

Speechless, Dune could only offer a grateful smile to his courageous companion as they stood amidst the lush greenery of the forest.

As thousands of Zetens leaped from the main island, plunging into the forest below in a desperate bid for survival, Nely and Dune raced through the dense foliage as fast as their legs could carry them.

Strange plants and creatures loomed in the shadows, unfamiliar to them, as if they had entered a realm entirely separate from their own.

They could heae screams of other Zetens.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the undergrowth, wielding an axe crackling with Yellow Neba.

What? … With lightning reflexes, Dune dodged the oncoming attack and retaliated with a punch to the assailant's gut, only to find his blow ineffective against the Zeten enhanced foe.

However, Nely swiftly intervened, delivering a powerful kick that sent the attacker hurtling into a nearby tree with a resounding crash.

With the immediate threat subdued, Nely and Dune pressed on through the wilderness, their hearts pounding with adrenaline-fueled urgency.

Eventually, they reached the banks of an enormous river, its far shore obscured from view. In a display of her unique ability, Nely conjured a boat from her Orange Neba, leaving Dune in awe of her capabilities.

Without hesitation, they boarded the makeshift vessel and pushed off into the swift current, propelled by the determination to survive at any cost.

Though uncertain of their destination, they were united in their resolve to weather whatever challenges lay ahead