
UNMEI : Whispers of The Curse and Blessing

In a world on the brink of collapse, four individuals with conflicting motives are inexplicably drawn together by a shared mission: to save humanity for their own gains. As they navigate their own agendas and personal struggles, they must grudgingly unite their skills to confront a global threat. Betrayal, danger, and self-interest clash as they race against time to secure their own futures while saving the world from destruction. In a world teeming with diverse creatures, from gods and humans to angels and devils, the balance of power is defined by Neba and Zeten. Neba, a divine blessing, imbues individuals with mystical energy, while Zeten, a sinister curse, manifests as an elemental aura. Neba: A divine blessing that grants individuals mystical energy. Users can enhance their abilities through rigorous training and consistent usage. Mastery of Neba empowers individuals to reach their full potential, with 100% representing peak efficiency. Zeten: A sinister curse that envelops individuals in an elemental aura. Mastery requires heeding cryptic whispers and completing their tasks to enhance Zeten power and ability mastery. Overuse of Zeten can lead to loss of control, transforming individuals into powerful yet uncontrollable entities. In this world, mastering Neba and Zeten is the key to unlocking untold power and facing the challenges of an ever-shifting landscape filled with danger and opportunity.

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58 Chs

Chapter 10: Fall of Fein ( 6 )

The forest loomed ahead as Dune and his companions raced towards it, their breaths coming in ragged gasps after covering over ten kilometers without pause.

Just as they reached the edge of the trees, a crimson portal materialized before them, and from its swirling depths emerged a figure—Matiane.

"Well, well, well," Matiane taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "Did you think I forgot about you?" With deliberate slowness, he advanced towards them, each step echoing with the weight of impending danger.

Ned's voice cut through the tension. "What do you want from us? Why did you chase us all the way here?"

But Matiane offered no answers, only a sinister laugh. "You'll see soon," he teased, his intentions shrouded in mystery. Suddenly, he appeared in front of Ned, poised for attack, but before he could strike, a powerful blow sent him hurtling backwards.

Atlas stood before them, his fist ablaze with purple Neba. Matiane's shock was palpable. "Purple? Haha, unbelievable! They will love you so much, boy," he mocked, his laughter ringing through the air.

Dune's mind raced as he assessed the situation. What did Matiane want? And why were they the targets of his relentless pursuit? His gaze shifted to Amanda, her expression worn and fearful.

"Let's settle this," Dune proposed, his voice firm. "You only need Zetens, right? Then let Amanda go."

Matiane's smile was chillingly confident. "Sure, sure," he agreed, but Amanda interrupted. "I'll stay," she declared, her resolve unwavering.

Dune insisted otherwise. "You've got to go. Someone has to take information to Rendely and let others know what happened in Fein. You're the only one who can do it."

Amanda wanted to Say something but Dune didn't let her, With a hesitant nod, Amanda turned and fled, leaving the boys to face the looming threat alone.

As Matiane turned his attention to Dune he suddenly attacked him, confusion clouded Dune's mind. Why was he being targeted when he wasn't even a Zeten?

Fortunately, Atlas intervened once more, launching into a fierce swordfight with Matiane. Purple Neba clashed with a fiery red and orange combination, the battle escalating to a crescendo of intensity amidst the silent shadows of the forest.

As the intense battle unfolded, Dune watched in awe as Atlas clashed swords with Matiane, their movements a blur of speed and precision. Despite Atlas's skillful defense, Matiane's fiery attacks seemed relentless, each strike pushing Atlas further back.

Dune felt a surge of frustration and helplessness. He wanted to join the fight, to protect his friends and stand against this formidable adversary, but he knew his own abilities were limitedAs the intense battle unfolded,

Dune watched in awe as Atlas clashed swords with Matiane, their movements a blur of speed and precision. Despite Atlas's skillful defense, Matiane's fiery attacks seemed relentless, each strike pushing Atlas further back.

Dune felt a surge of frustration and helplessness. He wanted to join the fight, to protect his friends and stand against this formidable adversary, but he knew his own abilities were limited

Dune's voice pierced through the chaos, urging his friends to action. "Why are you all standing? Let's help Atlas. If he dies, we all die too!" Without hesitation, the twins sprang into action.

Liam and Ezra, known for their lethal leg fighting style, unleashed a flurry of attacks enhanced by their Orange Neba and Red Zeten Aura. However, Matiane's speed proved to be unmatched. As Liam moved to strike from behind, Matiane pivoted effortlessly, seizing Liam by the neck.

Meanwhile, Atlas summoned a sword forged from his purple Neba, poised to assist Liam. But before he could strike, two additional hands, bathed in a fiery red-orange aura, sprouted from Matiane's back, intercepting Atlas's blade.

With a powerful blow, Atlas was sent hurtling through the air, his chest bearing the brunt of the attack.

As Matiane tightened his grip on Liam, a yellow aura emanated from his hand, coalescing into a sword with a unique design—a combination of sword and cross. The sight left everyone stunned.

With lethal precision, Matiane aimed to strike Liam down, but in a sudden flurry of motion, Liam vanished, replaced by Ezra who appeared in front of Matiane in an instant.

Caught off guard, Matiane reeled from Ezra's kick to the face, though the blow failed to inflict significant damage. "Oh ho, that was surprising," Matiane chuckled.

"So that's your ability, switching places… Interesting " His laughter echoed through the clearing, masking the tension that gripped the scene.

Meanwhile, Ned and Dune observed from the sidelines, their minds racing with the weight of the situation.

Dune knew exactly what his brother was contemplating, and Ned wrestled with the temptation to unleash his Zeten powers to aid their allies. Yet, the risk of harm to his friends and brother loomed large.

The air grew thick with anticipation, a palpable tension enveloping everyone present.

Matiane sensed it too, a powerful aura swirling around them, emanating from Atlas. It was a formidable presence, one that sent shivers down Matiane's spine. But as the crew members observed, they recognized the unmistakable energy of Atlas's Purple Zeten.

Atlas emerged, cloaked in a dark purple aura, his very presence commanding the attention of all. With a swift motion, he summoned countless portals, each releasing birds with eerie purple auras and haunting human-like faces.

The creatures swarmed towards Matiane with alarming speed, prompting a grim acknowledgment from him.

Reacting swiftly, Matiane conjured a sword wreathed in red aura, slashing through the oncoming horde.

But as one of the creatures' blood splattered on his cheek, a searing pain shot through him, leaving a gaping hole in his flesh. Shocked and bewildered, Matiane recoiled, realizing too late the true nature of Atlas's plan.

The birds, instead of attacking directly, enveloped Matiane, their bodies bursting in a violent explosion that showered the area with their purple blood.

Matiane was bathed in the purple blood, Trees and grass alike sizzled and charred under the corrosive liquid, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

In the aftermath, Atlas closed in on the incapacitated Matiane, his hand wielding a long katana forged from Zeten aura. Despite Matiane's attempts to evade, the blade extended unnaturally, slicing through his hand with brutal efficiency.

Enraged and in agony, Matiane unleashed a burst of blinding yellow light, a last-ditch effort to retaliate. The force of the explosion sent Atlas reeling backward, his body battered and bruised.

As the light faded, Matiane emerged, His face marred by burns and exposed flesh, his eye gleaming with a manic fervor. Yet, even in his battered state, a chilling smile played across his lips—a grim reminder of his unwavering resolve.

Watching from the sidelines, the crew members knew that intervening would only disrupt Atlas's carefully laid plan. With grim determination, they resolved to stand witness to the outcome, knowing that any interference could tip the scales in an unpredictable direction.

Atlas confronted Matiane, his gaze piercing through the haze of battle as he questioned the masked man's motives. "What is your goal? Why are you trying to kill us? You're a Zeten yourself," Atlas asserted, seeking answers amidst the chaos.

In response, Matiane's laughter echoed through the tumultuous air, his demeanor unyielding. "I'm not one of you," he retorted vehemently.

"You Zetens are a flaw in this world, and all of you should die. I was bestowed power by a god to fulfill his desires, and I will do so, no matter what."

As Matiane's tattered garments fell away, revealing his bare chest, Atlas's keen eyesight failed to discern the telltale cross tattoo that marked a true Zeten.

Despite his enhanced vision fueled by Neba, the absence of the tattoo perplexed him. "How is that possible?" Atlas pondered aloud, his mind racing to comprehend the enigma before him.

Matiane had wielded three distinct types of auras, yet he bore no Zeten mark—defying all logic and reason.

Meanwhile, Dune stood lost in contemplation, his thoughts consumed by the implications of Matiane's claims. If indeed a god had granted him additional Neba, what did it signify?

Was there a divine purpose behind the eradication of Zetens—a fear of their untapped potential, or something more sinister lurking in the shadows? The questions swirled in Dune's mind, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the unfolding events.

Matiane's laughter reverberated through the battlefield, his body enveloped in a crimson aura as his wounds began to mend, save for his hand, which remained closed, defying regeneration.

Yet, there was no hint of concern on Matiane's countenance; instead, he let out a sigh, directing his gaze skyward.

"Let's bring this to a close. It's been entertaining," Matiane declared, his words tinged with an air of finality. The atmosphere grew oppressively dense, suffocating even the faintest breath.

Dune, though not accustomed to such displays of power, sensed the ominous presence looming overhead—an unsettling sensation that gripped him with dread.

From Matiane's being emerged a dark, bloody-red Neba, coalescing into a cross-shaped sword in his grasp. His mutterings to himself, barely audible yet chilling to the core, echoed through the air, reaching the ears of the crew.

"God of war, accept this offering from me," Matiane intoned solemnly, his steps deliberate as he advanced toward the crew. "Five souls and the flaw of the world, as you requested.

I shall fulfill my promise and duty to you. You granted me power, and I shall repay you in kind."

A sinister smile played upon Matiane's lips as he closed the distance between himself and the crew, each step echoing with the weight of impending doom.

The crew braced themselves for the impending onslaught, with Atlas taking point at the forefront, prepared to face Matiane head-on.

However, their resolve faltered as a sudden distress befell the twins, causing them to collapse in agony, their bodies wracked with convulsions and coughing fits. Dune and Ned rushed to their aid, frantic and bewildered by the sudden turn of events.

"What's happening?" Ned's voice rang out, laced with urgency, as he knelt beside the ailing twins, his hands trembling as he attempted to ease their suffering. Matiane's chilling laughter echoed through the air, a cruel testament to his malevolent intentions.

As Atlas turned to face Matiane, a sense of dread washed over him, his senses dulled by the encroaching poison.

With blood trickling from his nose, Atlas realized the gravity of their predicament—the poison had taken hold with lethal efficiency.

"Poison?" Atlas murmured, his voice strained with the effort of standing upright against the debilitating effects.

Matiane's smug demeanor confirmed his suspicions, taunting them with the cruel revelation that they had been unwittingly exposed to his deadly concoction from the moment of their encounter.

"Yeah, that's the poison I bestowed upon you," Matiane sneered, relishing in their helplessness. "Unfortunately, you were too slow to realize it."

Atlas's vision blurred, his strength waning as the poison coursing through his veins robbed him of his ability to wield Neba. With a heavy heart, he glanced back at Dune and Ned, their desperate attempts to save the twins etched with futility.

In a silent exchange with Dune, Atlas conveyed his resolve, a bittersweet smile tugging at his lips. As Dune's anguished cry pierced the air, Matiane seized the opportunity to deliver the final blow, driving his sword deep into Atlas's heart with chilling precision.

"One," Matiane declared, his voice dripping with malice, as darkness enveloped Atlas's consciousness, his sacrifice sealing the fate of their harrowing encounter.

As Atlas's lifeless body plummeted to the ground, consumed by crimson flames, the crew members' cries of anguish pierced the air.

Ned's fury ignited as he made the decisive choice to harness the full might of his power, blending the verdant hues of his Original Green Neba with the fiery intensity of his Red Zeten ability.

With a determined resolve, he prepared to unleash a devastating wind attack capable of shattering mountains. Dune stood in stunned silence, grappling with a sense of helplessness, uncertain of how to respond to the unfolding tragedy.

Ned surged forward towards Matiane, his Original Green Neba ablaze as he amplified his Zeten wind slash ability. Witnessing Ned's determined advance, Matiane's once-confident grin faltered, replaced by a flicker of apprehension.

Reacting swiftly, Matiane materialized before Ned in a blur of motion, intercepting Ned's impending attack before he could fully unleash it.

With a deft stroke of his sword, Matiane severed both of Ned's arms in a single, merciless strike, eliciting a piercing scream of agony from the young boy. Matiane laughed.. "Well that was scary"

Dune rose to his feet, driven by a desperate need to protect his brother. With a heart heavy with uncertainty, he surged towards the unfolding tragedy.

As he drew nearer to Matiane, reality struck him like a blow. His eyes, clouded with tears, fell upon his brother writhing in pain, his arms cruelly severed by Matiane's blade.

Ignoring his own fear and confusion, Dune tightened his grip on his sword and charged at Matiane.

But before he could reach him, Matiane's mocking laughter filled the air. With a swift motion, Matiane delivered a punishing kick to Dune's stomach, sending waves of agony coursing through his body.

Dune doubled over, coughing up blood as he collapsed to the ground beside his fallen brother. In the blink of an eye, Matiane struck Ned down with a final, fatal blow, mirroring Atlas's tragic demise. With a chilling smile, Matiane declared, "Two."

Dune's anguished cry echoed through the desolate landscape, pleading for the nightmare to end.

Tears streamed down his face as he clung to a desperate hope that this was all just a cruel illusion. "No, no, no, no, please," he begged, his voice trembling with disbelief.

His heart shattered as he looked upon his fallen brother, desperately urging him to rise..other side twin brothers, Ezra and Liam were laying on the ground unconscious, Dune felt like he lost everything, But before he could comprehend the depth of his despair, Matiane's merciless onslaught continued.

With a cruel grin, Matiane pressed his foot down upon Dune's face, extinguishing any flicker of hope.

With a swift, brutal motion, he plunged his sword into Dune's heart, sealing his fate with a chilling declaration: "Three." As darkness enveloped him, Dune's mind raced with fragments of memories—of laughter, love, and longing.

He yearned for a future filled with joy and strength, but now, all that remained was an endless abyss of pain and sorrow until...