

Nyctophobia. Intense fear of the darkness or of the Night. It was unexplainable, unfortunately, Luke had no real reason or understanding of what caused this. He was called the unluckiest man alive, but at the same time, he had the ability to conquer most of what was thrown at him. Bored of what this reality had to offer him, Luke was ecstatic to see what Gensis2076 would show him. It was a VRMMORPG created by genius scientist Kenny Smith. It was a game like no other, it was more than realistic. Luke saw this as an opportunity to escape from his rather stagnant lifestyle. Unfortunately for him, no matter where he went, along with his best friend, the only other thing that would follow him was his horrible luck. He had the ability to face off against anything, but what could he do when he was partnered with the one thing he feared the most, the Night. Current Release rate: 3 chapters a week For any queries-mythical.rebirth105@gmail.com Discord- Lil Uzi Hurt#3988 Also, I'm not a professional author and don't consider myself anywhere close to one as well, as I continue to write I can assure you my quality will improve (^_^) // // // Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The cover picture is not owned by me, email me if you want it taken down (^-^)

Myth_7754 · Juegos
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294 Chs

50)Desolate land of Tokihiko

Information trading was one of the best methods of earning money, this was natural considering blacksmithing, sewing, crafting, or such skills were locked until level 100.

Why did KYOJIN do lock such skills until first ascension? according to an article, the company decided to do so to reduce the number of early game PK's

(PK: Player Killing, a term used in games where one player kills another)

If players only focused on skills in the early game they were very much susceptible to PKs, hence, KYOJIN decided to lock such skills or classes until the first ascension, and by then players would at least have the minimum defense.

Smithing was a skill many people wanted to try and learn, of course, it's one of the hardest skills to master but that didn't stop those who wanted to earn money.

Genesis was a hub on transactions, until now people would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for information or mob drops, players like Kira couldn't spend gold coins (In-game currency) since it was nearly impossible for anyone to have more than 50,000 gold coins as of now, since each gold coin was worth around 1 dollar, players would usually pay the price outside Genesis.

(For Kira: 1dollar=1goldcoin=1,116.50 South Korean won)

Was Night aware of the value of gold coins? of course not, but he was still excited to learn, he assumed he'd still earn a good bit if he manages to learn to smith.

Although he now had to cross Tokihiko to enter the Norse kingdom, once again he wasn't really aware of the danger that awaited him.

He didn't find it that cold, mainly because he was lucky enough to buy a fur coat from a shop outside Tokihiko and his Umbrakinesis was used as a defensive aura to give him an extra boost.

Tokihiko, a land feared by many, the ice storms and the extreme weather was enough to drive people away, the region was vast but the majority of Tokihiko was forest land, there was a small town there but it was empty, everyone was busy hiding inside their respective houses, a few that were daring enough were coming back with wood to keep themselves warm.

Nobody cared about Night walking along with Noctis and Shade, in fact, they were quite used to adventurers coming in and trying to save them but almost everyone that tried perished a miserable death or just ran away.

For the past few years, the weather around this part of Genesis was constant until one day Tokihiko experienced proper sunlight for the first time in a long time.

A man, with messy hair and a katana, walked past the town and went straight into the forest, and with a single move, the weather was split apart and for the next few days, the civilians were blessed with proper sunlight.

"I wonder what Master was here for? I should've asked him when I had the chance to," Night said as he let out a frosty sigh, " don't you guys feel cold?"

"It looks like Young Lord Noctis is able to keep himself comfortable without any issue and as for me, the only weather that affects me is harsh sunlight, and that, in turn, makes me stronger as well, My Lord," Shade answered, "My Lord, perhaps it would be better to gather information before we go into the forest? I'm not quite sure what it is but there is some presence in there that irks me, of course, we can even find out what Master Noel was here for, perhaps that would help us out somehow?"

"Hmmm," Night looked at Shade and then tilted his head, " Shade how is it that you have no form, I mean you do but it's just a shadowy figure with bright eyes and other facial features, if you're able to change your appearance then, I think it would be better if you do so, at least for now."

"Of course, My Lord," Shade said before slowly transforming, the shadows around him lifted up and covered him, the snow beneath him slowly turned a little dark until finally, Shade was visible.

A boy who looked like he was in his early 20's, with dark hair and sleek armor that resembled that of a 'Black Knight' but the armor wasn't as heavy, in fact, it looked rather light and comfortable, Shade was definitely a creation of Nyx, he had the same pale skin but instead of starry eyes, he had dark eyes that resembled Noels.

He was in better shape than Night and it looked like he had close to no body fat,

"Damn, you're quite young aren't you? well anyway this form certainly does suit you better, lets go with what you said, we can try and talk to the locals, and hopefully, we manage to get some useful information" Night said while looking at the desolate land of Tokihiko.

CHAPTER 50 !!!

Stay safe out there (^_^)

Anyway if you liked the novel consider voting or dropping a review (^o^)

Once again thank you for reading and Bad luck FTW!

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