
Unlimited wishes

(A/N:I don't own the book cover) Warning:wish fulfilling.CLICKBAIT

Im_Noob17 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs

Saitama power.

Jiro got up from his bed,he walked out of his room.Then he walked towards living room, he looked around before he sit on the sofa.

"I have unlimited wish,but i do not know if the wish will work."

Jiro said with a wry smile,he got up from the sofa.

"Hmmm~ what will be my first wish?Ah that is right,i need to wish a system just like in fanfiction."

"I wish to have a system."

Jiro said excitedly since he read some system fanfic and novel,however a minute have passed but nothing happened.

"What happene-?"

Before he can continue,something interupted him it have a mechanical voice.When Jiro heard this,he smiled since he already know that this is system.

[Ding!a conqueror system has found a target.]

[Ding!the conqueror system is now installing 0%.]

[Ding!the conqueror system is now completely bound with host.]

Jiro made a beautiful smiled,before he said with a low voice.


When Jiro said that,a blue hologram suddenly appeared in front of him.


L/N:(No last name/orphan.)












Jiro laughed silently,it take for a while before he stopped.

"System i wish to have unlimited life."

[Ding!congratulations host for having unlimited life.]

[Ding!host just received Kōsoku saisei by having a unlimited life.]

"So i just received a skill?or a technique?*sigh*i dont know what is Kōsoku saisei."

Jiro sigh before he said with a confused tone,but he decided to shrugged it off.

"Hmmm~system my second wish is to have a Saitama power from One Punch Man without losing a single strand of my hair."

Jiro said excitedly since he will have a power of Saitama who can kill a monster with a single punch.

[Ding!congratulations host for having a power of Saitama.]

[Ding!host just received a serious punch by having the power of Saitama.]

[Ding!host just received a aura of the death by having the power of Saitama.]

When Jiro heard the system,he felt a unknown energy entering his body crazily.

*Clamp* *Clamp*

A crispy resounding in the room,after a while the crispy sound stop.

Jiro smiled,before he touch his head.

"So i received a power of Saitama without losing a single hair."

Jiro can feel that his body was brimming in power,clenching his fist he really wanted to try hsi strength but he stopped himself since he did not want to cause a serious damage in the near house.

"I must go in the forest or mountain,since it have a large space and less people."

Jiro said as he walked out of the house,of course since Jiro was new here after an hour Jiro got lost.

*Sigh*"I forgot that i just arrived here and did not know the way to go in the mountain or some forest.Better to ask the direction of a near mountain or forest in some strange-Ohh that is right i almost forgot that one of the function of some system have a navigation."


When Jiro said that,a blue hologram with a white dot which must be him.

"System can you show me the nearest mountain?or some forest."

While jiro is asking the system he is walking in some deserted area,unknowingly he arrived in some kind of abandoned warehouse.

Jiro stopped in front of the abandoned warehouse before he looked around,when he see that there is not a single person around he entered since it was a perfect timing.

Although he did not find some mountain or forest,he find a abandoned warehouse.

While Jiro is entering the abandoned warehouse,he could hear some sword fight sound.


"Eh?is not that a sound of a sword fighting."

Jiro said with a confused face,how come that there are sword fight in the abandoned warehouse.

When Jiro arrived in the middle of the abandoned warehouse,he can now clearly heard the sword fight.


This time Jiro can hear the sword fight sound clearly,the sound of a sword fight came from above.

Jiro slowly looked above,and when he looked up he can see a human with a bat wings in their back and another human with a black wings and they use a sword to fight.

"Eh?why did they have a sword?and isn't that just a sword that can buy in a shop?are they playing or not?"

Jiro asked in his mind as he watched the fallen angel and the devil to clash their sword.

"Hey,fallen angel are not you gonna surrender?It seems that i have an advantage in this fight."

The human with bat wings said,he have a brown hair,black eyes,normal face but he have a bat wings on his back.


"Me,going to surrender in some kind of stray devil no way!"


They continued their fight without noticing Jiro since Jiro have only a faint tiny mana within him,Jiro looked around and when he see a branch of tree he picked it up before he put in his front.

Jiro stepped on the branch of the tree.


When the fallen angel and the stray devil heard this,they stop their sword fight they looked towards Jiro and said at the same time.

"A human!"

Jiro looked at them before pointed his finger on his nose and asked them with a confused tone.


This slightly infuriated the stray devil,the devil shouted before he fly towards Jiro.

"That is right!,are not you a human?"

Jiro did not answer the devil,and when the sword was about to slash his head he can hear a woman voice.

"Watch out human!"

Although the sword was already on his neck,Jiro looked above and he can see a man figure he have a green hair with a Shoulder length,and flat with black wings on his back.

Jiro looked weirdly at the man with black wings for a moment, before a loud sound of cracking sound could be heard in abandoned warehouse.


This made the devil run a cold sweat on his back,he could not help but shouted in his mind.

"What kinda human is this!?did i just fight a monster this time."

Jiro looked at the devil before his eyes darkened,the devil looked at Jiro for a moment before it step back.Jiro suddenly looked at the devil with a cold eyes before a large aura started to cover the warehouse.

This made the fallen angel to land on the ground,and make their wings to fold then vanished.

They started to kneeled on the ground.

"What an unbelievable aura!this is much stronger than master Azazel,and most importantly it is giving a vibe of an execution.It is good that i am not hot tempered like that stray devil."

The fallen angel thought before he thought that he is a the stray devil,a cold sweat started to run on his face and back.

"I could not move!why?why?"

The stray devil said before he started to try to get up,however he cannot even move an inch.

"It is futile,so stop struggling anymore."

When the devil heard this,a bead of cold sweat started to form on his face.

(A/N:i dont own dxd and i only write for fun so free to comment if it is good and give me some tips in writing:) and feel free to comment if you want this a harem or not.)