
Unlimited wishes

(A/N:I don't own the book cover) Warning:wish fulfilling.CLICKBAIT

Im_Noob17 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs

New skill.

[Host just unlocked a new skill:Orange Balloon King crown.]

(Info:It can make every orange balloon at the range of 5 meters to follow your order and there will be choices what does host wanted to do with Orang balloon.)

The black hologram appeared in front of him,and when Jiro read the sentence his scarf started to have a ball of blue light around it,and it started transform into a King crown.

It was like an ordinary king crown,but it's color was different than ordinary because instead of color yellow.It have a orange color,and in the middle of the crown it have a blue circle.

"So with this skill,i can control a orange balloon.Good skill."

Jiro said as he looked at the orange balloon who stopped attacking him,it was just like a loyal soldier waiting for his command.

On the other side,

Malty who was watching Jiro in the whole time,she obviously witness everything fighting clumsy and even the scarf transforming to a crown.

And as for the other team like Motoyasu,Ren did not notice the transformation.

Malty looked at the crown of Jiro, couldn't help but thought:That might be....the power of this*Legendary weapon.Weapon transforming?"

Jiro remember that Malty was watching,but he did not make the crown turn back into a scarf instead he looked at the screen in front of him.

[Capacity:No limit.

Commanding the orange ball:

Blow themselves,attack the enemy,gathering,etc.]

Jiro looked at the ball who entered the range stopped,their movements and just looked at him.

"This skill is awesome,but compared with the martial arts it still doesn't have a cool moves.Still good though."

Jiro looked at the orange balloon before he raise his hand,at the level of his head forming snapping his finger.

He imagining clicking the blow themselves,then a question appeared infront of him.

[Do you want to command the orange balloon:Blow themselves. Yes,No?]

Yes,then Jiro snapped his finger.



+1 exp



At the range of 5 meters,all of the balloon pop it was just like detonating themselves.

And at the back of his side,Malty who have witness this scene make an O-shape mouth and just stood there dumbfoundedly.

When Malty witnesses about the scarf transforming to the crown,she was about to approach Jiro however she stopped when she saw Jiro raised his hand and when Jiro snapped his finger.

She was shocked when she saw that the balloon started to popped,and she already know why did the orange balloon popped on their own.

After a moment she shrugged her shoulder,and continue to approach Jiro but it still give her some impression about Jiro.

At the same time a mechanical girl voice,sounded both of his ears.

[Ding! Getting an impression to Malty,host gained a 0.45 Impression of Malty.]

Jiro lips unconsciously twitched,and thought:only this,*Sigh*it will be a long time before i can change her."

Jiro sighed before his crown transform into a scar,and he started to walked at the popped balloon and picked it up.

"Hey!,that's awesome is that the power of your scarf?"

A sweet voice of a girls asked,Jiro turned his head and he can see a girl with a crimson hair.

Of course this is non other than Malty, Jiro nodded and smiled.

"Can you help me picking this up?"

Jiro asked while he continued to pick up the orange balloon skin,Malty nodded:Sure,why not?"

Then Malty and Jiro started to picked up the orange balloon skin,after they picked all of the orange balloon skin Jiro and Malty decided to rest under the tree.

Malty glance at Jiro,and said:Hey,do you want to tour around the town?since we are already done fighting the orange balloon."

Jiro then stand up while carrying a bag,he nodded and said.

"Sure,why not."

They started to walked towards the Kingdom.

After they finished touring the town,Jiro and Malty walked towards the previous weapon shop to buy an equipment for Malty.

"Gear for the lady."

Erhard said while his chin was resting on his hand,Jiro nodded and said while he rested his arm in the table.

"That would be expensive right,so i needed to quibble now."

Then he bend his head staring at Erhard with a serious expression.

Erhard looked at him:Oh,really since our hero was like an comedian."

Jiro looked at him as if he was a business man,he nodded and continued:hmmm,how about a 85% off."

"Don't 15 extra!"

Erhard argued with Jiro,Jiro maintain his calm face but deep inside he was sweating since he did not know about trading at all.

They argued until Malty arrived with a complete set armor,they stopped arguing and looked at Malty hand with an armor.

"I guess 60% off,so how much is all of that?"

Jiro said as he look at Erhard, Erhard look back at him too and smiled:480 silver along with a discount."

"Ughh,then it will be only just a 200 silver coins left,if i buy a complete armor set."

"Mein,would mind if you take less?cause i don't really know about the expenses staying here."

Jiro said,since when he came into this world he know nothing apart from some little knowledge when he watched this anime on his first past life.

"Oh, that's all right sir hero with this complete set armor we can go into dungeon,and collect a loot the more we collect the more money we have."

Malty said as she put the armor on the table before he go towards Jiro,He hold the arm of Jiro.

Jiro suddenly blushed it was his first time getting in touch with a girl,apart from his friends and sometimes his mom too.

"O-ok,then we're going to buy it."

Jiro unconsciously said since his mind was not on it.

"So soft."

Jiro thought while blushing then Malty apart from him waking him up,after that they brought the armor and goes towards on some inn.

"So the plan that we were at today..."

Malty said as she pointed a location to the map.

"This is a small map,so it didn't recorded down, but further on past this forest,there is also a village."

" They're right here."

Malty said as she pointed out something on the map,Jiro look at the map in daze but he still nodded.

Jiro was listening to the voice of the girl mechanical voice in his mind.

[Ding! The data on the past was save,does host want his previous data?]


(A/N:I don't own the cover of the book and the rising of the shield hero.)