
Unlimited Wishes in The Omniverse.

A teenager died in his sleep, and was given unlimited wishes by a higher being.

Alpha_09 · Cómic
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11 Chs

Chapter - 7

Opening his eyes, his surrounding changed from a bloody hallway to a magnificent looking place.

Looking to his side, Shin found a group of teenage that seems to be wearing a highschool uniform. There are six people, four boys and two girls.

"Welcome, hero from another world, I'm sorry because suddenly summons you guys from your home world but, this world needs to be saved from the terror of the demon king."-King Albert

His attention was brought to the man that was wearing a luxurious clothes with a golden crown on his head.

'Did i seriously just got summoned to another world when I'm not done with the previous one?'-Shin

Shin thought and looked at the man that just speak and concluded that he was the king of this place.

"Wait! we're just a normal highschool students, how can we fight the demon king?... also we were drag here without our consent, what makes you think that we're going to help you defeat the demon king?"-Shina

A girl suddenly spoke with an annoyed tone, it seems that she's the bravest one out of the six.

"If it's about power then you already have it, the goddess have given each of you power that suits you."-King Albert

Hearing the complaint of the girl, the king answer her questions calmly.

"All you have to do is just said "STATUS" then you can check what's your power is."-King Albert


Suddenly a voice sounded and brought their attention to the source, when they see who the voice belonged to, they saw a beautiful guy/girl that was covered in blood, but it seem it's not his. He was holding a sword on his right hand and his clothes were covered in blood. His voice sounds so soft like an angel that makes you want to always hear it.

While they were mesmerized and confused to his appearance, Shin was busy looking at his so called 'STATUS'.


Name : Shin Yoru

Age : Unknown

Race : Immortal

Title(s) : •The Traveler from Another World, •The Lucky Son of Goat, •Self-made Immortal, •???, •???, •???, •???.

Blessing(s) : Blessing of The Night Goddess Nox, Blessing of The ????

Job : Swordsman

STR : ???

AGI : ???

END : ???

INT : 100

MP : ???

LUK : ???

CHA : ???

Skill(s) : Swordsmanship(???), Sword Aura, ???, ???, ??? (+)

Shin was not surprised by his status, but what got his interest was the new collum that was not in his system status windom.

'System show my titles and blessing'-Shin

Then another transparent screen appeared in front of him.

[Name : Shin Yoru

Age : 15/∞

Race : Immortal

Title(s) : Self-made Immortal, The Traveler from Another World, The Lucky Son of Goat, The Beginning's Lover, The End's Lover, The Sword God, The Person That Was Loved By All Energy.

Blessing (s) : Blessing of The Night Goddess Nox, Blessing of The Beginning and End

STR : 2.450

AGI : 4.278

END : ∞

INT : 400

MP : ∞

SP : ∞

Charm : ??

Luck : ∞

Skill(s) : All-Creation, Flight, Teleportation, Shape Shifting, Swordsmanship(???), Sword Aura, (Racial Skill)- Mana Manipulation- All-Negative Status Resistance- Instant Regeneration. TOG, TOTD, Royal Etiquette, Enhanced Sense, Domain.

Wishes : ∞]

'The Beginning and End? and what's with the lover part?'–Shin

Shin was confused by his status but snapped out of it when he hear a voice calling him.

"Ano... Are you okay? there's blood all over your clothes."–Shizuku

One of the girl that seems like the shy tipe of girl asked with a worried face. Shin looked at her before smiling and answer.

"I'm okay, the blood's not mine anyway, rather than that, do you guys want to go back to your original world?"–Shin

Shin words surprised the group of teenager and the king, they were looking at him with disbelief but suddenly one of the boy in the group stands forward.

"If you can then please."–Handa

Shin then snapped his finger and the group of students vanished like they were never there. Unknown to him because of his act the world of those students are going to change.

'I wish that the demon king and his whole army disappeared'–Shin

Shin then turn to the king and spoke.

"The demon king are already gone so you can continue your life as it is."–Shin

Then disappeared from his place leaving the dumbfounded king and his guards.