
Unlimited Sword Domain

Five hundred years ago, the world was suddenly invaded by alien lifeforms. All countries were defeated in an instant, and a world government was formed to protect the human race on the earth. Facing the menacing alien civilization, the first strong man on earth awakened his ability and began to protect the earth from the invasion of alien civilization. Until now, most of the people on earth are fighting to protect the earth. As for our protagonist, he was born an orphan, and the orphanage was immediately demolished. He had no choice but to live on the streets, feeling unfair to the world. Until he meets four children who change his life, let us wait and see what different life they will bring to him. Big Brother: Noah Second brother: John Third brother: Jeptha Fourth sister: Annie Younger sister: Ying This book is like a door leading to uncharted territories. Open it, and you will be transported into a world woven with suspense, fantasy, and profound emotions.

WeiNuan · Fantasía
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177 Chs

The First Crisis of Goddess !

After completing the breakthrough that day, the Noah of today was already stronger than the average level 5 Gold Realm alien, and he had begun to practice his sword moves between day and night.

Before, it was because he needed to master the powers and improve his fighting skills and knowledge as quickly as possible.

But now that Noah was stronger than his peers, his targets gradually shifted from some of his peers to his teachers and even Ming Yi, who had no realm of oppression.

Ming Yu has also been visiting Noah's house from time to time lately to play with Anne's group. Ying and the others have been calling each other Sisters Ming after understanding that she's Ming Yi's sister.

Naturally, Ming Yu was very fond of that title, and she taught them a lot about knowledge and combat from time to time.

Even though the eldest of them, John, hadn't even awakened his powers yet, she still felt that it was natural to cultivate these skills from a young age.

Lixuan, on the other hand, Noah began to escalate and suppress at the same time as Lixuan watched him with dazzle.

Yesterday, he was silver level 5, and today, he fell back to silver level 2, which is sick if you ask anyone.

Now that Noah had upgraded to Silver Level 6 and was apparently already compressing the abilities in his body to the limit, he wanted to see if the Silver Realm had an Extreme Realm like the Bronze Realm.

He didn't want to miss any opportunity to improve himself, but he would need a certain amount of luck.

That day, Charlotte decided to enter the Bronze Extreme Realm with all her might because of the blow she had received from Noah. Annie, too, because she wanted to discuss cooking techniques with Ming Yu.

So tonight's dinner would have to be Noah's own purchase of ingredients.

He went to the supermarket as usual, paid for his materials and went home.

But on the way home, his hair stood on end and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

But unexpectedly, in the next second, he saw the office building inside the college suddenly explode, a scene that stunned those who witnessed it.

After that, don't know who started it, but everyone panicked and started running. The people with Ability also took it upon themselves to calm the people in the area and maintain order.

Some cracks also appeared in the sky, like Lixuan's extraordinary ability, but it was more like a spatial crack caused by a machine. Many people came out from inside, wearing uniforms and standing silently in the sky, waiting.

All the alarms in the neighbourhood immediately started ringing in people's ears.

Noah also sensed that something was wrong and he quickly ran back to his home, only to see Ming Yu comforting the four little ones behind him.

Seeing Noah return, they rushed to his side to ask if he was hurt.

"Big brother, there seems to be a fight going on outside, shall we go and help?"

The one who spoke was none other than Ying, who was already on the sidelines, fists pumping, waiting for Noah's response.

But it was John's finger that answered her, and Ying rubbed her forehead in pain and glared at John.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with some of the men, Noah looked at Ming Yi to ask what was going on.

Seeing this, Ming Yu also decided to tell Noah, after all, today's Noah is also explicitly the fifteenth SSS Ability of the Earth.

"The one who invaded here today is one of the alien civilisations hostile to our planet, and it was clear that they were still holding their camp yesterday morning. But the front line suddenly reported that they were abandoning their camp and withdrawing as far as possible, which really took us by surprise. But now they are invading the academy, as if they want something at here."

"My brother has already gathered all his direct combat power for formation and rescue at the time of the incident, and if Lixuan... he should be in a stalemate with his opponent."

Noah was also secretly relieved to hear that only Charlotte's condition remained to be confirmed.

He told the four little ones at length that he would find Charlotte as soon as possible and bring her here, where it would be safer.

Annie, who had never been very fond of Charlotte, is the first to tell Noah to bring Charlotte back as soon as possible, and she also writes a sentence at the bottom of the paper:

"To have everyone back safely."

Noah stroked her head and promised himself that he would bring Charlotte home.

Noah then nodded his head and looked at Ming Yu, who was also pulling them, and said, "They call me Sister Ming, and no one can take her away from me unless I die.

Noah hesitated no longer and ran out the door, longsword in hand, as the crowd watched.

Ming Yu sighed from behind, it's good to be young.

Noah immediately runs into the square to look for Charlotte, but meets Ming Yi, who After getting the answer he was looking for, Noah hoofed it to Lixuan's office.

When he opened the door, he saw a middle-aged man sitting right in front of Lixuan.

He was wearing the same uniform he had seen earlier when the people came out of the rift, and his height was almost two metres, The only thing that let Noah think is the middle-aged man have a same realm as Lixuan.

Noah stood coldly at the door, his longsword in his hand as he considered what to do.

However, the middle-aged man just looked at Noah indifferently, and Noah's entire body was unable to move, as if he was being suppressed.

Lixuan also said in an overbearing manner, "Your sacred Third Army Commander still needs to be catching with a student? Let him go!"

The Third Army Commander just sipped his tea in silence:

"Knowing about the Headmaster's office and finding it here at all, I don't think he's an ordinary student. I know you have a new one in the sequence, although I haven't met him yet, but is this new one you?"

He also sneered at Noah after saying that. Although he hadn't seen the images of the fifteenth sequence, he was no fool.

Someone who could casually travel to the office of a King Realm and face himself not by fleeing first, but by standing in strict waiting, could not be an ordinary person by any stretch of the imagination.

At that moment, Lixuan used his spatial ability to transfer Noah behind him and looked at the man in front of him and said, "What the hell are you doing here, why would you rather give up the front and come here?"

The man seemed to be in no hurry as he tapped the tabletop and said slowly, "Last night, the Grand Commander of my clan detected the aura of my clan's goddess, and her location is right here. What do you think, should I come?"

After a while, seeing that Li Xuan showed no sign of speaking, he looked out of the window and said once again, "Although I am not as strong as you, as long as we fight, everything around us will be overthrown. You can't be uncare it, am I right ? Third Sequence?"

Lixuan also snorted coldly, lifting the feeling on Noah that made him unable to move, and he had already guessed who the goddess the man in front of him was talking about.

Still, he said calmly, "Did your grand chancellor get it wrong, I only have students here, there's no goddess like you said. You'd better go back, even if you haven't caused any deaths yet.

The eyes of the man in front of him narrowed for a moment, and then the cold voice sounded again.

"So there's no talk? As long as you give it to me, I'll leave immediately and I won't hurt anyone. The building that was just bombed, your people have already freed the people inside."

Li Xuan's aged body and expression returned to the youthful one he had when Noah broke through the Extreme Realm, he loudly lifted the table and said, "If we can't settle it, then we'll fight!"

He immediately brought himself and the man in front of him face to face in the sky and also said in a voice that only Noah heard,

"Protect Charlotte! She is the only one who began to break through to the Extreme Realm last night, and perhaps she is the goddess they speak of.But if it is someone else, protect she and the other as well."

The middle-aged man saw that Li Xuan had already returned to his familiar appearance, and it was also clear that there was nothing left to talk about, only to fight!

Noah's heart fluttered as he thought that even if it hadn't been confirmed yet, but it could be said from Lixuan's mouth, then Charlotte's identity as a goddess would be nothing more than proof.

But whether she was this so-called goddess or not, He had to protecte her!

*Hi guys, this is the chapter that will talk about the first crisis of the earth after Noah became the fifteenth sequence. Hope you all will like it and if you like it please gave me a vote or add it into library. Thank you and see you all at the next chapter.*

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