

The inscribed circles and triangles were mainly red and silver, but the floating silver blood remained the center point of the entire event and eventually, It fell to the ground.

The second Noah's blood touched the magical inscriptions, a burst of silver light unfolded into the room and a strange wind gushed forth, pushing even Erolia away. 


The center of the triangle and circles quickly became blinding as the light visibly took shape.

Still mesmerized by the entire event, Noah felt taken aback when the light abruptly vanished and he could see a figure before him.

"Oh," he exclaimed softly, laying eyes on a replica of himself. Only that this replica had black hair.

He approached the figure. It was naked, had its eyes closed, and exuded no aura. Funnily it featured no genitals.

"This is very weird—!!" Any further words were cut short by the severe pain that spiraled into his mind.