
Unlimited Infinite System

Unlimited Infinite System; Start with Infinite Enhancements [The Unlimited Infinite System can do everything. It has infinite functions and unlimited capabilities. The host can unlock these functions when the conditions are met.] *Ding* [The host received an overall enhancement +9. Overall performance +1000, condition +1000, composition +1000, lifespan +1000. Congratulations on gaining the ability, Sun Moon Physique. Your body can absorb solar and lunar rays and all kinds of universal energies to strengthen itself. All functions of the body have increased by 1000 times. Accompanying abilities; Essence Nurturing, Energy Absorption, Sun’s Pride Moon’s Mystery.]

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99 Chs

Unlimited Infinite Store

"System, open the store."

Jiang Hao gave the command expecting a panel or something, but he did not expect that his consciousness would be extracted directly and taken to another space.

The experience was thrilling but also frightening.

You have to know that his body was almost invulnerable. He had gotten used to the safety and security it offered him, he never imagined that he could leave it behind.

I mean, who'd think of such a thing?

In normal circumstances, leaving the body meant death. Jiang Hao had honestly gotten over such things.

This caught him off guard and he panicked a little.

When he stabilized, he found himself in a vast space with giant shelves that seemed to go on forever.

There was no end to its breath or width, making him feel suffocated.

"Welcome to the Unlimited Infinite Store. I am the store manager and you can ask me if you need any help."

Suddenly, a voice sounded from all directions, scaring him.