
Unlimited Experience System

Tai Bàoli Receives the Unlimited Experience System and begins his new life, aiming for unlimited strength he desires nothing more than to gather enough experience to level up his new found stats and cultivation. along the way maybe he'll make new friend's, family, lovers, and of course he'll probably make quite the bit of enemies. Sorry for the slow releases recently (8/3/23) I work 60hrs a week in a fancy restaurant. so I don't really have much free time. I'll try to get some chapters out soon. I'm really sorry!

DaoistBinBeal · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
22 Chs

Victories and Losses

Tai Bàoli estimated he had about 3 to 4 minutes before he'd be unable to win the fight. So within that allotted time he needed to destroy Seung Duang as fast as possible.

All these thoughts had run through Tai Bàoli's mind unbelievably quickly yet it still required some time, In that time Seung Duang had charged towards Tai Bàoli.

Seung Duang immediately began attempting to smash Tai Bàoli with different wide hammer fists and palm strikes, however it remained ineffective as Tai Bàoli was just leagues above him in speed.

Tai Bàoli would seemingly disapparate and reappear all around Seung Duang, not using his hammer right away but just punching fiercely to see if he could win without the chance of putting himself in a disadvantages spot.

However like most would assume Seung Duang was far to sturdy. The punches from Tai Bàoli seemingly did nothing, Seung Duang didn't even flinch from them. It was quite frustrating for Tai Bàoli, but he had been prepared for it, that's why he had already taking out his hammer earlier.



All the disciples would begin hearing this over and over again. The most skilled disciples being able to keep up with Tai Bàoli's immense speed seeing his attacks, however they couldn't always track his position because of his Traceless Spectre Across the Void technique.

The sound came from Tai Bàoli's hammer fiercely striking Seung Duang all over, and Seung Duang himself had little to no chance to ever stop it.

Some of the Elders had surprised expressions, they recognized the technique Tai Bàoli had begun using. It came with a tremendous downside and very few usually used it.

However it's power could not be understated, it might have been a High Mortal Rank technique if not for the downsides of it. Some individuals would begin seeing specks of Seung Duang's golden body turning greyish and cracking all over. His Golden skin petrifying around him, he was gradually getting slower and slower.

Eventually Seung Duang decided to bite the bullet and use his Shout.

Either by accident or purpose it was currently unknown to everyone else he had used it right as Tai Bàoli exited Traceless Spectre Across the Void which meant Tai Bàoli got blasted close range with the full effect of the technique.


Tai Bàoli flew 10ft back, he steadied himself and stood back up. He was sweating profusely and quite exasperated.

There was even some blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. However even with that in mind he was smiling viciously.

Like a crazed beast uncaring if it were to die.

Seung Duang wasn't doing to much better, multiple sections of his Golden Body had been destroyed and he had blood dripping out of his mouth and nose, he was clearly quite hurt. By now around a minute and a half had passed, leaving smaller and smaller openings for Tai Bàoli to strike but he didn't waste another second immediately jumping back in yo continue his onslaught.

It was hear that most could see Seung Duang was just lucky previously, as every subsequent sonic shout he attempted seemingly hit nothing, Tai Bàoli never reappearing when Seung Duang thought or guessed he would. It was maddening, Seung Duang couldn't suppress his anger, he'd begin dissolving from methodical strikes to random swinging, shouting as much as he could.

Eventually this method worked however as another minute and a half had passed and Tai Bàoli was slowing from his previous speeds enough that he was having difficulty adjusting and would be caught by surprise.

Tai Bàoli would be blasted back by Seung Duang's sonic shout yet again. However he'd immediately disappear back into the Traceless Spectre Across the Void technique angering Seung Duang even more.

It was at this point the benefits and demerits of the petrifying mad hammer stance could be seen by Tai Bàoli


-Seung Duang-

-CRITICAL CONDITIONS: Petrifying ~60%~, Brittleness: Attacks made against this target deal 60% more damage.

-Occupation- (Hidden Mountain Tiger Sect Outer Disciple)

-Cultivation Stage-(Body Refining 3/9, Viscera Training)

-Strength-3.9(+7.5 From the Golden Body Technique)

-Dexterity-3.9(+3 From the Golden Body Technique, -3 from Petrifying Mad Hammer Stance)


-Martial Arts-

-Golden Body Technique: Mastery ~High~

-Forceful Shout: Mastery ~Mid~



-Unlimited Experience System-

-Host-(Tai Bàoli)

-CRITICAL CONDITIONS: Petrifying ~30%~, Brittleness: Attacks made against this target deal 30% more damage.

-Cultivation Stage-(Body Refining 3/9, Viscera Training)


-Upgrade Cost: 1, amount upgraded per, .1-

-Strength-(3)(+3 from Bear's Hide,+1 from Traceless Spectre Across The Void.)

-Dexterity-(4)(+6 from Traceless Spectre Across The Void, -3 From the Petrifying Mad Hammer Stance.)


-Martial Arts-

-Cost to Upgrade: 5 experience per grade, per rank-

-Traceless Spectre Across The Void: Mastery ~High~

-Bears Hide: Mastery ~Peak~

-Petrifying Mad Hammer Stance ~Mid~(Side Effects Detected: When used for more than 1 minute in combat consecutively the user begins petrifying themselves slightly. -1 dexterity for every minute the user continues using the technique.)

-Martial Arts Eligible for Grade Increase-

-Bears Hide: Mastery ~Peak~(Upgrade Cost 30 experience, directly upgrades to High Mortal Rank)

-Upgrading a stat requires experience, gain experience in a myriad of ways-


Tai Bàoli was quite enamored by the technique, he hadn't expected the petrification to also begin lowering Seung Duang's speed by so much, so that was a beautiful plus. Tai Bàoli just continued to beat on Seung Duang. It was quite the spectacular seen.

However eventually Tai Bàoli would appear around 20ft away from Seung Duang while huffing out of breath and coughing up blood. He had utilized all his techniques for far to long at this point and he was exhausted.

As for Seung Duang, he couldn't go chase after Tai Bàoli even if he wanted, he found moving his body from it's standing position nearly impossible, he felt like he had become a statue full of cracks and breaks, the amount of blood pouring out of his mouth nose and ears making quite the sight.

It was a miracle Elder Xian didn't stop the fight earlier then this, but he had knowledge of both the disciples techniques and was quite an outstanding elder so he had an understanding of when one or the other would be truly at their wits end.

Tai Bàoli spoke

Tai Bàoli: "You lose, You and your stupid great clan, and your stupid high mortal rank technique lose. To me, a commoner you've lost. Admit defeat, Admit it now."

Tai Bàoli demanded, of course Seung Duang was a stubborn child so he wouldn't, opting to spit blood at Tai Bàoli instead. Wherein Tai Bàoli would become furious and begin charging in to attack the defenseless Seung Duang.

Of course it was here Elder Xian would stop the fight, intervening and stopping Tai Bàoli from attacking Seung Duang further.

Elder Xian: "Tai Bàoli is the winner."

Elder Xian fed both Tai Bàoli and Seung Duang multiple rejuvenation pills as both of their bodies had taken immense damage, far beyond just a single broken bone or a couple broken ribs.

It was when both Tai Bàoli and Seung Duang were off the plat form that a new stone monolith appeared in the sky with 3 names in it.

~Final Three Contestants~

-Ju Yian-

-Tian'Jun Jun-

-Tai Bàoli-

Tai Bàoli was smiling ear to ear, he'd gotten to the top three and defeated one of the disciples that were actively bullying him and other disciples because of their background, showing that background doesn't always mean everything.

The next match was Ju Yian vs Tian'Jun Jun, and the loser of this match would face Tai Bàoli, and if Tai Bàoli won he'd face the winner of the first match.

Unbelievably upon Tian'Jun Jun stepping onto the platform he'd look towards Elder Xian, then bow and speak.

Tian'Jun Jun: "Disciple apologizes, but I Forfeit"

Everyone in the crowd gasped, but a lot of the most attentive and in the know elders understood what had happened. Tian'Jun Jun's clan probably forced him to participate and get top three minimum, so Tian'Jun Jun felt no need to continue fighting. Some elders did wish Tian'Jun Jun had a more competitive spirit however as he was clearly a genius.

The next match was supposed to be Tian'Jun Jun vs Tai Bàoli but just like before Tian'Jun Jun forfeited. After he did so he'd walk off stage lazily. He clearly looked like he didn't want to waste anymore time on this tournament.

Tai Bàoli was speechless he had thought Tian'Jun Jun would fight it out for at least second place but he didn't even want that. Now all that remained was Tai Bàoli vs Ju Yian. And Tai Bàoli was focused intensely, he didn't know what Ju Yian's stats were but they had to have been good, because even without his special technique just his bare strikes dealt some damage to Seung Duang.

This left Tai Bàoli quite concerned. However Tai Bàoli wasn't going to forfeit, at least that's what Tai Bàoli thought up until he saw Ju Yian's screen....Tai Bàoli's mouth almost hung open in shock.