
Unlimited Experience System

Tai Bàoli Receives the Unlimited Experience System and begins his new life, aiming for unlimited strength he desires nothing more than to gather enough experience to level up his new found stats and cultivation. along the way maybe he'll make new friend's, family, lovers, and of course he'll probably make quite the bit of enemies. Sorry for the slow releases recently (8/3/23) I work 60hrs a week in a fancy restaurant. so I don't really have much free time. I'll try to get some chapters out soon. I'm really sorry!

DaoistBinBeal · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
22 Chs

Mission Accomplished

Sweat dripped off of Tai Bàoli profusely, and it even mixed a little with the huge amounts of blood staining his body. It created quite the picture for anyone who saw him pass by, Tai Bàoli had been traveling for nearly 24 hours yet again, and was on the precipice of reaching the foot of the mountain.

By now plenty of other outer disciples had caught sight of Tai Bàoli, and were quite shocked by his appearance, and even more shocked by the expression on his face. He looked like a crazed axe murderer swiftly moving across the street unhindered, like a ghost in the wind. Of course with his appearance some students had decided to find an elder and tell them about what was happening.

Which means very quickly as Tai Bàoli was about to ascend the mountain and head towards the Mission Pavilion he'd be stopped by a towering middle aged man with a large law enforcement pavilion identification badge sewn into his robe, the elder had long silvery hair tied up in a bun and was nearly 7ft tall! it was unbelievable.

Great Elder Fu: "Stop."

As the elder spoke Tai Bàoli felt his body instinctually lock itself in place. He now stood motionless staring at the towering elder in front of him.

Great Elder Fu: "Identification badge."

Tai Bàoli understood what was happening, the elder wanted to make sure that Tai Bàoli was part of the sect and probably question him about his appearance.

Tai Bàoli: "Here senior, I am Tai Bàoli. I'm currently an outer disciple and look like this because I had just completed a mission."

The elder took the badge and also listened in to Tai Bàoli's words, through sensing the badge's contents The elder knew Tai Bàoli wasn't lying, but still from the badge's contents Tai Bàoli should have only accepted the mission 50ish hours ago. The elder knew that at flesh training it'd be barely possible to get to Tianjin Forest within 24 hours, and if you did you'd need a decently leveled Movement technique.

The elder had access to Tai Bàoli's badge and could determine Tai Bàoli had chosen and cultivated the esoteric ghost steps, but it had merely been a months time, it would be quite extraordinary for his esoteric ghost steps to be mid tier or higher already, especially since the elder knew that to accept the mission Tai Bàoli needed to at minimum also have a mid tier defense technique.

When the elder thought of everything that meant that within a month's time Tai Bàoli had cultivated not one... but two techniques to mid tier or higher. This was quite good, unfortunate that Tai Bàoli hadn't chosen the law enforcement pavilion or maybe the elder would consider taking him as a Student.

Great Elder Fu: "Do you want to be a part of our law enforcement pavilion instead of the library?"

The elder voiced his thoughts outright which caught Tai Bàoli off guard as the elder hadn't even responded to what Tai Bàoli told him a moment ago. And unfortunately for the elder Tai Bàoli had already resolutely made his decision.

Tai Bàoli: "No sir Senior, My Apologies"

Tai Bàoli Bowed to be respectful.

Great Elder Fu: "Fine. Here's your credits and your badge back, hand over the proof of mission completion."

It seemed the elder was of short words, Tai Bàoli happily complied and took his badge back, he had a huge smile strewn across his face still.

Great Elder Fu: "Clean up immediately. Do not go anywhere other than your room till you're not covered in blood."

Great Elder Fu then promptly disappeared at least that's what it seemed like to Tai Bàoli. Of course Tai Bàoli also obliged and quickly made his way back to his room inside the outer disciple pavilion. once inside he quickly began taking a bath. The dried up blood had begun clotting up his hair so it was quite disgusting.

After Tai Bàoli was finished taking his bath before he'd even thought about utilizing his experience he'd lay on his bed and fall unconscious, he was merely a flesh training cultivator, it was unbelievable to think he'd even been able to sprint for 24 hours straight many miles. It was even more surprising when you added he also fought and killed a Dao Beast of the same rank, which is usually extremely difficult.

it took Tai Bàoli almost 20 Hours before he'd awaken, clearly tired. It was nearly mid day already, his daily tasks were probably managed by another guy, which meant there is probably no reason to go do the repeatable mission today.

Tai Bàoli sat up and stretched his body still had some slight puncture wounds but it was mostly hidden by his robes, he ached slightly but it wasn't anything outrageous. Tai Bàoli took stock of his current situation.


-Unlimited Experience System-

-Host-(Tai Bàoli)

-Cultivation Stage-(Body Refining 2/9, Flesh Training)


-Upgrade Cost: 1, amount upgraded per, .1-

-Strength-(2)(+2 from Bear's Hide)

-Dexterity-(2)(+1 from Esoteric Ghost Steps)


-Martial Arts-

-Cost to Upgrade: 5 experience per grade, per Rank)

-Esoteric Ghost Step: Mastery ~Mid~

-Bears Hide: Mastery ~High~

-Upgrading a stat requires experience, gain experience in a myriad of ways-


With this much experience he could get either both his techniques to Peak, or get into Viscera Training Stage. It was a hard decision he'd definitely be temporarily stronger upgrading his technique, but he also felt like he was focusing too much on the growth of his techniques instead of the growth of his own body.

But Tai Bàoli just couldn't resist. He'd thought about it and decided to hold off on going into Viscera Training Stage at least for another 10 days. He wanted to upgrade Bear's Hide to peak way too bad to wait.


-Unlimited Experience System-

-Host-(Tai Bàoli)

-Cultivation Stage-(Body Refining 2/9, Flesh Training)


-Upgrade Cost: 1, amount upgraded per, .1-

-Strength-(2)(+3 from Bear's Hide)

-Dexterity-(2)(+1 from Esoteric Ghost Steps)


-Martial Arts-

-Cost to Upgrade: 5 experience per grade, per Rank)

-Esoteric Ghost Step: Mastery ~Mid~

-Bears Hide: Mastery ~Peak~

-Upgrading a stat requires experience, gain experience in a myriad of ways-


Tai Bàoli actually got to watch the screen update in real time, usually when he upgraded his technique he'd feel an immediate change but for some reason nothing had happened yet. He even stood up and started stretching to feel if any changes had occurred



Tai Bàoli fell over in unbelievable pain it almost seemed like his bones were wiggling within his skin, his whole body writhing in place, the pain forced him into the fetal position. It was almost as if all of his bones were breaking and healing then re-breaking dozens of times over. It wasn't as bad as when he upgraded both Bears hide and Esoteric Ghost Steps, but even then he could barely remain conscious for more then 10 minutes before he passed out.

After around three-ish hours Tai Bàoli woke up, he felt dramaticically different. His muscles were slightly bulging almost as if he had bulked up, and he felt taller seemingly like his perspective was slightly higher but only by an inch or two. Tai Bàoli would begin doing some light exercises to test out his body.

("This is absolutely crazy, it's like I'm a different person")

Tai Bàoli was amazed. While checking out his bodies improvements he'd be even happier to see a special screen pop up from his system.



-Reward for Improving your first technique to peak 10 experience-

-New system feature unlocked-


("Hahahaha!!! Another new feature! yes")

Tai Bàoli was ecstatic and checked his new screen.


-Unlimited Experience System-

-Host-(Tai Bàoli)

-Cultivation Stage-(Body Refining 2/9, Flesh Training)


-Upgrade Cost: 1, amount upgraded per, .1-

-Strength-(2)(+3 from Bear's Hide)

-Dexterity-(2)(+1 from Esoteric Ghost Steps)


-Martial Arts-

-Cost to Upgrade: 5 experience per grade, per Rank)

-Esoteric Ghost Step: Mastery ~Mid~

-Bears Hide: Mastery ~Peak~

-Martial Arts Eligible for Grade Increase-

-Bears Hide: Mastery ~Peak~(Upgrade Cost 30 experience, directly upgrades to High Mortal Rank)

-Upgrading a stat requires experience, gain experience in a myriad of ways-
