
Unlimited Experience System

Tai Bàoli Receives the Unlimited Experience System and begins his new life, aiming for unlimited strength he desires nothing more than to gather enough experience to level up his new found stats and cultivation. along the way maybe he'll make new friend's, family, lovers, and of course he'll probably make quite the bit of enemies. Sorry for the slow releases recently (8/3/23) I work 60hrs a week in a fancy restaurant. so I don't really have much free time. I'll try to get some chapters out soon. I'm really sorry!

DaoistBinBeal · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Beginning The Tournament

Tai Bàoli stared at his systems screen heavily.


-Unlimited Experience System-

-Host-(Tai Bàoli)

-Cultivation Stage-(Body Refining 1/9, Strength Training)


-Upgrade Cost- (1, amount upgraded per, .1)




-Upgrading a stat requires experience, gain experience in a myriad of ways-


("What should I do? the bandit clearly had better strength then me yet it felt like with enough hard work we just were almost equal, unless .5 of an increase isn't as astronomical as I thought it was? But then why would I have entered the body refining realm if not for my strength, dexterity, and comprehension hitting 1.5? and how did he even enter it his comprehension was only 1,...unless... it's not getting all your stats to a specific threshold, but allotting a certain amount of experience that gets you there. For the both of us it was the equivalent of us putting 15 experience in, I just put all of mine into equalling the three out while he put most of his into strength.....well since it's not that important an important of an upgrade yet maybe I try out upgrading comprehension? I don't know exactly what it does but every time I put experience into it I feel a slight clarity, almost like I'm getting smarter in some way.....Yea that's what I'll do.")


-Unlimited Experience System-

-Host-(Tai Bàoli)

-Cultivation Stage-(Body Refining 1/9, Strength Training)


-Upgrade Cost- (1, amount upgraded per, .1)




-Upgrading a stat requires experience, gain experience in a myriad of ways-


The entire time Tai Bàoli had been thinking and utilizing his experience he'd have been walking. He was almost to his destination and he could see thousands of people now flooding the rural street and heading towards the mountain where the tournament was to take place. He could tell this was going to be an invigorating experience.

-(Unbeknownst to Tai Bàoli a tall elderly man with a thick beard had been floating in the air seemingly invisible talking to about 4 other middle aged to elderly men.)

Sect Master: "This time there's quite a few promising candidates don't you all think"

Grand Elder: "Yes indeed sect leader, our sect may be on the rise this batch "

At this point the Grand elder would look around at the other 3 men here besides himself and the sect master.

Grand Elder: " And what do we owe the pleasure of, to have 3 of the 6 main clan patriarchs seeing us today?"

Feng Clan Patriarch: "obviously it's because the three of our clans have quite a few younglings participating this year, we just wanted to make sure that some of them had a fair chance as any of passing."

Sect Master: "Do you imply that we'd cheat them out of a chance to train under our sect?" The sect master would release a slight bit of bloodlust towards the three.

Giang Clan Patriarch: "Of Course not Sect master. we just have high hopes for the younglings this year, we mean no disrespect."

As they all spoke, the third man never raised a word just slightly held the long sword attached to his hip. Clearly ready to fight if the sect master really did attack them. He was the clan patriarch of the Yanjiang clan.

As the 5 of them stood miraculously in the air and spoke all the tournament participants would have made their way to the bottom of the mountain where the tournament was to take place. Where a group of elders would begin putting them into 100 groups of 100. Once this was done groups of elders brought out small obelisks with a round glowing orb. Tai Bàoli had never heard of this before but clearly some of the other participants had. Just by listening in on their conversations Tai Bàoli found out that the orb recorded their physical ability as well as current body refining stage. Apparently there was a way to directly become an outer disciple so long as you were already in the Viscera Training stage. It seemed they were first going to test the current state of each tournament goer before the tournament. Tai Bàoli made sure to keep his ears open for any strong individuals whether they were becoming an outer disciple or not. Of course he could only do this for his group as keeping track of 10,000 names would be impossible.

Surprisingly not a lot of people were instantly accepted however there were some notable ones just out of his batch alone.

("Guan Feng - 12 years old - Viscera Training stage/ Jiang Giang - 13 years old - Viscera Training stage/ Liu Yanjiang - 12 years old - Altering Muscle stage") of the three Liu Yanjiang gave of the most bloodthirsty vibe of them all clearly he had been honed to be this strong from a young age. however other then them three the rest of the participants in his platform were barely strength training stage. and some surprisingly were even older then he was. unsurprisingly there were also some people accepted as outer disciples from the other platforms too but he couldn't hear there names or age or realm stage. For he was just going to concentrate on winning the tournament.)

It was at this point that everyone would be beckoned to their platforms and a large bearded older man appeared seemingly out of nowhere in the sky, and began speaking to all the candidates.

Sect Master: "Hello Children, I am sect master Huang Jin, for any of you that pass I hope you the absolute best in your cultivation journey. For those who don't, there is always next year. Never give up on the martial path. Farewell."

("hmph short and sweet, he must be a busy man, but holy shit man he can fucking fly. that's so cool.") Tai Bàoli thought to himself.

As Tai Bàoli stood on the platform he'd access his competition he had to beat 96 other competitors and be the last one standing. This was going to be difficult. At least it was until a new mission hit his screen


-Mission-(Defeat Competitors)

-Mission Outline-(The remaining opponents on your platform)

-Mission Difficulty-(Hard)

-Experience Payout- .5 per defeated opponent.


("Holy shit I'm going to be unstoppable after this")

Tai Bàoli completely threw away any thoughts of possibly losing and immediately took out the small dagger from his shabby pants pocket. He now watched all his opponents closely as they all tensed up waiting for their platforms elder to begin the brawl.

All Platform Elders in Unison: "Begin!"

The sound reverberated through all the participants skulls this was their only chance. if they failed theyd have to wait another year, waste another year. they couldn't do that that had to pass. the competition immediately got chaotic





Dozens of competitors had already been knocked out or forced off the platform in merely a couple seconds, and Tai Bàoli wasn't one to just sit around either, because he had started a mission it began giving him the enemy screens of each of his opponents so he was clearly able to see who here was stronger or weaker then the others surprisingly quite a bit of the people on his platform had quite high strength at 2.5 almost as if they completely disregarded any training to their dexterity, and of course Tai Bàoli guessed comprehension wasn't exactly something someone could train as he was quite a few of the older competitors with .5s in their comprehension. Clearly this had been the reason they hit the first body refining stage so late.

Tai Bàoli quickly made work of nearly two dozen competitors by himself just by wildly swinging his dagger and forcing them to back off the platform. He had an exhilarated smile upon his face like a wild murderer attempting to slash the throat of his next prey. it was quite intimidating to all the other competitors on his platform. However when the competition got down to just 5 people left it became a lot more intense as everyone left was clearly smarter or stronger than the previous opponents. And by this time Tai Bàoli had knocked off 30 opponents by himself, so he was tired. Everyone was tired, but they all kept fighting. None of them knew any outstanding techniques but they all had the will to win, surprisingly they ignored Tai Bàoli for now clearly afraid of the dagger in his hand. They knew it wasn't against the rules to bring weapons, but they were all afraid they'd kill someone on accident. however Tai Bàoli seemed like someone in their mind willing to break the rules if they wanted. so they clearly feared him.





All that remained was Tai Bàoli and one of the older competitors this specific competitor had 2 str, 1.5 dex, and 1 comprehension just like the bandit from before. but this didn't matter cause at this point all Tai Bàoli saw was a chance at victory. he'd have charged forth wildly swinging, clearly both of them tired beyond belief. The older competitor tried to avoid the dagger as much as possible but he'd been cleanly sliced by it a dozen times now. And eventually he'd even fall back onto his back with his sliced up arms guarding his face screaming

Jiang Jun: "I Give up! You win stop please!"

The moment the man admitted defeat the elder in charge of Tai Bàoli's platform seemingly appeared next to Tai Bàoli and raised his hand.

Elder: "Platform 37 winner -Tai Bàoli-!"

Tai Bàoli's platform wasn't the first to end. It seemed there were still some monsters left on each platform. Tai Bàoli's win was neither too slow or too fast, but it did catch the eye of some elders.