
45 Adopted Son

Luke looks at her shocked. "I-I was not expecting to meet someone who could figure out my name…." He lets go of her hand and stands there for a moment. "I take it you turned Leo into a fox demon then?"

Cindy walked up and joined the group. "Kitty, did you get more sleep?"

Leo looked at Kitty, "so, I remember you telling me that I would have a special name that you have prepared for me. In a sense, I am already a fox demon but at the same time I am not." He looks at Luke. 'Poor kid. This might be difficult for him. I do hope that he can accept her and of course the baby as well.'

Luke looked up and smiled, "sorry it has been a long time since someone has been able to use my name. Let's go inside and sit down and have lunch. I am sure you guys haven't eaten and I had asked the cook to prepare food for all of you. Kitty, do you guys know if it'll be a girl or a boy? If not I want to guess that it is a girl!" He turns around and holds the door open.

Kitty follows Luke and replies, "Leo has yet to become one of us. It won't happen until the baby is born in two months. No, we do not know if it is a girl or a boy. So as it stands now the guess is two for a boy and two for a girl. You and I are on team baby girl and Leo and Cindy are on team boy." She giggles and enters the house. She looks around the entrance, then goes to sit down on the ottoman to take her shoes off.

Leo follows her inside and takes off his shoes. "Luke I need to request that you help Kitty move everything that is heavy. As I do not want her handling anything heavy."

Luke looks at him and smiles. "Of course, why would I let Kitty move anything heavy? She is the mother of your child and I can tell that you two care about each other, or else you would have never brought her here. This is your hideaway place. It will be good for me to be with someone who is similar to myself. Besides, you are like my father and pack leader. So I will go along with whatever you choose."

Cindy follows in last and takes her shoes off. 'This is a nice place from what I can see. I think this is a great place to be raising a child in.' She lets out a sigh and takes her shoes off. "I am hungry. It has been a while since we had breakfast."

Leo walked over to Kitty and offered her his hand. "Let's go eat and then we can plan what we will need to do next." He feels Kitty's hand in his and he leads the way to the dining room. "Welcome to our home, love."

Kitty follows Leo to the dining room. "From what I have seen your place is lovely and has a lot of great features to raise a child in. It really helps that you raised Luke here. There are a few things that we need to change out but for the most part, it is ready. When we start to unpack my books I will share what I can with Luke. I know I have some information on werewolves. I hope that is will prove useful and new." She sits down on the chair that Leo pulled out for her.

Luke follows the couple and is listening to the conversation. He sits across from Kitty and beside Leo. "You have some books on werewolves? That is amazing!! I would love the opportunity to read them. I will gladly help you move everything inside. Not that I wasn't willing before, but this is a bigger temptation for me. I have only been able to read what Leo has managed to scrounge up."

Cindy had followed behind and sat down next to Kitty. "I think there were at least three books that may contain information and one for sure. I haven't read them all but Kitty has read all the books." So looks around the room. "Leo, you really have a lovely place."

"Thank you, love. I haven't been able to scrounge much information and some of the information I found was not quite adequate. I am so lucky that I have you in my life now. Luke. please don't push her too much. I am sure that she has a lot of information that she could tell you. Kitty is the clan leader of the fox demons so it wouldn't surprise me if she has run into a werewolf before." Leo looks over at Kitty.

A maid comes out and starts to serve them food. She goes to Kitty first and asks, "Madam, is there anything in your condition that you can't eat? I would hate to bring something out that you would be unable to eat at this time."

"The only thing the little one is not letting me eat at this time is eggs. I have been avoiding the normal foods that any other female would when they are pregnant." She turns to Leo, "Darling, you are worrying too much but it is true I have dealt with a werewolf before. Which is how I acquired the werewolf books." Kitty then turns and looks at Luke, "when the books are unpacked you are more than welcome to read them. Also, I will help you out as much as I can but in order to be able to help I need to know where in the process you are at."

'She even knows that there are steps to the transformation process. That is a pleasant surprise.' Luke smiles and watches Kitty. "I am close to completing the whole transformation process. I hope that I can fully transform by my birthday which is in a few months. I am unable to control my emotions and my ears and tail pop out a lot. I was going to go to school but because of this, I have been homeschooled by Leo whenever he has had the time. He did also buy me all sorts of books to work out of, so my studies are pretty advanced. I only go into town to take my final exams. I usually do not have any issues with small adventures out. My exams are usually only an hour or so long." The maid finally reaches him. "Thank you," Luke says to the maid. "At the house here Leo has employees that don't mind things that are a little out of the norm."

“Since I was five, I've known that I was adopted, which is a politically correct term for being clueless about one's own origins.”

― Jodi Picoult, Handle with Care

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