
423 Cat and Mouse

"I inherited an old family business. After all that has happened, I am finally looking forward to a small vacation." Leo looks at Kitty grinning.

"Leo's work can be hard to deal with, but he has some wonderful co-workers, or I should say subordinates." Kitty leans in and gives him a hug. 

"Wow, you run a business? That was completely unexpected but that explains how you are so confident." Liz nods her head and sighs. "You two are free from this now."

Leo leads Kitty back to the trailer. He helps her inside and Leo pulls her in a hug. "I am looking forward to showing the world that you are mine."

"I do not care about what the world wants. I only care about you. I tried on my dress today. It looks absolutely amazing. I hope that you are looking forward to seeing me in it tomorrow." Kitty smiles and hugs Leo.