
41 Baby Shopping

Kitty walks into the store. Instantly she is drawn to a dress. "Leo, I want to get the dress. Even if we have a boy it's not like it will go to waste, right?" She pulls it off the shelf then starts to grab neutral colored clothing. She grabs a little of everything and starts humming.

"Dear, let me carry that for you. You shouldn't be lifting anything heavy." He takes the clothes away and takes it to the counter. He smiles and watches her as she shops for the baby.

"Thank you," she blushes and looks away and continues but moves on to some baby toys. 'I wonder what all I should grab?' She spots some soft blocks that are black and white, made of fabric but have different patterns on them. She grabs them and puts it down on the counter. "I was thinking that it may easier if we order a crib online so it can be delivered." She thinks about everything they would need to get.

"I can go grab the van. There is room in there and then we can pack everything in there. If it doesn't all fit I can take it back to the truck and load it in there then come back and pick up the rest." He kisses her on the cheek. "I'll be back. Please, don't lift anything heavy." He reminds her before leaving the store and jogs back to get the van.

Kitty watches him leave. 'Such a worrywart.' She shakes her head and starts looking at cribs, and car seats. "Excuse me? Could I get some help, please?"

A staff member comes out and asks, "oh, of course, what can I help you with?"

"Thank you, I was wondering if I could get this crib." She points to the shelf then turns and points to a car seat stroller combo. "Also, if possible could I request this as well?"

"Most certainly!" The worker pulls out the crib and moves it to the counter and comes back to grab the stroller. "You will also need a mattress for the crib. If you don't mind I have a suggestion."

"Oh, that is correct. I am open to suggestions." She smiles and watches the worker move things around.

The worker moves the stroller combo over then walks to the mattresses and pulls one out. "I would suggest this one. It's perfect for a little baby. Do you know what you will be having?"

"We do not know. I think it'll be a girl but my midwife and my boyfriend both think it will be a boy." She smiles and rubs her belly. She walks around a little more and grabs a few other things and places them on the counter.

Leo comes back and looks at the pile of items. 'Good, it looks like she grabbed a lot. I am glad.' He walks up behind her and hugs her. "I see you grabbed a lot. I hope that you did not move anything heavy." He kisses her head.

"Of course I did not move anything heavy. I had a worker move everything heavy for me. I will protect our little one, Darling." She smiles. "I did, however, grab a bunch of little things."

He looks over at the worker. "Thank you for all your help." He hands her a credit card. "If you could ring in the bigger items and I will move them to my van and be back for the rest that would be great." He lifts up the boxes for her to scan and takes them out to the van.

The worker comes around and scans all the big items and the swipes the credit card. After it is approved she starts scanning all the small items and places them in bags.

Leo comes in and grabs the bigger items moving them in and out of the building. "I'm going to move these to the truck I'll be back." He leaves to take the bigger items and moved them into the truck. 'I am grateful Kitsune is not thinking about what is to come and is focusing on the baby.' After he is done transferring the items he heads back to the store.

Kitty watches the worker scan each item and bags it up. 'Did I buy too much? I am not used to having someone pay for me. It's an odd occurrence but Leo is my boyfriend. I will need to get used to him paying for things.' She sighs softly and feels Leo hug her from behind. She leans into his embrace. "Welcome back, Darling."

He whispers in her ear, "do not worry about how much you spend. I don't really spend a lot of the money that I make. Besides this is for our child anyways." He holds her close to himself letting her relax in his embrace.

The cashier finishes ringing in the items and finishes bagging the items up. She takes the card and swipes it again and then hands it back to Leo. "Thank you for your purchase. I hope that your baby is born safely."

Leo takes the card back and slips it into his pocket. "Thank you." He lets Kitty go then starts to grab the bags. "Go ahead and relax in the van. I can handle the rest of the items." He manages to grab all the bags.

"I'll grab the door for you, Darling." She walks towards the door and holds it open for him and then goes and sits in the van. 'I really love that dress. I hope that we do eventually have a girl.' Kitty rubs her belly.

He placed all the bags in the back of the van and then closed the door. He walked up to the driver's side of the van and got inside. "Thank you for getting the door earlier. Let's go back to our room and get some sleep. We still have a bit of a drive before we reach our home." He drives the van back to the motel. Once the van is parked he gets out and walks and opens the door for Kitty. He holds his hand out for her and once she is out he closes the door. They walk towards their room and Leo opens the door.

The interior is done like a modern style apartment. The walls are painted a blue-grey color, the couch is a tarnished silver color, the end tables, as well as most of the smaller furniture, are made of wood that is stained a brown mahogany, there is a small kitchen with oak colored cupboards, the kitchen table is the same color as the smaller furniture, and the countertops are white, grey, brown swirled into a fashionable pattern. Kitty walks into the room in wonder. "Is this really a motel room? It looks an apartment." She explores and heads to the bathroom, "Darling, I am going to have a quick shower. I would ask if you want to join me but that wouldn't be a wise idea. I wouldn't want to risk slipping in the shower if we were both in there." She goes into the bathroom and turns on the water to shower.

When you get into a hotel room, you lock the door, and you know there is a secrecy, there is a luxury, there is fantasy. There is comfort. There is reassurance. --Diane von Furstenberg


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