
377 Surprise Attack

Leo was about to say something about Kitty but saw Rex shake his head. "What are you two still doing here? I want you to say hello to Clara for me. I will try to see if I can set up a playdate with my adopted daughter and Clara." 

Bell turned and looked at Leo, "another adoption? First the boy and now a girl. What will your future wife think?" 

Leo's phone chimed and Rex opened the phone and looked at the picture. He started laughing and held the phone up. 

Leo walked over and took his phone back. "That is not a photoshoot dress and Luke is next to her. That is a good picture." Leo showed Bell and Noah the picture. "That is my adopted son and my wife to be. She is the one that did not want the little girl to go somewhere else. I hope that she will stop talking in third person soon though."

"Oh, how sweet. It is good that your son and Fiance are getting along. What did you mean by photoshoot?" Bell's eyes glow with excitement.