
358 Are You Ready to Bear That Burden?

"It is rare but not unheard of. Luke with each rune passes to you you will be able to hear the thoughts of those clan members. There is a way to turn that off but I never had any difficulties with doing that. I think that Ketan had some issues at first but I am not able to speak on his behalf." Kitty held out her hand and a blue rune lit up in the bubble. "This is a clan of Dragons. They are sweet and care about their kind. They do not often come to the land. They prefer to hide in their celestial realm. If you were to decide to take them then I would give you them first. They are quiet and only at strange times will you hear them. I do believe that the two that came down are still here. If they are I will introduce you." Kitty held the rune out to Luke. 

Luke reached his hand out and touched the rune. It sparkled and the color went from pale blue to a sapphire blue color. "Oh wow! It changed color. Is that the color that could appear on me?"