
357 Where Shall the Bonded Ones go?

"Just as I am glad that I get to spend the rest of my life with you. There is nothing that could make me happier." Peter touched her cheek while smiling.

Ketan smiled and let out the breath that he had been holding in. "Good job the two of you. I am glad that you both made it through this. I am blessed that the two of you are now one. My first approved bonded couple. Congratulations Raul and Geneviene."

"Thank you for letting me watch also congratulations. When you are ready to move then we'll head to my office or would it be better to take them to my house than the office?" Leo looked at Ketan. 

"I do not want to go back to the house right now. If Michelle sees me she will not allow us to leave to get what we need to do." Ketan shudders at the thought.