
325 First Hunt (2)

Leo laid down and waited for the rabbit to come out and come towards him and when it was within a reasonable range he pounced on it and pinned it to the ground. He clamped down on the neck and killed the rabbit. He dropped the rabbit to inspect his first kill. After inspecting the kill he picked it up and brought it towards Kitty. 

Kitty felt proud of Leo and smiled. She caught a musky scent in the air. She ran towards Leo and pushed him into the woods then barred her fangs at the human that approached. ~Stay back Leo. You can not handle this yet. Ketan!~

"Look at what we have here a white fox in the woods. I could make a pretty penny from your pelt. I will grant you a swift death." The hunter stepped closer to Kitty. 

Leo was hidden in the bush not moving for fear of giving himself away because as Kitty said he was not ready for a bigger hunt. ~Since he has not heeded my command, you can kill him.~