
247 Leo is Learning Something New

Kitty heard Charlette cry and got out of bed. She walked to the nursery, opened the door and saw Leo holding Charlette. "You need to lay a blanket down. The plastic is going to be too cold for her little body." She walked to the wardrobe and pulled out a sheet-like blanket and laid it down. 

Leo laid Charlette back down and didn't hear her cry. He let out a sigh, "Sorry for troubling you, I meant to let you sleep and here you woke up and instructed me on what to do." Quickly he changed her diaper and once he was done he felt somewhat accomplished. 

Kitty picked up Charlette then carried her back to the bedroom and the little head started looking for food. "I will feed you in a moment. Let me get on the bed." She walked back to the bedroom and Leo followed behind opening the doors for her. She sat down and started to fed Charlette the milk and when Charlette was done she burped her gently. "Good girl."