
201 Let Me End Our Suffering

"I treated that name like my own personal treasure. I didn't want the one that enslaved Stella to have the name she gave me. I will never forget her looking into my eyes and calling me Raul. I was not sure if it had any power over me so I only told him that I was called Peter." Peter looked down and thought about Stella and how she had turned him what felt like was so long ago.

Ketan looked at Peter, "smart move. It does hold some power because it is a given name but if you were her partner you would have to fight to keep control. When you are turned and the one that turns you is your partner then that name would be a priceless treasure. Now that you shared your name with me I will allow you to meet her but you must stay shackled for now."

Carlos took the lock and locked up the vampire. "I know this is going to be a long shot but do you know of any other areas that Valdis would stay in for long periods of time other than in this house?"