
198 Poor Tiana

Ketan shook his head and refused to comment on what that was for. "I will comply with your wishes. Tiana, My name is Ketan. I will not hurt you and you will stay with Kitty and Stella. Kitty is the one carrying you right now but she shouldn't be lifting anything too heavy because she has a baby in her belly." 

Stella looks at Kitty and then back and is amazed at how that place they were just in was gone and locked away. 'I wonder if I come to look for this place if I would be able to find it again or if it is all locked away for a long time? I think there is more than meets the eye with this individual I do not even know what she is?'

"A baby? Mommy was saying that I was going to have a baby brother but I guess that I will not see them anymore ..." The tears cloud her eyes and she buries her face in Kitty's shoulder.

Kitty shoots a look at Ketan. "It's okay, you can stay with me for the time being. I do not want you to go to a home where you will be unsafe."