
158 Battle Against Cliff

 Leo watched where the vampire was looking but couldn't hear nor see where exactly the vampire was looking. 'There shouldn't be anyone else in the house that has a heartbeat.' Leo charged Cliff and tried to slice through his arm. 

Cliff saw through this move and then grabbed Leo's wrist and quickly crushed it. Leo's sword dropped from his hands, he quickly jumped back and had his back against the wall. "You humans create such interesting weapons I must say." Cliff picked up the sword and tossed it back to Leo. "You should keep your weapon close to you but it's not like it will matter much." Cliff walked slowly towards Leo stepping over the dead bodies. 

Leo picked up the sword and clicked the button to change the sword into a sword one-handed sword. He held the sword in his good hand. He watched the vampire named Cliff approach him. "Did you lose a loved one to the hunters and that is why you hate us so much?"