
Unknown Phenomenon

In a peaceful kingdom, a guy named Azroths live lonely due to his parents death. After giving his all effort to avoid being overpowered by sadness through avoiding dungeons and keep conversing in town instead, a change occurs to him upon receiving invitation of an unknown visitor. Doubting the invitation knowing there are no possibilities he can get one, he read it uninterested. There he had learn something which is unknown! A word "magic! " what could it be? Well, It is not different from Azroths question. It gives him interest as it says magic can give extraordinary power to a person. But aside from it, he knows nothing! Only thing on his mind is... This one sure is an unknown phenomenon!!

Storie_muxica · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
26 Chs

XIRVAS! The conqueror of the glutton continent!

The time is 3:00 p.m.

I and Sei are still on the terrace. On the terrace, you can see many tables. Each table has four chairs assigned to it.

The terrace has a curved shape, which makes it capable of containing numerous guests.

Now, then, we are standing, leaning our forearms against the terrace fence.

Sei is still waiting for my response to what in the world we are going to do. It is really hard for me to decide because I cannot think of any way to determine what will be our next clue, lead, guide, or whatever that will take us to this certain place, the... SPIRITUAL HOUSE, FAMILY OF HOPE AND FUTURE

And one more thing: what is with this Xirvas guy? His name is on the billboards of almost every building. This just pops up from nowhere; is he another idol or what?

"Huh? Whoah... if it's not Sir Azroth!"

Someone on my side called out to me.

Me and Sei then took a look and...

Whoah... There is this beautiful girl standing in front of us. She has light blue-colored hair, and her two ponytails are entangled with each other and hanging down to her chest. Her cheeks are round and are smoothly turning sharp as they reach her chin. Her eyes are gently shaped, and you can easily tell she is a very kindhearted person. She is wearing a soft, sleeveless one-piece outfit. The garment is colored white, which makes her look more dazzling.

Upon seeing those peculiar features, we suddenly recognized who she is.

"Whoah. Isn't she one of the strongest of the kingdom?"

I and Sei reacted in synch and were very surprised by the unbelievable meeting.

She is one of the strongest fighters this kingdom has as a last resort. Seeing her is really an honor.

The girl suddenly bow and said

"We are very sorry for letting you fight the monster alone!"

"Ah, no, it's fine; I am planning to protect the kingdom after all, and I am glad I have been a help in minimizing the number of deaths."

The girl's eyes sparkled with relief. She is probably ashamed of herself and is suffering from humiliation.

Well, if we had joined together to fight the monster, we might have easily won. But, as expected, this kingdom is too cautious about general safety. After all, If we fight as a group, the monster might get serious and annihilate us all without slowing down.

I am certain about it. There are several times that I thought I could finally kill it, but...

Even the damage from my final blow was only healed effortlessly.

There is no telling if the whole force of this kingdom can even withstand the monster.

"I just feel sad about those kingdom's guards that didn't survive."

The girl continued with sympathy clearly visible on her face.

"It was the management's fault, our fault! We miscalculated the capabilities of the monster.

We only sent the kingdom's guards, which only resulted in the situation getting uncontrolled, causing the monster to run wild and slaughter thousands of lives."

She is blaming herself pretty hard, so I help her out by saying...

"Don't be sorry that much. It's just that the monster is so fast that no one has been able to react. No one was able to predict its next move!"

I lean my hand on her shoulder to fortify her, for it seems she is weakening due to extreme sympathy.

This one sure has an extraordinary self-accusation innate

I know that the kingdom is well-mannered, but she is too much.

I continue

"Those people that die will be heartily accepted as heroes, so it's alright, ok?"

The girl then raised her head, for she probably settled her unreasonable guilty feelings.

I then encourage her more by giving her the reason that the victims deaths are not futile.

"You see, if those people didn't die, then perhaps it will be the death of others, won't it?

That is why we should be grateful that our fellow townsmen are alive at this very moment. And those who survive, are whom we are with right now. Or shall we reject these people who exist to recover those who are dead? "

I patted the girl's shoulder while smiling and assured her

"So, it's alright, ok?"

Sei then talks, which makes me suddenly feel like I have said something mean.

"It will be better if no one dies, though.""

Gulp, I felt shock the moment I heard what she said.

Idiot! I totally forgot that Sei's family is one of the victims!

Sei continues

"Well, what Azroths said is the truth; you should not worry about things that have already happened."

The girl then smiled, and somehow she probably accepted our advice.

She was just smiling, facing us, when she suddenly turned towards the city. She probably glanced at something very important and immediately turned her whole attention to it. I can see her eyes, which are very angrily worried, gazing into something.

What could it be—things that can make her worry like that?

I and Sei then turn our sights to the direction where the girl is gazing.

Thereafter, I see the billboard that shows a guy named Xirvas.

Huh? What of it? I said to myself.

I might have lost it at that time when I kept my eyes on these big screens, but...

It somehow terrifies me when I pay attention to the subtitle of the screened video.

This guy, XIRVAS, has conquered the Glutton Continent and acquired its energy core!

No wonder this name is the common expression of the day!

No one has ever settled on that continent. From the shore, you will already face struggling circumstances as the overpowered monsters gang up on you without showing any sign of sparing anyone's life.

The girl then uttered

"This guy, Of all people?"

I turn my eyes to her as she continues.

"Why this guy? Seriously, of all people?"

As I focus my gaze on her, I can see the fury in her eyes, though she is extremely worried that it will make her throat stick, causing her to swallow.

Gulp...That's what I heard as she gripped her fist.

I know that it's really huge news that someone has reached the Glutton Continent; needless to say, this guy even acquired its core, but...

Why is she so angry and worried about it?

Well, I know I am worried myself, but...

It makes me think—isn't she one of the strongest?

I mean, she is totally stronger than me. She is stronger than my fully equipped mode. And even though my father modified it to be adaptable, where I can switch power percentages anytime, I know she is still stronger and surpasses me in all aspects.

Though something is something she or anyone else could never surpass, It is the star-shaped light that appears from nowhere.

Anyway, seeing her like this is urging me to ask her...

I wanted to ask her about this Xirvas guy, but...

Something very important is my top priority right now, and it is what I wanted to know.

I then asked her


She is busy thinking things while staring at the screen, so I am hesitating a little lest she will be disturbed.

She then turned to me and said,

"Oh, you were saying something?"

"Ah, yeah..."

I then immediately asked her

"Who are those people that save the kingdom?"


After she reacted, she frowned and said

"They are still unknown; the search personnel are now assigned to investigate those mysterious people's identities."

She then added

"So it also is bothering you, huh? Well, i guess it is to be expected. After all, There is also that mysterious word that the guy has mentioned. Is it... God? I really don't know what he meant but... To maintain the peace of this kingdom, we have to prepare ourselves from any possible invasion. This world is certainly not safe anymore..."

To all the words she uttered, only a few caught my attention.

I then said to myself,

You didn't know what that mysterious guy meant by God. Can't you see those preachers down there? They are uttering God almost thousands of times in a whole day. Why don't you try asking?


I wanted to suggest that, but I am not confident in how this preacher answers questions. Probably there are people who already ask about God, but as you've already known, these people answer as if they are hiding the whole part of the answer.

After gritting her teeth, the girl said her goodbyes to us, for she had been called by the castle. She carries a book with her. She is holding it with her forearm.

I am watching her as she runs.

Heh... I let out a breath of relief.

To think someone like her—a young woman about the same age as me—is already part of the management meeting

By the way, I am 25 years old.

I am amazed at how zealous she is, even though she really has no reason to become this strong; it's not like her family was killed or such, but she still works hard to become stronger.

I wonder why? Could it be because she only wanted to help? And protect this peaceful kingdom from oppressors?

She then disappears from sight as she enters the library.

The queen of the book, "Iliha" , huh?

Say, are you going to hide the salvation gate from people like her? God?

If not, then give us a hint. Give us more convincing reasons to believe you really exist!

Don't leave us at a loss! Don't make me question your existence! I refuse to question your existence! You really exist, don't you? God?

After thinking about it, I and Sei sit at the table. After all, we still have to finish the food and drinks she bought.

The whole city then began to be filled with calling sounds.

[To all beloved citizens of Frisha Kingdom!

The castle is calling out for your utmost support for a very important activity.

The peaceful kingdom will need financial support and such as much as possible.

The peaceful kingdom needs and "really" needs upgraded, enhanced weapons as strong as possible!

A war is about to materialize!]


Upon hearing it, I was immobilized.

War? War to what? War to the dungeon?


I somehow released sweat from my forehead after suddenly remembering the words that mysterious guy said.

*Yeah, humans are not idiots; humans hadn't kill each other before.*

No way, right? The dungeon is not yet even gone, right?

On the terrace, where the whole view of Sunwarmth City can be beautifully seen,

I said

What in the world is happening?