
Unknown Phenomenon

In a peaceful kingdom, a guy named Azroths live lonely due to his parents death. After giving his all effort to avoid being overpowered by sadness through avoiding dungeons and keep conversing in town instead, a change occurs to him upon receiving invitation of an unknown visitor. Doubting the invitation knowing there are no possibilities he can get one, he read it uninterested. There he had learn something which is unknown! A word "magic! " what could it be? Well, It is not different from Azroths question. It gives him interest as it says magic can give extraordinary power to a person. But aside from it, he knows nothing! Only thing on his mind is... This one sure is an unknown phenomenon!!

Storie_muxica · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
26 Chs

The Six Pointed Star

I clenched my fist as I remembered something my father had said.

*While we fight, we run!

If we run to save our lives, it only means we also fight to save our lives!

Is there a place for sacrificing your life? There are none!

Take, for example, fighting despite knowing you can't win only to save others. You still fight even if you know you will die? Then what are you fighting for? Is it your life? Or the life of the other?

If you die saving other people's lives, then it only means you rejected your own life! You don't care about your own life after all! What will your own life say to you?

At the same time, if you still fight even if you know you will surely die (considering fighting is running), if you keep fighting until your death, it only means you keep running your flesh into the very mouth of the hungry lions!

Then, what will your life say to you?

No matter what the reason is, DYING is always a SHAME!

That is why we should do our best to make PEACE with everyone before death approaches us. so that there will be no fighting. That way, you have done what is best for your life. If you lose your life after that, at least your own life will feel that you cherished him by giving him a peaceful, fun, beautiful, and blissful life experience!

Unlike living in despair, People are spending their time on training to change things that are already hopeless. Why are they even trying? They work hard for their future, but will only die in the end? This is worthless.

Life was not created to be lived with hard work! It is to be enjoyed!

for us people to feel delight!

Why are they trying so hard? Is it not to save their lives? But why exactly do their lives need to be saved?

That is why, before your life is in the state of needing to be saved, prevent it already by living your life in a peaceful way and far away from troublemakers! Hide yourself from danger and fear DEATH!

Because if you are already in a state where you need to be saved, who will save you? Your fellow humans?

No! No one can ever save you other than God!

So why are they still trying hard… ?

If they are away from God?

-My father sipped his coffee, then continued while smiling.-

That is why we should help people with their worries and stressful days, so that the world will be filled with DELIGHT instead of despair! That way, if they feel blissed out, they might come to realise the undeserved KINDNESS of God!

Now, we can present ourselves to the presence of God as good servants who treasure his precious gift, which is LIFE!

-We then look at each other, agreeing to the statement. Prepared to submit under God's rulership.-

Father continue.

If we live our lives peacefully and happily, then it means we cherish our lives. Our 100 years of life on earth!

If we die completely from old age, then it means we finish the race! And we become honourable winners!

Will you let a complete simpleton kill you?

If there is anyone that could ever kill me, it's only God!

After all, it is the only death God has given us.

I will never ever accept another foreign DEATH! *

I then let out a breath.


That was one of the reasons why my family kept on protecting the peace of the kingdom.

To avoid death.

Needless to say, a waste of life.

But, still, who in the world is that murderer? What was its problem? How dare he kill a completely holy people?

Is my family's death a shame?

No... It's obviously not... But, well... Yeah...i think... It's an obvious shame. They die, after all.

And that murderer will pay dearly for putting my family to that shame!

That murderer had committed a very serious sin!

I joined my two hands by holding each other. The fingers are not close because I am relaxing myself. I lean my forehead on my joined hands as I let out a breath.

I then breathed out with glowing, sharp eyes.


Ayrimir's eyes widened a little because he was somehow stunned.

What could be the reason for my ruthless aura? Is probably what is on his mind.

a person who promotes a peaceful way of living. Why is it looking like there is no longer a way for any reconciliation?

Yeah, my eyes are filled with ferocious thoughts. You will feel the sadness in it because it has no trace of mercy to look for.

I am feeling sad about that murderer of my family, after all.

I then turn my eye to Ayrimir and smile.

"Please don't accept your death easily; rather, look for a way to save your life. If you can't protect your life by fighting, save it by running!"

"I am not going to fight if it's only me; of course I'd rather run, hahaha, but if I have to die to save my family, then I will die."

Ayrimir replied, smiling blissfully.

I am stunned.

These guys are also well-mannered.

"Saving your family, huh?"

I muttered, thinking what kind of death it would be.

Hmm... Will it be a shame if you die while saving your family?

I smile.

"I see...

That is why we should stay away from trouble, huh? "

Death will always be a waste, after all.

No matter if you die saving your own family, it is still a waste and a shame.

There are no honours for heroes. It is only a word to comfort the family of that person.

After all, what idiot will call the death of their loved one an honour?

For me, the death of my family will always be a waste!

I'd rather scold them than praise them.

And it's not even a death because they messed up the way they live. It's not a death because they let troubles near them.

My parents do everything to enjoy our lives by making peace with all people! By running from trouble! We run from trouble before it even sets eyes on us!

And yet...

That murderer specifically killed us!

"And then, there are people that call their death an honour? Hahaha, interesting."

I muttered

My life with my family is blissful! It's peaceful!

For them to die is very frustrating!

Don't ever dare lump their deaths into your hopeless, senseless, and meaningless life!

My parents find meaning in our lives! To enjoy life! And it was really blissful! Our life was filled with delight!

But they are killed just like a person who doesn't value their life.

And yet there are people who expose themselves to danger even if they know it will lead to their death? Just because they are tired of this messed-up world?

HAHAHAHAHA... I am so infuriated, I could kill you right now!

If you're tired of your lives, then trade with my family and die! Dummy!!!

I look at Ayrimir and the girl.

I then settled myself.

thereafter, I think.

You people are still too young to face deadly battles. You haven't experienced a blissful way of life yet. I will make sure to make you enjoy your life to the extent that you will detest death.

That way, you will gently hold onto your life, afraid for it to be tainted or scratched.

You don't have to feel prostrated over things that are saddening. Rather, you should rejoice over the things that are refreshing.

Once again, I have been filled with satisfying feelings as I imagine the gloomy faces of this town's people becoming delighted!

This is my conclusion:

The death of my family is a great waste, but their lives are blissful and fully satisfied!

Unlike those who live in despair and choose to spend their time on their goal instead of looking for the smallest joy that they can grasp,

They live their lives hardworking to reach a certain goal and rejecting the small happiness that is waving in their sight. Making them succumb to despair at the end.

They live their lives wastefully, and they will die wastefully!

Their lives just turned out to be a perfect waste!

That is why, while you are still alive, look for happiness everywhere. conversing with the town's people, enjoying the nature, etcetera.

If the time does come when you can no longer find happiness, then why are you still trying hard?

Isn't it time to let God take care of it?

Well, if there is no God, I think,

Just do whatever you like.


I then look at Ayrimir, for it seems he and his sister are heading into battle prepared to die anytime.

In a sad, comforting voice, I said,

"Please live your life delightedly and satisfied, okay?"

That way, even if they do die, at the very least, they will not resent their life.

His eyes sparkled.

I then get up to head to the terrace.

Even without looking, I can tell these two are listening. (Girvacks and the girl)

Probably urging to know to where we can even find happiness in this world.

It seems I am the one saying nonsense here, suggesting happiness in a messed-up world. (chuckles)

Well, I can still entertain myself with nature's charm.

And I will make a way for the world to be filled with delight instead of despair.

While at it, I just took the opportunity to ask the girl.

"Uhm, what is your name?


She was surprised by the instant question.

"Uhm, Niriyir..."

"Niriyir? Whoa. A simple, beautiful name.."(beam)

"Uh, yeah..."

"Ah, Niriyir?.."


"Please hurry the food. Ha... Haha."

"Wha...pfft... yeah, sure... (Laughs gently)"

She then faces the pot and smiles heartily.

She looks like she understands the bliss of life.

I then raised my hand to wave as I turned to go to the terrace.

There, Sei is standing with her forearms leaning on the terrace fence. She is facing upward, watching the stars.

"Hey, are you doing well?"

I asked as I walked in her direction.


She spoke without moving an inch. She probably figures that I am going to the fence.

"Huh, what?"

I reply as I lean my forearms on the fence.

"Isn't that star like a six-pointed star?"

Sei uttered.


I then took a look at where she was facing.


I am stunned.

"Isn't that star the Big star?"

I uttered.

It is twinkling and producing six lines of light.

"Huh... Then, what of it?"

I ask because there is not even a thing that is interesting about it. It's just utterly normal.

When I turn to Sei, she is looking at me, slightly annoyed. She is looking at me with such a look that it is as if I can't understand what she is trying to say.

Her look is very suspicious, and I cant help but ask...

I furrowed.

"Uhm, what?!"

She let out a breath and continued facing the direction of the star as she said,

"Don't mind it; it's nothing."


I'm kind of annoyed.

She had already entered her mind to consider things.

"Sigh, this girl…"

Ayrimir then called to us.

"Oi! The food is ready!"

Oh! I guess it's time to eat then.

"Hello, what are your expectations to how the story is going?"

Life is precious.

Your life is the only thing that is yours!

When you are born, you have nothing with you,

Only your life!

Run your life from trouble before even trouble chases your life!

Storie_muxicacreators' thoughts