
Unknown Gift I Got In Fictional Universe Made Me OP!

He always had a truly terrifying luck around him. However one day, he died saving a child. However that wasn't the end. Since his death was not something the universe expected, it gave him a chance. He is allowed to choose or random choose one gift. and got one extra as a service. After he randomly chose one, he was sent to the universe of anime and movies. there he saw that his gifts are.... _______________________________________ The characters from each anime and movies are not mine. I'm just borrowing them for some fun. Also, he sometimes go to other universe to pass the time during each world main events. It won't be the worlds given below. Though if you have any recommendations, just comment the latest chapter! Though I won't be using their characters that often, they will still be in the story. Thanks for reading! _______________________________________ World's : 1.) One Piece (Currently!) 2.) Tensura 3.) ??? 4.) DxD 5.) ??? Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from these anime,series or movies. The only thing I own is my own characters, (OC)

Mad_Crazer · Cómic
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61 Chs

Chapter - 47 [ #V1.30 : Danmachi : A little Discussion! ]

"So, there exists worlds, universes, various timelines and the like with varying principles and orgin? Now that's a great news!"

Scathach was the one feel excited to his explanation. Grafiya was a little shocked, but she nodded and asked,

"So, this is another world, or universe where gods live among mortals to guide them? Even becoming gods are possible here? What about the gods from my world and here? Do they have some kind of connection or something?"

He shook his head and said,

"Each worlds have each gods, Grafiya. For example, your world have many gods and goddesses. In your world, there is a god named Hephaestus who is a man, right? You too, Scathach. The Hephaestus you know is also a man."

The two of them nodded. He continued,

"But here in this world, or any other versions of this world, Hephaestus is a woman, in other words, a goddess."

He said and showed them the projection of Both Hephaestus. They were again stunned. Scathach asked,

"What about Zeus and that old man Odin?"

Ash chuckled and said,

"Zeus is a massive pervert even here, but I think Zeus of Grafiya's world isn't that much of a pervert even though he usually go around impregnating women to birth Valkyries. As for Odin, here he is someone with massive Hero complex. He like to train people to be Heroes and the like."

Scathach nodded as they are kind of similar to her world. As for Grafiya, she shook her head as in her world, they were different.

"What about me, Grafiya? Aren't I in your world? If I'm correct, then our worlds are kind of similar..."

Scathach asked the silver haired devil. She stared at Scathach for a second before saying,

"Although I'm unsure, I have not heard of such titles. But i think there is a similar person in my world. Though they are not that social friendly."

"Someone similar to me, but not with the same titles? Do they have some other?"

Grafiya nodded. She said,

"In Europe, there is a myth of a woman with the similar name, but with different names. Though I haven't seen her yet, I think her description is similar to you, Scathach-sama..."

Now, Ash could guess who it was. He smiled and said,

"I see... It must be her..."

"Umu. If you think you know master then it maybe her. If she is from Europe, it maybe also possible. Can you tell me her name and monikers?"

Grafiya nodded and said,

"She was called, The Bride of the Gods, Queen of Ice and Snow, Skadi. Like you, she has purple hair and red eyes. Though some features are obviously different."

She said the last line while eyeing Scathatch'a chest. In response, the Queen glared at the silver haired devil.

"So, it was indeed Skadi..."

Ash muttered. Scathach however scoffed and said,

"If it's her, she is just a disappointment. She is too pure and innocent. But I guess that's how it was for her."

Scathach said with a huff.

"Umm... So, Scathach-sama knows her?"

"Knows her? She is me. Just an another version of me."

Grafiya was shocked. No wonder they looked similar!

"Forget about me and my other self. Master! You said I'll have some new possible students with immense potential to teach, right?"

Ash nodded.

"Though, they may not become proficient in using spear, they all have their own specialities. Some of them may even master Primordial Runes."

She nodded in understanding. He then said,

"Grafiya, Haruhime is the only maid in this mansion. If you don't mind, help her, okay?"

Grafiya perked up to the word 'Maid' and said,

"As you wish!"

She then ran off to find Haruhime.

"She certainly is wierd..."

Scathach said while giggling. Ash rolled his eye and thought,

'Look who's talking..'

"Did you thought of something rude just now?"

Scathach asked with a smile. But that wasn't nothing like a normal smile. It was as if she was ready to fight him in a deathmatch again.

"No. It's nothing."

"Is that so? By the way, what should I do? There must be a reason for you to summon me or trying to do it?"

"Hm? Oh I was just trying it to have fun. There's nothing special you have to do. If you want to, you can train others and I also like to train myself, even though I have mastery almost anything. I want to you know, do my own things."

She nodded.

"Ah, by the way, after this world, we will go back to another world where training is absolutely needed. And I have some friends there, so if you don't mind, train them too."

She nodded again and followed Ash who walked outside.


A few days later...

Within Freya's room, another person came today to meet her. It was a goddess with red hair. Seeing a kind of friend(?) of her's, Freya welcomed Hephaestus into her room with a smile.

"Welcome, Hephaestus. I never thought the overly busy goddess of Hephaestus familia would come and meet me secretly like this. I wonder why?"

Although she asked, during their time in the inner universe, Ash already explained about his and Hephaestus's relationship and Freya wasn't Jealous. Instead she nodded as if that is the sacred rule of goddesses.

"I heard from Ash, Freya. There's no need to act. Then again, it's a miracle now that I've see you... You have changed..."

"Really? Well, I guess it's because of our darling~!"

Hephaestus's face twitched in response to the previous sex maniac's words.

"So, I heard from his that your divinity has changed?"

"Yeah~! Now I'm a goddess of love and beauty~! But now that I think about my past, I feel very vexed... I wish I could have met darling in the past..."

Hephaestus also nodded. But she was someone who knew about him from her past because of what he did to change it. She gave out her hand for a shake and said,

"So, we will be his support in this world for whatever he wishes for! What do you say?"

Freay shook her hand back and said,

"Of course~! I will always think about darling before doing anything~!"

Hephaestus smiled at her fellow goddess. Then said,

"By the way, Loki had a rough start with Ash. You know what happened?"

Thus she explained the clown's foolishness to the new goddess of love and beauty...


Two Months Later...

Orario, Inside Eternal Manor!



Two bodies crashed into the barrier by the hands of a certain purple haired sadist and grunted in pain. It was Raven and Tatsuya who both began to train under Scathach!

Although both didn't have talents in spearsmanship, after their first fight, she found that Tatsuya have talent for magic and martial arts while Raven has sword talent which was natural.

She decided to train them unless Ash is the one to teach them any new skills. She also fought with the girls and instantly decided to teach Orna, Primordial Runes, who have immense talent in it and natural magic. Grafiya was taught primordial runes of ice and wind, Ais is trained for her instinct and battle iq. As for Flare who instantly hugged him seeing the Queen of Land of Shadows, exclaimed happily, but her happiness was short lived as Scathach pulled her by her shoulder to train with a smile. Flare who knows about her could only accept it.

Miyuki was surprisingly less talented in ice magic than Grafiya. Instead she was talented in soul magic, but that talent was so great that Scathach praised Ash for having such a good little sister. Obviously Miyuki who had begun to see Ash as a family found that praise her pride. So, Scathach decided to try and help her in her magic aspects, also a little rune training to see if she can learn more.

Lina was the most pitiful one as the moment she mentioned her Brionac, which is a fake spear used to fire a powerful spell, Scathach decided to teach her about Spearsmanship. At first Lina was excited, but when their training started, she was feeling a little regretful. Not because she couldn't get any result, but instead she got a great result. She was able to learn from Scathach. But her training was a bit too much for her, even though she had done military training before.

Tatsuya, standing back with an appraising gaze couldn't find any openings from this woman. It was as if she is the most dangerous person for people like them.

"Master, i have brought you something to drink."

The silver haired devil— now a silver haired maid, after talking to Haruhime a lot, decided to be a maid like he thought. Haruhime was a little Jealous that she does almost all the tasks without any visible tiredness, but she only pouts sometimes.

After a few hours of their arrival, Grafiya's mother woke up with a confused expression. Grafiya herself explain what happened and needless to say she was shocked beyond words. But what that shocked him and the others was not her shocked face, but the request she did when she learned what her daughter was going to be.