
Unknown Deity

In the world of fantasy, supernatural creatures roam freely, and humans with extraordinary abilities are not an uncommon sight. In this world of magic and wonder, Robert, a young man from the mundane world, found himself reincarnated in an alternate reality. As he awakens to this new world, he discovers that he possesses unique abilities that allow him to see and interact with the supernatural beings that coexist in this reality. With his newfound powers, he embarks on a journey to unravel the secrets of this mysterious world and to discover the truth behind his reincarnation. As he delves deeper into this world of magic, he uncovers a prophecy that speaks of an unknown deity, a being of immense power and great importance to the balance of the world. Despite being shrouded in mystery, Robert senses a deep connection to this deity, and he soon finds himself drawn into a dangerous and epic quest to uncover its true identity. Along the way, he must navigate the treacherous political landscape of this world and face numerous challenges, including battles with supernatural creatures and powerful adversaries who seek to destroy him. As he struggles to uncover the truth and fulfill his destiny, Robert must also confront his own inner demons and reconcile his past life with his new identity. Will he be able to fulfill the prophecy and uncover the truth behind the Unknown Deity? Only time will tell in this thrilling tale of magic, mystery, and adventure.

Nuno_Menezes · Fantasía
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33 Chs

The Mission Continues

The loss of their backup was a devastating blow, particularly with the formidable task that lay ahead of them.

John was acutely aware of the potential consequences of their battle, which would almost certainly have drawn the attention of the heretics, it would not be good outcome if they got themselves surrounded.

As a result, he knew they had to keep moving and quickly.

John gestured towards Robert to follow him,

"We need to move, this fight most likely grabbed the atention of the heretics".

Robert nodded and they took off in a sprint, their footsteps echoing through the streets.

As they moved through the city, John couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency and dread. The task before them was fraught with danger, and he knew they had to remain vigilant at all times.

Robert, too, was feeling the weight of the situation, but he tried his best to remain calm and focused on the task at hand.

After a few minutes of running, Robert turned to John and asked,

"This should be far enough, right?"

John paused for a moment to catch his breath, then replied,

"Yeah, I think so. But we can't let our guard down. The heretics could still be on our tail."

Robert nodded solemnly, his expression serious.

"Understood. We need to stay focused and alert."

John couldn't have agreed more.

They were in the heart of enemy territory, and any misstep could result in their capture or worse. With a deep breath, he steeled himself for what lay ahead and motioned for Robert to follow him as they continued on their mission.

As John and Robert traversed through the city streets, their eyes constantly scanned their surroundings for any sign of the elusive heretics.

Despite their best efforts, they found nothing out of the ordinary, no suspicious activity or suspicious individuals to report. With frustration and impatience mounting within them, they decided to take a more direct approach and inquire with the locals.

John's mind quickly went to the homeless population, as they often had valuable information and knowledge of the area that was not readily available to the common folk.

With a newfound sense of purpose, he approached a ragged man lying on the street, covered in grime and filth.

John crouched down to the man's level and asked in a calm voice,

"Do you know where the nuns that follow the mother are?"

The homeless man merely grunted in response, his eyes glazed over with a dull indifference.

John could sense the man's skepticism, and he knew he had to try harder to gain his trust.

He pulled out a shiny coin from his pocket, held it up to the man's face, and said,

"I'll make it worth your while if you can give me some good information."

The homeless man's eyes widened at the sight of the coin. His dirty, calloused hands reached out to snatch it from John's grasp.

John pulled the coin back.

"What do you want to know?" he asked, his voice hoarse from years of living on the streets.

"Information first" John replied.

John explained the situation, and the homeless man nodded in understanding.

"I might have heard something," he said, scratching his unkempt beard.

"But it'll cost you more than one coin."

John sighed inwardly. He knew he had to be careful not to reveal too much information or pay too high a price.

"What do you want?" he asked cautiously.

The homeless man leaned closer and whispered a demand in John's ear. John's eyes widened in shock, but he knew he had no choice but to agree.

He handed over the agreed-upon payment and listened to the homeless man's information.

John's heart leapt with hope as he thanked the man and turned to Robert,

"We may have a lead. Let's check out a old church."

They both rose to their feet and started to move towards the abandoned church, fueled by their renewed determination to uncover the heretics' whereabouts.

It wasn't much, but it was a starting point. John and Robert set off again, following the homeless man's vague directions.

As they walked, they couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. It was as if they were being followed by a dark presence, lurking in the shadows.

Finally, they arrived at a dilapidated building that seemed abandoned. But John knew better than to let his guard down.

As they cautiously approached the entrance, a sudden sound startled them. They drew their weapons, ready for anything.

It was just a stray cat, meowing pitifully. Robert let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding and relaxed his grip on his weapon. They entered the building, their senses on high alert.

The air was thick with the smell of decay and neglect. Cobwebs clung to the walls and ceilings, and the floorboards creaked under their feet. Suddenly, they heard footsteps echoing from the corridor ahead.

John motioned for Robert to follow him silently, and they crept forward, their footsteps muffled by the dust and debris.

As they turned the corner, they saw the nuns, dressed in white robes and hoods, standing before them.

The nuns were caught off guard by the sudden appearance of John and Robert, both brandishing their revolvers in hand. The nuns, with their soft and beguiling voices, asked with a hint of fear,

"We don't have any money, good sirs. If your intention is to rob us, please spare us."

The charming and gentle tone of their voice had an immediate effect on the two men, causing them to loosen their grip on their weapons and lower their guard.

John, with his sharp wit and quick thinking, realized the need to explain their presence and the reason for their weapons.

He replied, "We mean you no harm, sisters. We are here to investigate a series of heinous crimes, including kidnappings and murders, that have occurred in the area. My partner and I are police officers, and we have reason to believe that the culprits may be hiding amongst the residents of this neighborhood."

John's words seemed to have a soothing effect on the nuns, who began to relax and let their guard down.

The nuns were taken aback by John's revelation, and their expressions immediately changed from calm to cautious.

"We haven't heard of any kidnappings or murders around here, officers," one of them replied, her voice still retaining its charming quality.

"We are simply here to spread the teachings of the Mother and provide aid to those in need."

John and Robert exchanged a quick glance, knowing that they had to tread carefully.

The nuns' response didn't match up with the information they knew, but they couldn't exactly accuse them of lying without any evidence.

John decided to try a different approach.

"We're just following up on a lead, ma'am," he said, his voice taking on a soothing tone.

"We're not accusing anyone of anything. But if you could just answer a few questions, it would help us with our investigation."

The nuns looked at each other warily, but ultimately nodded their agreement. John and Robert asked them about their activities in the area, their movements, and any suspicious behavior they might have noticed.

John asked first,

"Excuse us, as I have previously stated, we are currently investigating a series of nefarious crimes, including kidnappings and murders, that have transpired within this vicinity. We would like to inquire if you, esteemed ladies of the cloth, have encountered or been privy to any suspicious or curious occurrences within this area or elsewhere?"

One of the nuns demurely replied, her voice as soft and gentle as the flutter of a bird's wings,

"We ofttimes choose not to concern ourselves with worldly affairs, yet there are moments where we cannot help but overhear certain things. Pray tell, what manner of matters are you pursuing?"

John, not one to mince words, swiftly made his follow-up query,

"Any atypical activity, movements or persons that may be tied to the heinous cases we are currently investigating."

The nun delicately responded, her eyes averted,

"Ah, indeed. We do recall glimpsing a group of robed figures loitering about the abandoned warehouse that lingers on the outskirts of this town. Their motives and intentions appeared suspicious, to say the least."

Robert interjected, seeking further clarification,

"Might you provide us with a more precise location, so that we may conduct our inquiries more thoroughly?"

The nun acquiesced, offering her assistance with grace and kindness,

"It is situated in close proximity to the ancient train tracks, not far from the river's banks. However, we advise caution as it is an exceedingly hazardous and perilous environment, one that you would do well to avoid traversing alone during the nocturnal hours."

John's doubts and concerns were further fueled by this revelation, and he knew that gaining the truth and unraveling this intricate web of deceit would not be a facile task.

"Your cooperation and assistance in this matter is deeply appreciated. We shall ensure that this region is scrutinized with the utmost care and thoroughness," he declared with solemn determination.

In response, the pious nuns all murmured in unison, their voices imbued with a sense of piety and reverence,

"May the divine guidance of the Mother be with you, and may her blessed protection keep you safe on your perilous quest."