
Unknown Deity

In the world of fantasy, supernatural creatures roam freely, and humans with extraordinary abilities are not an uncommon sight. In this world of magic and wonder, Robert, a young man from the mundane world, found himself reincarnated in an alternate reality. As he awakens to this new world, he discovers that he possesses unique abilities that allow him to see and interact with the supernatural beings that coexist in this reality. With his newfound powers, he embarks on a journey to unravel the secrets of this mysterious world and to discover the truth behind his reincarnation. As he delves deeper into this world of magic, he uncovers a prophecy that speaks of an unknown deity, a being of immense power and great importance to the balance of the world. Despite being shrouded in mystery, Robert senses a deep connection to this deity, and he soon finds himself drawn into a dangerous and epic quest to uncover its true identity. Along the way, he must navigate the treacherous political landscape of this world and face numerous challenges, including battles with supernatural creatures and powerful adversaries who seek to destroy him. As he struggles to uncover the truth and fulfill his destiny, Robert must also confront his own inner demons and reconcile his past life with his new identity. Will he be able to fulfill the prophecy and uncover the truth behind the Unknown Deity? Only time will tell in this thrilling tale of magic, mystery, and adventure.

Nuno_Menezes · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Fight For Your Life

"John? Who is John?" Robert Blackwell thought to himself.

Nevertheless, he decided to open the door and find out.

As he opened the door, he was greeted by a tall, well-built man with a rugged face and a stern expression. He was wearing a long coat and a wide-brimmed hat, and he had a revolver holstered at his waist.

"Thank God, you're finally awake," said the man.

"We have to leave this place right now. The enemy is closing in, and we don't have much time."

"Enemy? What enemy?" asked Robert Blackwell, still confused.

John gave him a look of exasperation. "Don't you remember anything? We're on a mission to retrieve the artifacts from the temple of the Crimson Moon. The enemy, the Black Hand, is after the same artifacts, and they're willing to kill us to get them."

Robert Blackwell's head was spinning. He had no memory of any of this. But he could sense the urgency in John's voice and the gravity of the situation.

He nodded, and the two men quickly left the room and made their way down the stairs, to a secret passage that led to a dark and narrow corridor.

As they walked, John filled Robert Blackwell in on the details of their mission. They were part of a secret society of artifact hunters, tasked with retrieving valuable relics from all over the world.

The temple of the Crimson Moon was their latest target, and it was said to hold a powerful artifact that could give its wielder immense power.

But the Black Hand, a rival organization, had also caught wind of the artifact's existence and was hot on their trail. They had already infiltrated the temple and were making their way to the artifact as they spoke.

Robert Blackwell listened intently, trying to absorb all the information. He still couldn't remember anything, but he knew he had to do his part to help John and the rest of the team.

At the end of the corridor, they finally reached a staircase that led downwards. As they descended, they could hear the sounds of a fierce gunfight.

John looked at Robert Blackwell and nodded.

"Get ready," he said, drawing his revolver.

"We're going to have to fight our way in."

Robert felt a lump form in his throat as he followed John down the stairs. His heart pounded in his chest, and his hands shook with nervous energy.

As they reached the bottom of the staircase, they emerged into a large chamber filled with the sounds of gunfire and shouting. The air was thick with the acrid scent of gunpowder, and the ground shook with each explosion.

Robert scanned the room, trying to take in everything at once. He saw his comrades huddled behind crates and firing their weapons at the enemy. He saw the Black Hand soldiers moving in a coordinated fashion, their eyes fixed on the prize they sought.

And then he saw it. The artifact they had come to retrieve, a small, glowing orb that pulsed with an otherworldly energy. It was held aloft by a masked figure, who seemed to be chanting something in a language Robert didn't understand.

"Get to the artifact! I'll cover you!" John shouted, firing his revolver at the enemy.

Robert nodded and sprinted towards the glowing orb. He dodged incoming fire and leapt over obstacles, his mind focused on the task at hand.

But just as he reached the artifact, he felt a sharp pain in his side. He stumbled and fell to the ground, his vision swimming.

Looking up, he saw the masked figure looming over him, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light.

The masked man approached, his heavy footsteps echoing through the chamber.

Robert could see the glint of the hammer in the dim light, and he knew that he was in trouble. The hammer was massive, with a thick wooden handle and a wide, flat head that seemed to be made of solid steel.

As the man swung the hammer, Robert could hear the rush of air as it cleaved through the space around it.

The masked man was clearly skilled with the weapon, as he swung it with incredible speed and accuracy. Each blow landed with bone-shattering force, sending Robert staggering backwards.

Despite its size and weight, the hammer moved with a deceptive grace, as if it was an extension of the masked man's own body. He spun it effortlessly in his hand, switching between overhead strikes and sweeping blows that seemed to come from out of nowhere.

Robert knew that he had to stay on his guard, as one false move could mean the end of him. He raised his revolver, and prepared for an opening to shoot a vital point.

The masked man charged forward, his hammer raised high above his head. Robert braced himself for the impact and fired his gun, but at the last moment, the man dodged the bullet and feinted to the left and then swung the hammer in a wide arc, catching Robert off guard.

The blow struck him in the side, and he felt something give way. He stumbled backwards, struggling to keep his footing, as the masked man advanced, ready to strike again. Robert knew that he had to act fast.

He gritted his teeth, fighting back the pain, and kept shooting. The masked man blocked every bullet with his hammer, and then swung again.

This time, Robert was ready. He dodged to the left and then lunged forward, shooting the masked man's side at close range.

The man let out a cry of pain and stumbled backwards, dropping the hammer. He knew what he had to do. He had to to take this chance and finish the fight quickly.

Robert pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. He cursed himself for not reloading earlier. The masked man took advantage of the situation and charged towards him with the hammer raised high.

Robert dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the swing.

He fumbled with his gun, trying to reload it as quickly as he could, but his hands were shaking with adrenaline.

The masked man swung the hammer again, and Robert barely managed to block the blow with his forearm.

Pain shot through his arm, and he gritted his teeth, trying to ignore it. He needed to focus if he wanted to survive. He stepped back, creating some distance between him and the masked man.

The masked man charged again, swinging the hammer with all his might. Robert sidestepped and grabbed the hammer's shaft with both hands. He felt the weight of the weapon and used it to his advantage, pulling the masked man off-balance.

The masked man stumbled, and Robert took the opportunity to strike. He swung the hammer, hitting the masked man's shoulder with a loud thud. The masked man grunted in pain and swung his fist at Robert, hitting him square in the jaw.

Robert staggered back, dazed. The masked man recovered quickly and charged again, swinging the hammer wildly. Robert stumbled, trying to dodge the attacks, but the masked man was relentless.

Robert realized he was no match for the masked man in close combat. He needed to find a way to even the odds. He stepped back, creating some distance between them.

The masked man charged, Robert points his revolver to the man's feet and shoots, this time it hits the target.

The man grunts with pain but keeps charging. however the distraction was enough for Robert to sidestep and close the gap between them. He grabbed the masked man by the collar and headbutted him.

The masked man fell to the ground, dazed. Robert kicked the hammer away and drew his gun, pointing it at the masked man's head. "What are you!?" he yelled.

The masked man looked up at him, his eyes filled with hate. "You'll need to do better than this!" he spat, before trying to get up again.

Robert shoots all his bullets to the man's head, trying all he could to stop him

The sound of gunfire echoed through the chamber as Robert emptied his gun into the masked man's head. The man fell back to the ground, lifeless.

Breathless, Robert leaned against the wall and closed his eyes, trying to slow his racing heart. He couldn't believe what had just happened. He had never killed a man before.

As Robert regained his breath, he found himself disoriented and confused, unsure of what had transpired in the chaotic and frenzied moments prior.

Despite the adrenaline-fueled intensity of the battle, Robert was left feeling disconnected and uncertain, as if he had been thrust into a reality that was beyond his comprehension.

Robert wondered,

"Who was this masked man? Or what was he!?"

The way he moved defied all logic and reason, as if he were untethered from the laws of physics themselves.

Robert was left with the overwhelming question:

"How could he move like that?"

"How can a being endure such a vast amount of damage and still persevere with such unwavering resilience!?"