
3| Unknown Mystery

After several hours, they reached the central airport of New York City, the plane landed on the runway and created channels for the passengers to alight.

    Nick and his family after an hour and half were now on their way—with their luggage—to their new house.


"Wow!!!"Nick said as he took a look around his new house, "This is so so amazing, extremely amazi—" Nick was cut short as he felt a very hot wind wash over him which made him twitch a little. "Son, what's wrong? Are you okay? " His mother asked with a confused look on her face. "Um... It's just nothing, just that I um.... felt a very hot wind wash over me, That sounds like a sign of a secret fever which can just pop up any moment. I think we should get some medications for you after we are done setting every thing up, his dad  said really concerned. But anyway, they still continued setting everything up and after that long day....... they were completely exhausted.


" Phew!!! That was a long and tough one" Nick and Chloe complained panting. "Yeah! You said you wanted to move, that is how to move!, their dad said laughing. "Who would like some dinner?! " their mom shouted excitedly. "Everyone of course", the family chorused at once. All through the family chatted merrily and happily. "Dad, I'm tired, I think I need to go to bed", Chloe said yawning. "Ok love, come give momma a kiss", her mom replied to her. Chloe lazily stumbled over to her mother's side of the dining table. "Good night mom! " "Good night sweetie, "" Good  night my angel, "her dad said after her mom. Then Chloe quietly—no, noisily because she knocked a lot of stuff down to the ground—stumbled up the stairs then into her bedroom.

      " Mom and dad, I guess I should be going also,"Nick said feigning a yawn because he was trying to dodge the dishes. "Pls son, before you leave, pls clear up the dishes". Nick jumped angrily like crazy in his mind 'Prrf! Just what I was trying to dodge' he grumbled in his mind. "Ok mooooom!" he said and carried the dishes to the kitchen.


    Nick woke up with a start. He dreamt that there was something hidden in the house that he needed to find. He stood up and quietly tiptoed to the  living room, and searched everywhere but couldn't find anything. Then he decided to go to the basement. He gently climbed up the old rusted ladder leading to the basement. when he got inside, he took to his surroundings. A musty stuffy, rotten smell wafted through the air. He checked his wrist watch and it was 7:39 a.m. 'Mom and dad might wake up any moment, got to be quick with this damn search.' He started his search. He was just about to give up when he spotted a blueish glow from behind a box on a shelf. He gently moved up there so as not to knock something down and make a loud noise that could blow his cover. When he reached the spot, he rose higher standing tiptoes to get a better view. He shifted the box slightly and lo and behold a blinding crystal blue light flashed through the room making Nick to shield his eyes with his hands. A voice of an old man said 'Don't be afraid,'  Nick looked around but didn't see anyone or thing. The light had engulfed the whole room in the basement, 'This pearl you now see in your presence has extreme power and you have been gifted the authority to use it only for others but not for yourself. Keep it, don't be fooled and give it to a stranger. Even your family should not know, but only if they must. There is danger everywhere, this could save your life one day, just do as you are told, I'm with you, I say again, don't be afraid". But wai—," 'No time for waiting, you have already been exposed to evil and you and your family are already in danger, goodbye, I will meet you again when you most need me. You will soon understand what I'm trying to explain to you.' Nick didn't ask any further questions. He picked the blue unknown pearl before him and  wrapped it up in his handkerchief. He then went back to the main floor, went upstairs to his room and kept the pearl— still wrapped in his handkerchief— in his palm scan and password biometric safe. He then went to the bathroom to have a bath. When he came out, something strange happened. On his bed cover, he noticed a writing saying:'Give me or die!!!' written in blood. He was scared, he looked at his mirror on the wall but instead of seeing his face, he saw a dark musty place more like a battleground with lots of dead bodies scattered around. Another blood writing appeared again, this time on the mirror saying:'Mess with me, you'll die like this!!!'