
Where am I?

"What the hell happened? .... Where am I? ..... What the f*ck? ..." Ben happens to wake up in the unknown forest with big headache. He glances all around but he saw only trees and shrubs. He walks few meters and only sees trees and a narrow path. Path with no pavement, no asphalt road. He inspects his cloths, "This is not my cloth." which seems like traditional Chinese style cloth. "I don't remember buying this sh*t." and touches his backside, "Am I carrying a sword? What the hell?" than draws it and try to swing it. He plays with it for 5 minutes, "Well, it seems I'm bad at it. But I never bought it before. Where the hell did it come from?" and puts it in his back. Trying to remember something with his racing heart he stops and closes his eyes. But the last thing he remember was sleeping while sobbing.

No matter how hard he tried he remembers nothing so he decided to walk. Without the knowledge of direction he walks aimlessly through the narrow path. With his alert ears and eyes, he can hear the cries of insects, sound of wind blowing but did not encounter other than large and dense trees. He's so scared and too alert at the moment. He walks and sometimes runs three hours without stopping but he cannot get out of the forest.

"Rustle..... rustle" he hears and tightens his hearts and stops his breathing. "What the hell was that?" he turns and looks at the direction of sound. "Oink ... oink" he can only see it's red eyes staring like demon. About a three foot height something is staring him like a ghost. He trembles in fear for couple of seconds and remembering something he draws his sword and points at it. But as soon as he points at it, it charges. "Wahhhh ... f*ck !!!", without thinking he runs for the life. While running he glances back for a moment, "F*ck !!! it's a boar. No, it's a wild boar." he curses. Meantime the bear closes it gaps and tries to bite him. Without a choice he swings his sword at the boar while running. "Oink ....oink .." cries the boar and slows down a little bit but never stops. He runs as fast as he could for fifteen minutes while swinging his sword but the pursuit never ends. Suddenly lighting and thunder rumble in the sky. Both man and animal looks at the sky while running. It continues for one hour. "F*cking stubborn fellow !!!!" he cries at the boar but the boar never stops. It scratches his hands, legs and back of Ben. With the increasing number of wound, he fells in despair but doesn't give up. In the middle of thunder and lighting, there seems to be meteor which is directly heading towards them, suddenly the sky lights up and he can't see anything but keeps running while avoiding it.

"Crackle .......... BOOOOOOOOOOOOM", it strikes them. "Ahhhh ... what an unlucky day !!! Hahhhhhh ... goodbye life. It s*cks !!!" he cries from heart and fall into unconsciousness. After unknown hours, he finds himself slowly regaining his consciousness at the middle of nowhere. It seems like black space which contains nothing. "Is it hell??? ..... huh .... what is it?", he asks himself. He observes his surrounding but no matter how he looks at it, he finds nothing. After unknown amount of time in space, may be second or may be millions or billions years later, he finds around thirteen sand size particle with different colors twinkling in the space.

Each is different in color, red, green, blue, purple, indigo, magenta, orange ... etc. He stopped at observe each one for quite sometime. After thinking, he drifted towards the magenta color particle. After hesitating for sometime, he extends his finger towards it. "Ahhhhh!!!" as soon as he touches, the particle directly inter inside his finger and crawl like fire slowly towards his palm which felt like dying for him. It did not stop there but slowly travel toward his arm, elbow, chest than stopped at abdomen and spin at in incredible speed for sometime. "Zeezzzzzzz" sounding like electrocution, the current travel all over his body which fell like hell for him.

After the electrocution, suddenly many information flooded his brain and exploded with information which cause his so much that he cried like monster butchered in hell and suddenly fell unconsciousness.