
Eastern continent

After sitting in a meditative position outside of the house, he swallowed one pill which immediately melted into his mouth, and a burst of energy guessed towards his body. Without thinking he guided this violent energy to his meridians and towards his dantian. It was very painful but an hour later he broke through the eighth level of the gas collecting realm with a "boom" sound and he felt that he was near the ninth level. After the breakthrough, he went inside the house and cooked himself a delicious meal, took a shower then went to the library to study. He first choose a book about this world and studied it. This world actually contained five continents which are separated by a large ocean and he was on the eastern continent. The Eastern continent contains four great kingdoms and he was in a Mass kingdom. This kingdom alone was as large as the earth in the area.

The mass kingdom is ruled by king victor seventh and it is located east of the eastern continent. Normally few the royal will not care about the life of commoner but at the time of war, everyone is expected to participate. When the royal decree is issued it has to be followed. In this world, they have abundant resources so there is nothing like vat however people will collect fees everywhere. Mostly it is reasonable so nobody complains about it.

After knowing general knowledge about the world for about two days, Fei went outside and again took another gas collecting pill. This time it took him whole one day to breakthrough to nine-layer and enter into the liquid condensing realm but he was far from over. With a "boom" sound, the barrier of gas collapse itself and he felt immense pain all over his dantian. He tried his teeth, after that the gas suddenly contract itself and collects itself into smaller droplets slowly. The process continued for a whole fifteen days and the last of the gas turned into the liquid state. After the conversion, the amount of liquid is truly pitiful but the power coming from is extremely potent. He gets up on his feet and feels the power with a very much satisfied face. Suddenly thinking about fighting hovering in the sky, his mouth twitched. When he looked at the body, he was covered in mud-like substance so he dashed towards the bathroom and washed thoroughly.

Thinking about the effects of pills, he suddenly felt the need to create it by himself so he found the book about alchemy. In the library, he found the book titled "Basic of alchemy", and when he found out he had to remember millions of plants, herbs, animals, monster's core, etc, his head started to hurt. He studied for five days but on the sixth day, he fell asleep exhausted and had pain in his head. He slept for the whole day. He barely can remember a thousand types of things.

"Maybe it's not my forte." he sighs for himself. He took out his booklet about swordplay, the first move was to practice a million thrusts. So he starts to thrust his sword continuously but soon his whole arm turns numb. Without giving up, he continued, twelve days went by and his mind turned numb and finished his first million thrusts. Now his sword thrust is like a thunder strike, it buzzed and hit every target accurately.

After the practice, he went for the liquid condensing pill which was in transparent color with one green line in it. He can only take this three times in his lifetime. After thinking about it sometimes, he swallowed one of them, he felt the same pain again. Violent energy of the pill went to his meridians and to his dantian which dropped like rain. With boom sound, he entered into the second layer of the liquid condensing realm, after a day he entered the third layer of the liquid condensing realm. With such a boost of power, he was very happy. He took five days to consolidate this realm.

The second movement of the sword was to slice it diagonally in both ways for million times. He continued to practice and it took him ten days to finish. When he finished it, he can strike it at a buzzing speed. The movement was like his hand's movement, he could perform it without thinking too much about it.