
Universe of The Gifted: Sequoia

In this realm of magic and fantasy, where battles were fought with elemental forces and alliances were tested, the Paragons stood as beacons of hope, their bravery and unwavering determination forging a path toward a brighter future. The locals believed that once upon a time, there was a place full of dangerous creatures that invaded the humankind. After the brutal attack that claimed the lives of her adoptive parents and destroyed her village, Nyra learns of her true identity and embarks on a journey of vengeance and redemption. Driven by a burning desire to avenge the deaths of her loved ones and rescue her abducted friend from the clutches of the Adbeels, Nyra sets out on a path of power and transformation. She enrolls in a prestigious school where individuals with God-given gifts are trained to harness their abilities and ascend to higher levels of mastery. Determined to become stronger and more powerful, Nyra immerses herself in rigorous training, pushing the boundaries of her capabilities. Alongside her fellow students, she delves into the mysteries of her unique gift, unlocking new levels of potential and unlocking secrets about her heritage as her power grows Disclaimer: The Book cover that I used is not mine. Credits to the rightful owner of the art.

MiChuu_ · Fantasía
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89 Chs

Start Of The Training

As the days unfolded within the grand castle, I found myself grappling with the stark contrast between my previous life and the opulence that now surrounded me. The enormity of the place and the presence of dedicated helpers initially overwhelmed me, as I had grown accustomed to taking on the responsibilities myself. However, my desire for equality and a sense of purpose led me to seek a different path.

With determination in my heart, I approached the helpers and requested their assistance in performing household chores. To my surprise, they politely declined, explaining that their duty was to serve me, not to share in the tasks. Undeterred, I persisted, pleading with them to allow me to work alongside them, to experience the satisfaction of contributing and fostering a sense of camaraderie.

After what felt like an eternity of persuasion, their resolve wavered, and they relented, allowing me to participate in their chores. Although they initially seemed weary of my insistence, their patience won out, and we embarked on a journey of cooperation. Together, we cleaned, cooked, and maintained the castle, bridging the gap between servant and master, and fostering a newfound understanding.

Simultaneously, my biological parents devoted themselves to building a bond with me. Their love and care became apparent as they sought to understand my perspective and honor the values instilled by my adoptive parents. Their genuine efforts to connect resonated with me, reminding me that kindness and compassion transcended blood ties.

In their presence, I gradually shed the protective layers I had built around me, allowing vulnerability to seep in. I opened my heart to the possibility of forging a relationship with them, recognizing that my adoptive parents had raised me to be open-minded and respectful.

In the days that followed, my biological parents embraced their role in getting to know me better, recognizing the significance of building a foundation of trust and understanding. They took it upon themselves to introduce me not only to the vast expanse of the castle but also to the lands they governed.

We embarked on explorations that revealed the beauty and diversity of the kingdom. They shared stories of the history and traditions that shaped our people, instilling within me a sense of pride and connection to my heritage. We ventured through picturesque gardens, strolled along the tranquil shores of lakes, and visited quaint villages, where the warmth of the people enveloped us.

The revelation of my memory loss at such a young age left me both intrigued and apprehensive. It was as if a curtain had been drawn over a significant part of my life, shrouding my past in uncertainty and fragments of forgotten moments. Yet, the desire to unlock those memories, to understand my family and myself, burned brightly within me. 

Driven by a longing to piece together the missing fragments of my past, I expressed my deep yearning to remember. Understanding the significance of my desire, they offered their unwavering support. 

I am currently in our land's cemetery since I asked my parents to give the people of Deptford Village proper burials to give respect.

It had been hours since they had been buried, but I couldn't leave the grave of my adoptive parents. Although there was no body found, their ashes and pieces of their last worn clothes were discovered in the house.

I Know that they are already gone, but a part of me still holds out hope that they are still alive.

When I found out the news about them, I was devastated and locked myself in my room, all day. I am aware that my parents were concerned about me, but they said nothing, which made me feel better.

I requested my butler, Mr. Amado, to give me some privacy so I could speak to my late adoptive parents because my parents had instructed him not to leave my side and there were royal guards all over the cemetery. He agreed, which relieved me, and took more than ten steps away from me.

Jaime Levine 1757-1801

Elora Rose Levine 1759-1801

I forced a strong smile at their tombstone, but it came out sad.

"I never imagine that I, the one you adopted will be the reason for your d-death." my voice cracked as I try to hold back my tears, "But I want you to know how honored I am. Thank you for looking after me and for being a family to me. I will always remember your kindness and the valuable lessons you taught me, and I will do what is right for both you and the people of The Deptford." I said, anger and frustration grow as I think of the Adbeels.

I will stand firm and fight what must be fought. With the right training and assistance, I am confident that I can succeed with my plan. With the help of the other Paragons who, like me, wish to put a stop to evil, I am confident that we can beat them.

I decided to pay a visit to Glendale's parents' grave after a few more minutes.

They were said to be discovered dead in their kitchen house, with stab wounds on their bodies.

"I'll do everything in my power to bring Glendale back, Mrs. and Mr. Compton, I won't stop until they repent for their sins. Believe me," With eagerness in my voice, I said, as I looked at their tombstone mix of emotions in my eyes.

I'm suddenly approached by Mr. Amado, who says, "We need to go back to the castle, Lady Nyra. Your training will begin soon." I nod at him.

I gave the graveyard one more glance before releasing a long sigh and making my way to the carriage. When Mr. Amado opens the door, I enter before him.

Before I enroll in The Augurium Academy, I have four months to build my physical strength. In order to defend ourselves when our guards are not around, my father explained that as Royals, we must train ourselves.

We arrive at the castle again after a brief stroll. The royal guard and royal maids greeted me both inside and outside the castle.

I went straight to our training center after I changed my dress into my training attire my mother personally delivered to my room and tied my long hair.

I found my father having conversations with a man whom I assumed would be my trainer.

I walked towards them, and as soon as I get close to them I slightly bowed my head to my Father.

"There she is, my daughter." My father then gave me a hug, "Nyra, this is Mr. Edwards, your personal trainer for four months, he is our trainer when I was just fifteen." The elderly man in front of us, who I seems to be over 60 years old, was introduced by my father.

Mr. Edwards laughed, "HAHAHA, good old days, aye?" he said, and tapped my father's shoulder.

I do not want to be disrespectful but, he looks too old to train me; is my father serious about this?

As he laughed with him, my father gave him a nod and said, "Indeed, Mr. Edwards."

Mr. Edwards turned to look at me and bowed his head slightly, I extended my right hand for a handshake, which he accepted instantly. "It's nice to finally meet Her Royal Highness, Princess of the Vandenberg," he said to my father, then returned his attention to me, "It's such a pleasure to finally meet you, your highness," he said, kissing the back of my hand.

"The pleasure is mine, Mr. Edwards. I will be looking forward to these months of training" I said giving him a smile as he let go of my hand.

"I am going to make your time worth it and make sure to give you enough knowledge and training," he assured me with a confident smile.

His words made my lips pursed, maybe I should just trust him and my father. After all, I know my father will not hire him as my trainer if he is unsuitable. I need to get stronger, so I will make sure that those four months of training will be well spent.

"Well, I am going to leave now so the two of you can start," My father said to us and looked at me, "Good luck," he said before leaving us.

Mr. Edwards clapped his hands together to get my attention "Well, I believed we should start with some stretching, shall we?"

Please, God, give me the strength I need for this training.

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