
Universe Force

Follow me on this adventure of love and Chaos as Jacob Zero becomes the most feared officer among the Space pirate scum. You might just like the adventure the universe has in store for us.

JacobMWierzba · Ciencia y ficción
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11 Chs

The Academy

I was in front of the building the academy was and it was bigger than any college on earth. You could say it was as big as a small city. I saw shown by a student where to sign up at and I went up to the window. There was a big cat-looking woman was sitting there and typing away at a strange-looking computer. She looked up and saw me and then she said to me, "Hello you man, you must be the human-looking to get into the academy."

I smiled a bit and she handed me the proper paperwork on a glass sheet, it was like a tablet and had strange writing on it. I couldn't read it so I had the front desk lady help me, I did what she asked me to sign. We talked for a moment and then I was given a room assignment, I was also being given a person to help me during my next few weeks. The person was like a bull and was pretty big, The bull showed me where my room was.

I had a roommate that I didn't know of yet because I went straight to sleep for the next day. I was not acclimated to the newfound time of the universe and one day there were two Earth days here (48 hours). The next day I had my first class in tactics and weapons, I was getting ready with my cadet uniform. I saw when I was coming to this room, everyone was wearing white uniforms and the accents matched the type of training they specialized in. Mine though, was not like theirs, I had a black uniform and my accent color was purple. I wasn't sure what that meant, but I was ready for class.

I headed to class expecting to cause a scene, and I was right, right as I walked into the room a mouse girl almost ran into me and screamed. To her, I was taller and looked scary for being a human. I walked away and went to the back of the class trying not to start anything bad. The teacher walked in shortly after that and saw me in the back. "Alright, class we have a new student joining the academy today. As it looks, you all know this by now, please young man come up and introduce yourself. "

The teacher said this to me and I was hesitant to even move, but I got up and walked up to the front. I heard everyone whispering about me as I got to the front, the voices started to annoy me when I began to speak. "My name is Jacob Zero but most of my friends call me Jake, I'm from Earth and I am here to help get my brother's sentence lessened. For now, I will be learning all I can to be the best officer ever in this academy and on the U-F."

Everyone looked at each other and I went back to my seat as the teacher began normal class. Today was field training and weapons training. I was to take one gun and an explosive then I was to take out targets as fast as I could. The targets were marked by color and everyone got a chance to try the challenge. Then about an hour of going through the whole class, it was my turn to try. I got to the line and saw what the course was I got really excited and waited for the countdown.

The teacher raised his hand and I watched as the clock hit zero, I launch off the starting point after the targets. I was a big or heavy person so this surprised people when I could move like a skinny person. I hit every target I saw or caught a glimpse of, then when I got to the end of the course I saw a room full of targets. I threw the explosive, shot it as it got to the center, it exploded and I took out the rest left on the outside of the blast zone. To me, it felt like I took too long, but to the rest of the class. I had beaten the high score set years prior and beaten a graduated Officers' time by ten seconds.

I had gotten all the targets and the teacher was very impressed with my effort and congratulated me for my high score. That week here in my new home was easy for a bit, but I began to notice something, most of the officers and cadets were stronger and faster than he was. This bothered him a bit, but he couldn't worry about it for long. He was asked to go on a rescue mission, he was to help a crew and recover whatever they could. I took the job with gusto, I was taken to this hangar where a high-ranked Captain of the U-F wanted to meet.

When I was brought to the hanger I saw the ship had a bird on its side, I walked along the ship taking it all in when I found myself near the office. I found an Officer watching me closely, He saw my black cadet uniform and knew who I was. "Hey kid, Captain wants to meet you before we head out." I was brought into the office area and I saw who the captain was. "Cadet Zero, this is Captain Swan she is the one you beat at the academy target time trail."The officer said to me when I saw this Birdwoman like Roc turned to me.

My heart seemed to act weird for a moment, she was the most beautiful person I've seen. You could almost see my knees shake a bit when I shook her hand. "Hello Jacob, heard and seen you broke my recorded at the academy." Swan said to me as I blushed a bit from her voice hitting my soul, "Yes, Captain, I only did what I could of what I had." I told her as she smiled back at me, "That trail was more like a video game-like from home, but here now what's about to happen is real." Swan agreed with my statement.

"Good to hear a human has the intelligence to know what is real and what's just a game," Swan said to me as I was told to get my new uniform on and head to the ship. I was getting my orders from the commander and then got to my post. I ran onto the ship and saw a guy waiting for me he gave me orders and introduced himself to me. I was to guard the halls and check the cargo once every forty minutes. This made me sad, but orders are orders at this line of work. Later that day I was doing my rounds of the ship keeping everything I could save. I even helped repair a couple of control panels that were bugged out.

Then all of a sudden I heard vibration on the haul of the ship, then Boom a loud slam could be heard from the ship being pulled out of hyperspace travel. "Attention crew, we are being attacked, attentive crew this is not a simulation." Yelled the radios I saw a few Pirates come through the opening they made. "Cadet gets to your room now! " Yelled of my crew mates shooting at the pirates. I looked at the guy with a stupid look on my face, "My orders are to protect these halls, that's what I'm going to do." I said to him and then I saw more pirates coming towards us.

I heard one of the pirates say, "Kill everyone on this ship and take their weapons." They looked at me and aimed, I pulled my crewmate with me behind the corner just as a Lazer passed my face. I looked behind me to find anything to fight with but all I could see was a room. We ran into it and found it was the weapons, cash the ship had. I saw a laser sword and a handgun. I grabbed both and looked at my crewmate, "Let's get this done." The guy smiled, then we headed out once more and I ran into a pirate right at the door.

I turned on the sword almost like a certain famous scene from a movie. I looked almost possessed as driving the sword through him. The pirate fell to the ground and I saw more down the hall waiting for a moment to fire at me. I smiled forgetting about my crewmate as I headed down the hall, taking on the whole pirate crew. Swan on the other side of the ship was dealing with the captain of the pirates. He was threatening her about the weapons when he heard about me on his scanners.

"Who is this guy, why is he so weird looking, how can he use a laser sword like that. No," The scanner cut out for the captain when he looked at the subordinate behind him then said. "Go find out what's killing us off!? " As he looked behind his crew he saw me shooting the man he just asked to find me. To me, the guy looked a lot like a shark with red skin and his teeth look sharp. The guy was about to monologue like Villians did so I shot him in the face.

Everyone around us saw him fall heavily to the ground and the look of relief from Swan was rewarding to me. His crew saw he had fallen so they retreated to the ship fled just to be caught by a U-F warship. I was very tired from the fight that I fell to my knees and then I laid on my back. Swan and the commander saw the hall that I came down and saw a lot of dead pirates. The guy I was with in the beginning was coming down the hall with a smile on his face. "You should have seen him Captain it was just insane for a human to be this good.

Swan looked over at me who was almost falling asleep, "Did you really take them all out?" I shook my head, yes and then my head went back as I passed out. "Good job cadet, you'll be a threat yet," Swan said as I was taken back to Base planet for recovery.