
Universe:- Our Dream!!

" Little Star " is how she is known by everyone! The one whose identity is unknown yet known by all. She, is a famous singer, yet confidential. Popularly known as "The one who sings in mask" ! Ajay, owner of " Star ", a music company, well the company with no well name! It still stayed at the position of a start-up company even after 3 years experience! The company with no much recognition, with three years of experiences and a lot of failures! Nearer to the edge of loosing everything, yet never did he lost hope! Story takes a twist, when fate brings this two ending poles from two different worlds with the only connection "music", in the name of a contract! And that's when everything starts to change! A childhood lovestory it is indeed, some secrets, some rudeness, togetherness at the circumstances and the heartfelt love that's hidden and forgotten. Join me, to experience this rollercoaster of love, emotions, and music a language of love, to feel and explore the further story!! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonelysoul · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
26 Chs

8. Accepted Or Not?!

Dhvani confirmed herself that her assumption was right about them being the one as she noticed the confused look of the old man and the gaze of the young man which was on her from the beginning!

"Is it you who left a note for me?" she without beating around the bush, directly questioned the young man seated infront of her as the old man still seemed confused and probably would not be able to answer her!

The man gave her a nod!

"Seeing how you are waiting for me, you were sure I would come, weren't you??"

He again gave her a nod, while his gaze still was fixed on her!

"How were you so sure?" she frowned.

"I had confidence!"

"I had rather put it as overconfidence!!"

He smiled, "I don't mind!!"

She sighed leaning forward, "Why is that you wanted to meet me?"

He shrugged, "Can't we just go with introductions first?"

She rolled her eyes, "I hate long conversations!!"

His brows raised without his consent, as he spoke up, "Don't you want to know who I am??"

"Unless you don't have anything to discuss or wish for something from me, you wouldn't be placing a note! It's either you having something to offer me or wishing to get something!!"

Her tone got cold,"Because.... I guess you very well know about the consequences of wasting my time!!"

He sighed giving a nod, leaning forward just like her, "I am having both to offer and wish to recieve something!"

She frowned, "I encourage straight conversations!"

He almost smiled inward wondering about the very unique way she is putting her words in! Well he hated long talks too, but recieving the same attitude that he has, from someone, is almost making him taken aback!

"Let's get straight to the point, I am Ajay, and own Star, a start-up music company! We need support, and are willing to be your associative while offering our partnership as well!" he made it clear!

She frowned, and was almost taken aback by what he said just now!

Even if she laughed inward at how he choose to approach her, expecting her to accept his proposal with so ease, on the other way, she started linking everything as her all focus went on one thing! His name! Why did he have the very same name? And everything the informer said was connecting with him! Name. A start-up company. But....

"Full name?" she questioned out of blue!

He was mused, "Pardon?"

She fixed her gaze on him as she repeated, while Choi just kept silent and observed everything, "Your full name!!"

He frowned though gave a nod with a smile, "Ajay Joyanth!"

Her lips parted, eyes widened, and her throat deserted! This was him?? Mused by everything he stated just now, all that mattered her now was him!

"Excuse me?!" the man interrupted her thoughts, she blinked and swallowed, "Nice...to meet you... Mr.Ajay Joyanth!"

He smiled, "What do you think about my request?"

"What makes you think I would accept it??"

He shrugged, "I am trying my luck!"

She sighed, "I have many other better options, don't you think you should offer me something better than I have?"

He nodded, "I know! Little Star is a performer of Universe, and our Star can't beat it as of now! But to be frank, I don't just want success, I am having other plans!!"

She frowned, "So are you willing to accept it?" he continued!

She shook her head, "You choose a very weird way to attract others like me, but sorry to say.... I am not that attracted! And you even choose a place to meet which might expose me!"

"Might! And that will only happen when everyone can notice you, which won't happen, everyone who comes here are busy scheduled people and choose this place to work, and so here is the quietest place!"

She frowned, looking around then nodded, "Whatever! Look Mr.Ajay, as of now I am not having any plans to collaborate with any, I am already in a contract at present!"

He still held his gaze fixed on her, but she could notice the disappointment that swirled in his eyes! He sighed, "I am glad that you were down to earth enough to visit us just by something as silly as that note!"

She frowned, "Actually.....that made me.... curious!!"

He smiled. "We would feel glad to escort you out as well!!"

She just looked at him before giving a nod and getting up! Choi who was still silent found himself numb this all time, but regained his senses when Ajay stood and patted on his shoulder, he stood too, and they both went out with her!

When she opened the door and was about to get into her car, she halted, and turned back, taking another look at him, making him frown! She soon took out her visiting card, "But I would feel glad to welcome you sometime!"

He was confused, "I would like to consider your offer though!"

His brows raised in surprise, "Are...you sure??"

"I don't say things without a think! May I get your visiting card as well?"

He halted then handed her the card while taking her's!

"Let's meet again if possible!!" she said and without making much think, she got into her car and left!

Ajay was still freezed by what happened just now, while this time Choi was the one who patted on his shoulder to help him regain his senses!

"Do you think she accepted us?" finally Choi spoke up after a forever silence!

Ajay looked at him, and just shrugged uncertainly, "I would like to know that as well!!"

Choi sighed, "I still can't believe that you did something like this!"

"I actually wonder the same!!" he then smiled, "As I said I am trying my luck!"

He looked at him before giving a shook, "Let me drop you home, today was tiring after all!"

Ajay nodded with a smile, and soon Choi escorted him to his home!


Dhvani kept driving when her phone again ringed, she sighed and lifted it, today was overwhelming her! At first that so called family meeting which she didn't even considered as one, then now meeting someone who.....she sighed again!

If anything good happened to her in this day, then it is to hear that news, that the person she reached to find him has found much information about him!

As she lifted, as usual it was Ajith, again, perhaps asking her whereabouts again!

"What is it now?"

"I am in your home! But where are you?"

She stopped the car, "I said you not to visit my home again!!" she yelled!

"Aish....fine fine! I was just worried, you left like that, and I worried that you..."

"I am not that hurt okay! Now leave there!"

Ajith shook his head, "You act like your house is haunted!"

"Don't joke Ajith! You know why don't I want you to go there!"

He sighed, ofcourse, she might not say it, but he knew, even though she lost her mother, she didn't want him to lose his mother just because he was being friendly with her! His mother never liked her, and she didn't want any problems to arise between them cause of her!

"I will be there in almost 5minutes! And if you are still there by the time I come, trust me, I will kick you out hard this time!" she yelled again!

He smiled, "Alright, just making sure that..."

"I am alright!" she cut him off!

He shook his head while hanging up the call, when will she not try to push him away? Well he was glad for the improvements in her though, it might be because she was far away from them for years! She didn't push him away as hard as she did back then, she was a little more open to him now, and it might be because of them working together, and he was glad when she accepted him working with her!

But when he recalled what his mother said which she actually heard, made him sigh! If he was in her place, he might even hate himself, but she didn't!

After minutes of Ajith leaving her house, she returned, when she was about to get in, she stopped! Looking at the lock system, it is it why he always gets in easily! She sighed, and decided to change it!!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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