
Universe:- Our Dream!!

" Little Star " is how she is known by everyone! The one whose identity is unknown yet known by all. She, is a famous singer, yet confidential. Popularly known as "The one who sings in mask" ! Ajay, owner of " Star ", a music company, well the company with no well name! It still stayed at the position of a start-up company even after 3 years experience! The company with no much recognition, with three years of experiences and a lot of failures! Nearer to the edge of loosing everything, yet never did he lost hope! Story takes a twist, when fate brings this two ending poles from two different worlds with the only connection "music", in the name of a contract! And that's when everything starts to change! A childhood lovestory it is indeed, some secrets, some rudeness, togetherness at the circumstances and the heartfelt love that's hidden and forgotten. Join me, to experience this rollercoaster of love, emotions, and music a language of love, to feel and explore the further story!! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonelysoul · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
26 Chs

25. Anything For A Living Boss!!

Dhruv though he had dropped Alia in the kindergarten, haven't left and actually had accompanied her in taking care of kids, for the first time in his life, he laughed wholeheartedly! Playing with kids made him smile and let alone her smile! At once he had thought that if any might be able to live a contentment life, then the first one would be Alia!

He assisted her till the noon, and had a meal with her in a small restaurant according to her taste and order, which he obviously liked! And what he noticed was, the taste was better while the expense was less as well!

Later she took him to a place, where kids were gathered, again?! He just followed, it was someone's house, but who's? He assumed it to be one of the children's house and when he saw her getting seated, he frowned! The thing he should notice was every child who were about of 15 or 16 yeas old, held violin, and surprisingly she took one into her arms which was placed beside her! He took a seat as well and observed, she played and was teaching them how to play it! So she knows how to play it? Impressive!!

He was lost in observing her, the lustrous wooden colour was so dominant when placed on her arm, on the light grey coat! Her hair which was gently getting pushed back and forth by the wind from the open window beside her! Her eyes were closed all the time, and she only opened them when she actually found any mistakes in children and then to correct them! Then her eyes again were shut as she started to play! Oh god, she looked like a fairy! May be she was!!

As time passed by she finished the class and some of the children almost yawned! He shook his head with a chuckle and stood when she placed the violin back and reached him! "I took too much time right!"

He shook his head with a smile, "I am enjoying your company!!"

She chuckled "I am not even spending time with you!"

"Trust me, you are!!" he smiled, she frowned but then smiled as well!

As they were coming out of the house reaching his car, he asked, "Do you teach how to play violin?"

She nodded, "I do!"

He nodded thoughtfully, "And this house?!"

She explained, "Ah, you saw the kid who sat in the first row, just infront of me right?!", he became thoughtful for second before giving her a nod, "This house is his! The boy is so interested in music and wants to learn how to play violin! His mother arranged me as his teacher and his friends who are willing to learn came by as well!"

Dhruv nodded again, "Do you have a violin?"

She sighed and shook her head, "No! In the orphanage church, I learnt how to play it, but I don't have any of my own! Well I am glad that the lady arranged one for me as well!!" she said with a smile and shrug!

Dhruv was about to nod again but a frown settled on his face immediately, "O-Orphanage?!"

She bobbed her head, "I was raised there, until I was 20! Then I moved out!"


She took a deep breath before sighing, "I don't think I have any!"

He was silent, she didn't have any?!

"Well I am getting late for cafeteria!!" she said making him come out of his halt! He took a second before giving her a nod, "Get in!" he said with a gentle smile, and then he dropped her at cafeteria! "You may leave though, it's about to be evening!" she said!

He shook his head with a smile, "Let me work with you as well!"

"Work? You??"

"What's with that? Do you think I can't?"

She shook her head, "I mean why do you even have to?"

He thought for a second, "To experience you!" he smiled!

Her brows twitched, before she shook her head! Later he took permission from the lady boss, Alia had managed her so well to accept, and she agreed without much difficulty while giving out a knowing smile which he still didn't understood yet! Well seems like she had a close relation with the lady, he still haven't forgot how she could easily allow her leave the work for sometime when she had accompanied him a walk!

He got an apron for himself too, she shook her head looking at him! "You look cute!!" she said!

Dhruv rolled his eyes and they both worked together, in the mean time, he had also got to know some of her colleagues who were her friends! As time passed by, it was getting dark, and her shift was done, he had thought that now she would go home, but then again, she said him to drop her somewhere else! When he did and got out of his car along with her, he saw that it was another cafe! "Don't tell me you work here as well!" he asked with brows raised!

She laughed, then gave him a shook, "I work but not a waitress!"

Seeing the frown was still present on his face, she explained, "I have a friend who is my junior! He wants to be a voice actor as well, and so he takes classes from me! We meet daily here, I am early today, we actually meet at 9.30 p.m daily!"

He nodded, it was ten to nine already! He sighed, "Why do you work this much?"

She shrugged "Anything for a living boss!!"

She soon looked behind when she heard her name being called, he followed her gaze as well and the man reached him, "You are early as well!" said Alia! Dhruv needed no one to say him that he was the man she just said about!

They greeted each other with a smile while he just observed, the man gave him a look then a nod but he didn't nodded in return, she then turned to him, "Well I am getting late, thanks for dropping me! See you later!"

He smiled giving a nod, before calling out her name suddenly making her turn back and look at him! She gave him a questioning look, "Thanks for today! I had a great time!!" he smiled!

She smiled as well, "Thank you too, I enjoyed spending time with you!"

He just kept smiling until she waved her hand at him before getting into the cafe along with the man! He haven't even realised when his hand flew to wave at her as well, and when he did, he chuckled! He took a deep breath leaning against his car door, he still looked at her through the glass wall, she was teaching him something and sometimes she spoke something he couldn't hear, and the man seemed to follow her! She suddenly laughed hitting his shoulder, and the man laughed too! While Dhruv just sighed, it seemed like this will take time, there was no need to wait for her, as he knew that after the session she will return home! And so he decided to drive back to Star so that he could pick up his sister!


"Are you even paying attention to me?" Dhvani snapped!

Dhruv shook his head, "Yeah!!" he replied!

"I asked you something!" she reminded! When he was still silent, she just repeated the question knowing that he actually didn't pay attention to her! "Where were you?"

He took a deep breath before a smile popped up, "I went to find my company!"

She scoffed, "Alright!"

"How was your day?" he asked!

She frowned looking at him, what had gotten into him, what about this sudden weird questions? He is acting like a brother now! She rolled her eyes!

"Are you even paying attention to me?" he went with her dialogue!

Her brows raised for a brief moment, "It was just a day!!"

"Well I am tired, I would want some rest!" she said indirectly saying him to drive faster! Ajith just nodded and after a few minutes, they reached, she just got in, and without even welcoming him, she shut the door! He shook his head with a chuckle, she so badly needs to learn manners!

Dhruv then drove to his own home, he saw his father again near the wide glass door which seperated the living room from the garden! He didn't know why his father always sit there and observe when he could actually go and roam in the garden, was it because it was dark now? He didn't know! As usual, his mother would be sleeping now, he shook his head before reaching his father! "Won't you get some sleep father?"

The man looked up at him, "I can't find a peaceful one these days!"

Dhruv had nothing to say, his father was always like this, somehow he felt the reason was his sister!

"You will get sick if you won't get yourself a good sleep!" he still pleaded! The man sighed and got up from his chair, before patting on his shoulder, "Were you with your sister?"

What should he say, he was and wasn't as well, he just gave him a nod not knowing what to say! The man now had his lips curved up slightly, and he patted on his shoulder again, "Goodnight!" he said and started leaving the room!

"Have a goodnight sleep!" he called out from behind, his father said nothing and left!