
Universe:- Our Dream!!

" Little Star " is how she is known by everyone! The one whose identity is unknown yet known by all. She, is a famous singer, yet confidential. Popularly known as "The one who sings in mask" ! Ajay, owner of " Star ", a music company, well the company with no well name! It still stayed at the position of a start-up company even after 3 years experience! The company with no much recognition, with three years of experiences and a lot of failures! Nearer to the edge of loosing everything, yet never did he lost hope! Story takes a twist, when fate brings this two ending poles from two different worlds with the only connection "music", in the name of a contract! And that's when everything starts to change! A childhood lovestory it is indeed, some secrets, some rudeness, togetherness at the circumstances and the heartfelt love that's hidden and forgotten. Join me, to experience this rollercoaster of love, emotions, and music a language of love, to feel and explore the further story!! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonelysoul · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
26 Chs

1. Dream And Hope!

It was dark, he was alone, the doors shut, windows open, all he could see was the illuminating moonlight through the window, and the only light that was present was from his laptop on his table, which was open!

Ajay was sitting in his office chair, resting his head back against, closing his eyes, but it lasted only for a moment as when a notification popped up with a sound, he opened his eyes and leaned forward! He was waiting for this mail since the last week, and as soon as he opened the mail and had a look through, a sigh followed, he let his back fall against the chair again gently and he closed his eyes! After minutes, he heard the creaking sound of door getting open, and closed, then the lights turning on, making him open his eyes! He almost felt like he again was grabbed and threw into the flash of reality from the peace he found in darkness!

As lights surrounded, he looked at the middle-aged figure, who had entered in just now, he sighed again and closed his laptop leaning forward!

"Why are you still waiting for me?!" asked Ajay!

"Won't you go home sir?" the man replied a question to his question!

Ajay shook his head, "I will be staying here today night!"

The man sighed, knowing he shouldn't disturb him! And without much thought he questioned him again, "What about the....." his throat felt dry!

"Contract?!" Ajay completed, and the man gave him a slight nod!

"Rejected!!" said he almost sounding a little sad, the man sighed, he thought this time they might atleast get the contract signed, they had worked so hard, only to be rejected again?!!

"They had all worked hard...." he said looking down but soon raised his head and looked at him, "Including you!!" he then completed!

Ajay kept silent, "I don't understand why you only think of joining that company! They keep on rejecting us no matter how hard we work and the fact that we have and train only real talents!!"

This time Ajay replied him, "It's just us being unfortunate! We might really get it one day!!"

The man, again, found that 'hope' in his eyes, he had been seeing it in his eyes from years, and almost wondered everytime about him not loosing it despite what's happening!! "I don't know why you always wish for it to happen in spite of this many rejections! We have got rejected for the fifth time today!!"

Ajay answered him after taking a minute, "It's just my dream!!" he breathed, "And I will do whatever it takes me to fulfill it!!"

The man just sighed, he knew, he shouldn't just pour water on his hopes, but he can't tolerate this anymore perhaps, he is seeing this young man suffering from 3years and still making it, ignoring his failures!

"Did all of them left?" Ajay questioned the man, about the singers who were practicing till the moment he left for his room!

The man gave him a nod, "It's midnight! So I had said them to leave!"

Ajay nodded, "They need rest!!"

"You need rest too!"

Ajay just stared into the man's eyes, "Leave Mr.Choi! I said I will be staying here today!" he then said out, sounded calm!

Again, the man wondered, how can this young man be this calm, after everything that's happening with him?! Was he fed up?? He didn't seem so!

The man just gave him a nod, "Goodnight!", he turned around but stopped when he heard him speak again! "Please turn off the lights before you leave!!" The man just did the same and left!

Again, Ajay was alone now! He sighed, feeling at ease and peace soon after the lights going off! He might have just accepted this darkness as his friend!

He slowly began thinking of his past!

He was eight when he lost his parents, it was when he with his parents went for an outing, well not what he knows but what he heard from his uncle and aunt! Yeah, he didn't have any of those memories! His parents left him forever, and he survived it only if it hadn't been his mother holding him tightly and saving him, as that's what he got to know by his uncle! Even though he survived the accident, he suffered a severe head injury, which later made him forget everything that happened in his eight years of life, his memories he shared with his parents! He wouldn't even have remembered their faces if it wasn't for their photos! Ironic it was, a son, who can't even remember his parents!

His uncle, his father's brother, and his aunt, had taken care of him from then, they had a child too, just like him, but younger! He almost considered them his family, his uncle and aunt as his parents!

But seems like the fate never had wished to give him parents, that even his uncle and aunt left him 5years ago, making him alone all over again! Now he only had his brother in the name of family!

He sighed, his past was nothing special, all tragic, which he can't forget at all!

He wondered, what had he lived like before he lost his memories! Was he rude and cold just like he was now? Did his parents scolded him for that? He chuckled, what was he even thinking?!

This happens whenever he choose to get lost in his thoughts, he thinks of different different things and finally stops at the memories he lost! Weird, he might really is missing his parents! May be his inner self!

After everyone leaving him except his brother, he who just completed his musical course, had worked in many music companies, for 2years, before deciding to start a company himself, it was when he saw the rare talents on streets, looking forward for oppurtunities, just like him!

And as time passed by, he came to the ultimate goal of Universe!

Universe! Yes, it was his dream, it always has been!

That one company had just managed to grab all of his attention, he thought there was nothing different between his company "Star" and "Universe!", well except the success part though!

He sighed, again hoping that one day he might just achieve his goal!

He closed his eyes, letting himself have some sleep, and without much effort he drifted off to sleep!


A girl and boy were sitting near a river bank, it was night, their faces weren't visible, all that can be seen was their back profiles! The feeling that they were enjoying their time, looking at the sky and the clearly visible shining stars and the crescent that shone!

"We will definitely one day create our universe!!"

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And do check my another new work, "Fated:- Unfortunately Fortunate!"

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