
Universal Soldier

"In the not-so-distant future, Tank, a once ordinary individual, undergoes a transformative experience as he becomes a Universal Soldier through the advanced technologies of the Universal Soldier Program. Guided by the enigmatic training coordinator, Erick, Tank navigates a series of intricate simulations that prepare him for the challenges of the cosmos. Equipped with a sentient AI named Alice, personalized gear, and a Frigate-class ship, Tank embarks on real missions across 26 outposts scattered throughout 56 settled systems and 453 explored planets. As he grapples with the dual nature of man and machine, he discovers the delicate balance between strength and subtlety. The novel unfolds a narrative of cosmic exploration, mysterious encounters, and the evolution of a Universal Soldier in a universe filled with secrets, threats, and opportunities."

tomrock1997 · Ciencia y ficción
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10 Chs

CH.7-Veiled Truths

Over the span of a week, Tank immersed himself in the intricacies of Cygnus 4, delving into historical records, perusing local news articles, and listening to the grievances of citizens. Three distinct characters emerged, each adding a layer to the narrative: Jenna, a knowledgeable local historian; Raul, a former government official now turned informant; and Lila, a resilient activist entwined with both Elias and Maya's factions.

Jenna, a repository of the settlement's past, opened her extensive archives to Tank. Patterns of systemic neglect and corruption came to light, painting a damning picture of the government's role in perpetuating the unrest. Raul, initially hesitant, shared insights into covert government dealings that fueled the discontent. Lila, the grassroots activist, provided a passionate perspective, articulating the frustrations of a populace silenced for far too long.

As Tank's understanding deepened, two pivotal interactions awaited him.

The meeting with Maya unfolded in a dimly lit, discreet location within the settlement. Entering the space, Tank found Maya engrossed in holographic data, her expression a blend of determination and concern. "Tank, you've done your research," she acknowledged, eyes meeting his with a depth that hinted at shared understanding.

Presenting his findings, Tank exposed layers of governmental corruption, revealing the roots of the unrest. Maya listened intently, her gaze unwavering. "The truth can be a powerful ally, Tank. With this knowledge, we have the potential to bring about meaningful change," she remarked, a subtle tone of hope carrying through her words.

As the conversation unfolded, a camaraderie blossomed between them, born of a shared commitment to justice. The alliance formed not just out of necessity but from a genuine connection that transcended their roles in the cosmic drama of Cygnus 4.

In a contrasting setting, Elias awaited Tank in a high-class establishment, a private room adorned with opulence. The dim lighting cast shadows, accentuating Elias's features as he spoke with an intensity that hinted at veiled threats. "Secrets have a way of unraveling, Tank. Not all truths are meant to see the light," Elias's voice resonated, the luxurious surroundings creating an ominous backdrop.

Emerging from these encounters, the weight of the settlement's destiny pressed upon Tank. The interplay of light and dark, camaraderie and veiled threats, shaped his perspective in the cosmic dance of Cygnus 4's unrest. Uncertainties loomed in the path ahead, and Tank stood at the center, torn between alliances formed and shadows threatening to consume the fragile balance he sought to maintain.