
Universal Soldier

"In the not-so-distant future, Tank, a once ordinary individual, undergoes a transformative experience as he becomes a Universal Soldier through the advanced technologies of the Universal Soldier Program. Guided by the enigmatic training coordinator, Erick, Tank navigates a series of intricate simulations that prepare him for the challenges of the cosmos. Equipped with a sentient AI named Alice, personalized gear, and a Frigate-class ship, Tank embarks on real missions across 26 outposts scattered throughout 56 settled systems and 453 explored planets. As he grapples with the dual nature of man and machine, he discovers the delicate balance between strength and subtlety. The novel unfolds a narrative of cosmic exploration, mysterious encounters, and the evolution of a Universal Soldier in a universe filled with secrets, threats, and opportunities."

tomrock1997 · Ciencia y ficción
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10 Chs

CH.4-Stealth Simulation

The Frigate-class scouting ship slipped through the digital cosmos, veiled in stealth mode, as Tank navigated past a blockade with the finesse of a shadow. Alice's voice murmured, "Stealth simulation initiated. Approach the planet cautiously."

Descending through the atmosphere, Tank skillfully piloted the ship to a concealed landing site near a research station. The nanofiber exosuit, a silent companion in the shadows, cloaked him in darkness. Alice whispered guidance, "Your objective: infiltrate the research station, retrieve classified documents, and exit undetected."

The night embraced the planet as Tank moved stealthily through the terrain. The research station, bathed in dim light, loomed ahead. Enhanced sensors guided him, avoiding the gaze of patrolling guards. Silently, he disarmed security systems, disabling them with the precision of a digital phantom.

His path led him through darkened corridors, avoiding the watchful eyes of surveillance cameras. The Vibro-Blade, now unsheathed, cut through the air with a quiet hum. Tank incapacitated guards with non-lethal precision, leaving them unconscious in his wake.

Approaching the heart of the facility, Tank encountered the chamber housing the classified documents. With finesse, he disabled the security measures, unlocking the digital vault. The holographic interface responded to his touch as the coveted information materialized before him.

As he secured the classified documents, Tank's enhanced senses detected a subtle shift in the environment. Security protocols escalated. His heart raced as he retreated through the corridors, evading patrols and slipping past laser sensors.

Emerging into the night, Tank returned to the ship, documents in hand. The Frigate lifted silently from the planet, leaving no trace of his passage. Alice's voice, a whisper in the digital winds, congratulated him, "Infiltration successful, Tank. Your ability to navigate the shadows will serve you well in the challenges that lie ahead."

As Tank's Frigate-class ship gracefully departed the simulated planet, a seamless transition brought him back to the training room. The holographic environment dissolved, and Tank found himself back in the sterile room where the journey began.

The hum of the ship's engines faded, and the clapping of hands resonated in the room. Startled, Tank turned to see an unknown person standing there, applauding his performance. A figure, previously unnoticed, stepped forward from the shadows.

"Well done, Tank. Your performance in the simulation was exemplary," the stranger commended, their face masked in a neutral expression. "I'm your training coordinator, Erick, and you've successfully completed the initial phase of your preparation as a Universal Soldier."

Tank, still adjusting to the shift between the digital and physical realms, regarded the coordinator with a mix of curiosity and acknowledgment. "Thank you. What comes next?"

Erick smiled, a glint of mystery in his eyes. "Your journey is just beginning. The cosmos awaits, and your skills will be put to the test in real missions. Prepare yourself, Tank. The universe is filled with challenges and opportunities."

As the applause faded, Tank faced the unknown path that lay ahead, his training evolving into a tangible reality. Erick's words lingered in the air, marking the end of one chapter and the commencement of Tank's odyssey as a Universal Soldier.