
Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

Alicia And Boomer

Alicia And Boomer Alicia and Boomer had been meeting on the net for months . Both wanting more decided that they would meet . Both excited by this they set the date . They would meet on a friday night. At a hotle half way between them .As the day grew Closer Alicia grew more excited she could not wait to meet the man she adored for so long on the computer. Finally the day arrived >Alicia arrived at the hotle she entered the bar and took a stool ordering a white wine . Alicia was a pretty girl with long blond hair deep green eyes and pouty lips. The outfitt Alicia choose was simple but appealing. She wore a grey wool skirt and a pink cashmere sweater with a plunging v neck that revealed the tops of her breast . her shoes were 3inch heels with a sling back . nude thigh high stockings with a black garder black silk panties with a lace front a black bra with lace in the front also . very satisfied with what she choose Alicia waited 20 minutes pasted .Sure Boomer changed his mind Alicia decided she'd relax at a booth. Saddened that Boomer changed his mind Alicia Slid into the booth ordering another wine .Alicia the spotted a man walk through the door carrying a dozen pastle roses Alicia knew instantly this was her net lover .Boomer was 6"1 200lbs and very handsome he was wearing a black suit .Their eyes locked as Boomer stroud over to her . He eased himself across ed from her taking he hand and said hi Alicia replied back not sure she said it loud enough .They began to talk boomer holding her hand the whole time. gazing into one another's eyes both pleased of the out come . Alicia excused herself so she could collect her thoughts .Walking towards the restroom Alicia was weak on her feet .She entered a stall and checked her panties they were soaked as she expected she removed them and tucked them in her purse . striating her skirt she went to the mirror fixed a few lose strands of hair and refreshed her sheer lipstick . Pleased she looked fantastic Alicia went back to her table . When she arrived back to the table Boomer had her drink refreshed . She slid back into her seat .Boomer told her how beautiful she looked and asked if he could sit next to her Alicia replied yes i thought you'd never ask . He slid next to her and kissed her lightly on the cheek . her cheek was hot where his lips touched .Boomer slid his hand on Alicia's thigh he began to kiss her neck his finger tips bushed over her mound as she began to gasp . Boomer asked with a whisper if she was ready to go upstairs Alicia with a whisper said yes . As they entered the elavtor boomer with his hand on the small off her back slid his hand over her skirt reaching under to run his fingers over her bottom . Alicia thought she'd climax right then . Arriving on the third floor they walked down the hall to room 308 . Boomer slid the key card and opened the door Letting Alicia enter first. As she enter she removed her shoes and began undoing her locks of blond hair .Boomer watched her with complete admiration as she began unbutting her blouse she reach to her side and unzipped her skirt .and let it slide down her hips . Just in those thigh high stockings her garter and bra Alicia biting her bottom lip motioned Boomer towards her . they began to kiss deeply and pasionatlly Alicia the began to remove Boomers clothes kissing every spot revealed light slow circle licks around his chest and abdomen. Alicia began to remove his pants unbuckling his belt and un zipping them she slid his pants down revealing a pair of silk boxers .Alicia eased his shaft out of his boxers and began to lick soft stokes over the tip sucking it lightly licking the sides as boomer became fully erect she eased the tip in between her lips sucking slowly down his shaft pulsing her tongue filling her mouth with every inch as she guided her head up and down his shaft and with her hand and she gripped the base of his shaft tightly to keep him from exploding in her mouth. slowly sucking pushing her tongue into his shaft Alicia worked her way back up to the tip rolling her tongue over the tip boomer pulled her up to him . Boomer guided Alicia over to the bed and gently eased her down.He began kissing her sweet lips making his way to the tops of her breast were he laid deep kisses .with his hand he began to trace her body feeling every curve a he traced her thighs running his fingers on the inside of her thighs as he slowly parts her legs sucking her nipples.he can feel her wetness on his finger tips his finger tracing over her clit.Alicia gasping with his every touchBoomer slowly slid his finger in feeling her juices stir as he moved his finger within her .slowly kissing his way down to her belly Alicia moaned with delight as she felt his lips brush her delicate skin .Boomer positioned his head over her wetness he could smell her eager to taste her he licked her clit sucking it feeling Alicia's lips grip around his finger as he slid it deep within her.slowly easing his finger out and replacing it with his tongue he began to flick his tongue inside of her Alicia in near tears as he body began to shake beneath his mouth Alicia not wanting to climax begged him to enter her.Boomer stood and Rolled Alicia over on her stomach.He began to ease his throbbing shaft into her .Feeling her juices drip down his shaft as he began to pump long hard stokes .Pulling Alicia strait up hard against his body their hips moving together in deep hard stokes .Alicia began rolling her clit between her fingers Boomer feeling a twing in deep with in his abdomen he told Alicia with a whisper he was about to explode Alicia stoked her clit faster Boomer felt her shake against his body Both ready to climax the heat rushed through their bodies Boomer pumped with hard stokes as he tightly gripped her breasts.He felt the hot wavy juices of Alicia climax and exploded deep within her. Both exusted they callapsed on to the bed holding Alicia tightly against him Boomer Could smell the sweetness of her sweat and they feel asleep in each others arms feeling the sheer bliss of each other needless to say this was not the last of their nights together.