
The great army


There was silence in the square. Everyone was horrified and at the same time secretly made a note never to provoke Wen Chen.

What concept was it to have 7 people on the martial king's stage? even the king of this country doesn't have as many martial kings and let's not even talk about 10,000 martial monarchs who will certainly pass the martial king's kingdom in 2 to 3 years, what kind of talents did they have?

A talent twice as good as an inferior Divine talent!

Just thinking about it made Wen Chen smile stupidly.


Suddenly hoof sounds entered everyone's ears

"Quickly it comes from outside our city Xiang!" Some people said, panicking that it could be an invasion of demonic beasts.

After all, it's been a little over 100 years since there were any.

Tremble Tremble Tremble

HIHIIIIIIII moans resounded followed by a cavalry of 1000 warriors wearing golden armor riding bloody horses with 2 wings and 3 horns on their foreheads and brown eyes.

The cultivation of the men in Dor armor shocked the city's inhabitants enormously as they stood above the walls of the walls.

But what shocked them even more was the animals they rode. Although Xiang city is a remote city, many people had information about different demonic animals.

"God!!!! They are horses of celestial fire descending far from the legendary Qilin," exclaimed one person with amazement.

"What? How can this be? Wasn't it on the verge of extinction?"

"He would embrace that no and make their shapes they are still only infants with the size of a normal horse already" said a Taoist in a blue dress shivering, why was he in this state?

It was because it's silly that they were all born in 5th place, showing their strong potential and the tremendous strength of their lines.

And those in front of them should be at least rank 6 beasts that a rank 6 beast represented to human cultivation? Venerable martial.

This meant that these animals are extremely strong and on top of that there are 1000.

Let's not even talk about a martial king's power plant just the fact of becoming a venerable martial, the lifetime of the person will be increased by 8000 years, a martial master himself sees his life increase by only 800 years.

Just one central of this level is enough for the Wen Clan to become a main clan.


Others came from far away echoed again.

The dust rose in the distance was missing from the vision of the inhabitants of the xiang city but they could still see thousands of shadows maintaining this fog with them.

[Ding, host all your armed forces have arrived]

Wen Chen didn't hear put on, he rather looked at the shadows that were slowing down, as you could see their images, they were men on winged white horses but without horns, each of them projecting a devastating aura that once again made the lower body of humans tremble on the ramparts while Wen Chen was completely excited.

The soldiers stopped at the back of the generals.

"His Majesty your army is complete," said one of the generals to Wen Chen.

All eyes turned towards Wen Chen, each containing different emotions, fear, jealousy, greed.

Wen Chen didn't want to explain anything so he said to the city's inhabitants "Find me the best materials, I'd like to build a gigantic castle, the more beautiful, the bigger and faster it will be, the more resources you'll have for your cultivation, go ahead!"

Wen Chen's voice spread over a quarter of the city and those who heard it didn't waste any time, everyone rushed to get the right materials.

"System buy me a castle map according to the criteria of materials within a radius of 50,000 kilometers and a map that can detect mines or materials"

Ding, cost of the 10 sp card, cost of a material detection card 100 000 points

Does the host want to make the purchase?]

"Yes, buy a castle card and 10 detection cards"

[Ding, Sp deductions in progress,

Ding, sp remaining: 98 999 990]

In an instant, all the objects appeared in his hands.

"My generals!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!!!!" shouted the generals in response.

"Hold these cards and take each of you soldiers with you and leave 10 for safety. Your mission is to find all types of materials within a radius of 50,000 to 60,000 kilometres, for the construction of this lord's castle.

"System, how much does a good space ring cost in the store?" He asked in his head.

[Ding, host there are extremely large ground-ranked space rings each costing 10,000 points system]

"the high-level rings of human rank?"

[Ding the cost is 1000 points system]

Grinding a little bit of teeth, Wen Chen bought 10,000 of them in human rank and 8 in land rank leaving the rest of his Sp at 88,919,990.

The eighth ring was for himself.

"Hold this and share it with the soldiers, they will need it for storage and their own uses"

The 7 generals' view of Wen seemed even more respectful than before.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot, don't forget to take resources on the way for 60,000 kilometres there should be plenty to feed our soldiers for a while"

"Yes, majesty" by being summoned, the system had already printed a good part of the resources in their brains.

5 minutes later Wen Chen found himself with 10 of the soldiers of the celestial crane.

A man. Approached him and it was his father Wen Changan.

"Chain you can explain to your father what's going on here?"

Upon hearing the question, Wen Chen smiled as he said, "Let's go back to the clan compound first," they said, and the soldiers followed him and his father to the Wen clan.

Hi guys I hope you like the novel, yes I know it's Op ! but I like the op.

Have a good reading and don't forget to vote please.

Thank you!!!!

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