

Emptiness of the universe

Arold's soul had been running around the void for a little over 2 months as if he was looking for something or someone.

"To think that after my death I would be able to see one of these supreme gods," said Arold in despair.

After two months looking for a clue that could lead him to God, Arold gave up.

"Ha ha ha ha child doesn't get depressed let's see this god that I am just wanted to make a little joke" said suddenly an Old Man wearing a Taoist dress to Arold.

Arold unconsciously replied "Bastard! So it was your fault if I went in circles? And you think it's funny too?"

The god frowned, who is he? Supreme God interuniverse, how dare a simple mortal like this child speak to him like that.

Arold immediately put his hands on his lips in realization to whom he had just yelled at.

"Listen, sir, I'm sorry," said Arold as he bent over. If he had a body, we could have seen it dripping with sweat.

"Rude child, I thought I'd give you 10 wishes to apologize but I'll lower them to 5," said the god in an irritating tone that made me tremble slightly.

Arold got scared, but when he heard that he still had the possibility of having 5 wishes, he was delighted.

"I beg your forgiveness again," said arold

"Humph, you will be reborn in a world of cultivation in a horn already deceased and which will be restored by my energy, now formulate your wishes before I change my mind," said the god.

"Well, in that case, my first wish is to have a system with the shop option, status, inventory"

"My second wish is to have as many system points as you can give me"

"My third wish is to have as many armed summoning tickets as you can give me."

"For my fourth wish, I would like to have training that can bring together the energy of heaven and earth of all ranks."

"For my fifth wish, I would like to have a dimensional space in my body where the celestial energy is abundant and thanks to the formations will be able to create spiritual stones"

"Well, your wishes will be granted."

"Now get out of here!" Roars the god by ejecting arold's soul into a rift that suddenly appeared in heaven.


Celestial continent

According to legends, no one has yet managed to travel the entire continent.

City Xiang

Wen Clan

Today is a rather special day in the clan because the young clan master Wen Chen had the dead found inside his room.

Training ground

All Wen was standing in front of a coffin lying on the grass.

But then, the lid of the coffin opened and from a slit, fingers came out.

"Ahhhhhhh what is this?" shouted a servant when he saw the sudden appearance of a hand that followed from the top of a body.

His cry immediately caught the attention of the others who turned their heads and remained completely mouth B.

"Chen'er!!!!!!" shouted a middle-aged man running towards the coffin crying

"Isn't the young master supposed to be dead?" whispered some servants...

Yes, this young man named Wen Cheng is Arold.

Inside the coffin he discovered his new identity and a little bit about the fields of cultures of the world.

He also knew that because of the internal conflicts of the house clan, the reason for the murder of his predecessor.

Wen Zen, the first elder of the clan to have a cultivation at the 1 and level of the martial master while his father Wen Chengan is at the 2 nd layer.


[Ding, hello host the system that had time to merge with you during your recovery]

[Host received a gift wrap, does he want to open it?]

"Yes, go do it," he told the system mentally.

[Gift box opening]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for winning the card giving 3 times the talent of cultivation of superior god level]

[The grades given by the system are like this: SS, SS+,SSS, an SS talent is comparable to twice as much as an inferior God talent

SS Average God, Superior God]

That's it?!!!! Wen Chen frowned and then suddenly remembered something.

"Quick system opens my status"

Yes host

Statu :

Name: Wen Chen

Cultivation: None

Talent: superior god ×3

Skills: Shop

Armed ticket:

Invocation :

× 2 armed tickets

Points system : 100 000 000]

Wen Chen didn't care about his entourage.

"System launches armed summons"

[Army Summoning Launched]

[Congratulations to the host on the acquisition of the Qilin cavalry]

[Congratulations to the host on the acquisition of the celestial crane army]

"Show me the status of the two summonses"

[Qilin Cavalry: Cavalry of 1005 Loyal men to their only kings defying the sky

Cultivation captain × 5 : -th martial king level

SS+ Talent

Qilin lineage: 90%.

Skills: Superior God (Spear Techniques of the Beast God)

Soldiers Qilin × 1000

Cultivation: Martial Monarch 3-7

Talent: SS

Qilin lineage: 70%.

Skills: Fist Qilin (Lower God)]

[Celestial Crane Armies: Storytelling

20,000 soldiers

Cultivation: Former Martial 1-6

General ×2 : 1st level martial king

SS Talent

Lineage: Divine Crane

Skills: picket of the celestial crane]

"Chen' er!!!"

When Wen Chen heard the worried voice of his father Wen Chengan, he forgot the system and looked at it.

"Chen'er are you all right, my child?" said Wen chengan, looking at Wen Chen with concern.

As a father, knowing that he couldn't even save his son could make him die of regret.

"Father don't worry, your son is more tenacious than that," says Wen Chen smiling.

"But Chen'er I felt your pulse you weren't breathing, how did you do it?" said Wen Chengan, squinting a little at his eyes.

Wen Chen didn't have any more, but rather looked up at the sky.

When Wen Chengan saw the look in his son's eyes, he also followed the direction of his gaze.

In the Blue Sky, 7 silhouettes floated like immortals.

Just that made all the different powers of the city terrifying and also happy.

Terrify by the fact that these people are people at least in the domain of the martial king and and if they do not have good intentions, they risk destroying everything in their path.

And happy by the fact that they will do everything in their power to attract their attention to their clans.


Wen Clan

All people became like statutes by fixing the people floating in the sky.

Wen chengan gave them only one glance before his eyes became still filled with worry as he looked at his son.

Wen Zen saw this and secretly laughed in his heart, giving an important curve to the 7 people.

"Immortal greetings, what can I do for you?" Wen Zen asked.

The other members of the clan almost fell on the spot.


He wanted to take advantage of the clan's internal crisis and take sides with the immortals.

And yet the expression of the 7 people remained impassive and came down from the sky.

Eyes of all kinds moved in the direction in which these immortals were heading and saw Wen Chen and his father Wen Chengan side by side.

The 7 men stopped in front of Wen Chen and suddenly did something that people around them would never have imagined.

They bowed to Wen Chen and said, "The generals salute his majesty."

Wen Chen resisted hearing this, he already knew what to expect but it still made him confused and surprised him.

Wen Chenang stayed there and looked at his son while thousands of questions appeared in his mind.

Wen zen his face was all over the place saying "impossible!!!" How can it be?" he approached one of the generals saying, "junior greets the immortals, junior wants an answer please, this stinking toad of Wen Chen can't be your young master," he said with red eyes, he was afraid because if that's true then his plans concocted 50 years ago will have been useless.

The general he asked frowned, then he looked at Wen Chen and saw him nodding.

Immediately this same general drew the spear from the back of his back and in the blink of an eye Wen Zen's head was separated from his body followed by a river of blood.