
Universal Combat Arts

During the declining years of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the empire faced numerous challenges. Feudal towns and warlords were at odds, causing further division among the people. Adding to their misfortune, natural disasters struck frequently, compounding the suffering already inflicted by man-made calamities. The common people found themselves in dire straits, struggling to survive amidst the chaos that enveloped the land. Amidst this turmoil, a remarkable phenomenon occurred. Influential sects emerged from their seclusion in the mountains, venturing into the outside world. These sects, representing both good and evil, brought with them extraordinary martial arts abilities that defied comprehension. The masters of these sects underwent profound transformations, wielding their power recklessly, disrupting the already fragile balance of the world and bringing forth a deluge of bloodshed. In the midst of this tumultuous era, a man named Wei Tao found himself unexpectedly thrust into this volatile world. Armed with a casual martial arts game program, he embarked on a journey that would propel him towards greatness. Step by step, Wei Tao climbed the treacherous ladder of power, forging his own legendary path in these extreme times. Wei Tao's story resonates universally because it portrays the indomitable human spirit and the capacity for growth and resilience in the face of adversity. Despite being an ordinary person, Wei Tao demonstrated extraordinary courage and determination as he navigated through the intricate web of politics, war, and mysticism. His journey not only symbolizes an individual's pursuit of personal excellence but also sheds light on the broader themes of justice, honor, and the struggle for a better world. As Wei Tao faced the challenges of his era, he became a beacon of hope for the downtrodden, inspiring them to persevere and rise above their circumstances. Through Wei Tao's tale, we witness the transformative power of self-belief, dedication, and the pursuit of knowledge. His understanding of the martial arts game program provided him with a unique advantage, enabling him to adapt and overcome the seemingly insurmountable obstacles that lay in his path. In this universal story, we find echoes of our own struggles and aspirations. It reminds us that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope and the potential for change. It encourages us to cultivate our own inner strength and strive for greatness, regardless of the challenges we face. Wei Tao's legend of the extreme is not merely a tale of martial prowess or conquest but a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, reminding us that even in the most turbulent of times, heroes can rise, legends can be born, and a brighter future can be forged.

MUNVEER · Fantasía
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18 Chs


"Excuse me, what is the situation?" Wei Tao asked, pointing to the kneeling seller, addressing the vendor beside him.

"They... they all fled from Mo Province. They couldn't eat, so they sold themselves to survive. Those who managed to enter the city are considered lucky. I don't know how many died outside," the small trader replied impatiently, casually sharing the information before preparing to leave with a burden.

Upon hearing about their escape, Wei Tao suddenly recalled the gang of robbers he encountered while hunting the red-capped gray wolf in the mountains. They also mentioned coming from Mo Province. Could it be possible that these people who sold themselves and the robbers came from the same place?

"I'll take two boxes of the incense powder you're selling," Wei Tao said, reaching out to grab the vendor's attention and pointing to the contents of the load.

"Hey, two boxes of incense powder amount to a total of twenty coins. Please feel free to choose whichever type you prefer," the merchant immediately responded with a smile. While Wei Tao made his selection, the merchant continued, "The guest may not know, but Mo Province in the west has been suffering from a severe drought this year, and it's also been plagued by war. Many people have fled their hometowns. The ones who managed to come to our Qi Province are considered the most fortunate. Many others either died in the war or starved to death on their way to escape. Moreover, if we consider the mountains to the west, countless unfortunate souls have perished due to poisonous miasma and wild beasts."

Wei Tao nodded, now aware that Cangyuan City, located at the westernmost tip of Qi Province, was separated from the chaotic and miserable situation on the other side of the mountains.

Dropping twenty coins, he randomly picked up two boxes of incense powder and, after walking for a while, suddenly diverted into the adjacent alley, away from the crowded road.


A small boy rushed out from the side and collided with Wei Tao.

"I'm sorry," he said, looking up with a slightly flattering smile.

However, his expression immediately contorted with intense pain. He attempted to cry out, but Wei Tao had his hand firmly on the boy's neck, rendering him only capable of making a hissing sound like a trapped snake.

"You've been following me, haven't you? Out of all the people out there, you want my life?" Wei Tao tilted his head slightly, observing the boy's twisted and disfigured fingers. He released his grip on the boy's neck, allowing him to collapse to the ground, crying and groaning.

Suddenly, a crisp sound echoed in the air. Ka-cha.

The boy's other arm twisted and folded, and his entire body was trampled upon mercilessly. A pitch-black blade slipped from his hand to the ground, devoid of any reflection in the setting sun.

Wei Tao tore a strip of cloth from the packaging of the incense powder box, wrapped the blade, and gently swiped it across the teenager's throat.

Blood gushed out, but it carried a foul odor.

The boy convulsed violently, and his mouth began to expel dirty blood mixed with white foam.

As the sky darkened, his life quickly faded away.

"The blade is poisoned," Wei Tao murmured, his brows furrowing. He observed the fading breath of the boy, unable to fully comprehend the sensation of taking a life for the first time. However, his thoughts were interrupted by footsteps approaching from the alley.

Soon, several robust men emerged, with bulging pockets around their waists, concealing unknown objects.

On the back of their hands, each bore a hideous wolf's head tattoo.

"You're quite ruthless, kid," the leader of the group spoke aggressively.

"Members of the Silver Wolf Gang? You shouldn't engage in such acts; it tarnishes your reputation," Wei Tao maintained a calm expression and tone.

"What good is reputation? Can it be eaten?" The burly man wore a sneering smile as he drew a dagger from his waist.

The blade glinted in the sunlight, reflecting cold rays into Wei Tao's eyes.

The burly man's wicked smile grew wider, readying himself to charge forward, when suddenly, an aromatic powder exploded before his eyes.

Simultaneously, a whistling sound pierced through the air.


The burly man's face was enveloped in the fragrant powder, and a gaping hole appeared on his forehead, blood gushing out.

He stood frozen in place, lips twitching as if attempting to say something, but then collapsed to the ground with a thud, unable to utter a word.

Behind him, the other three men stood dumbfounded. Before they could react, they, too, were struck on the cheek by whistling stones. Their eyes rolled back, and they followed in the footsteps of the first man, falling motionless to the ground.

Wei Tao held a handful of rubble he had picked up from the ground, gazing down at the motionless bodies. He couldn't help but feel a sense of disbelief.

These men appeared fierce and formidable, seemingly unbeatable, which had taken him somewhat by surprise.

Fortunately, he had devised a plan to utilize the sneak attack throwing technique from the Traveling Stone Fist before fully unleashing the power of the Red Line Fist.

And now?

It was over before it even truly began.

As the surging qi and blood within him dissipated, Wei Tao found himself inexplicably feeling a tinge of regret.

Suddenly, he turned abruptly and peered into the depths of the narrow alley ahead.

With darkness enveloping the surroundings, the lights from the distant street failed to penetrate this narrow passage, dividing two entirely different worlds.

Light footsteps emerged from the depths of darkness, akin to a cheetah, slowly approaching its prey.

Without hesitation, Wei Tao swiftly turned around and started running.

The night market, bustling with people coming and going, was less than 30 meters away. If he could reach the alley's exit and merge into the crowd, even the relentless pursuers would hesitate in such a situation, reluctant to commit murder so easily.

Covering a distance of over ten meters, the bright light of the alley's exit loomed before him.

Wei Tao swiftly turned, channeling his arm with qi, forcefully overturning the stone wall to the side.

In that fleeting moment, a soft sound echoed as a slender figure darted past, blocking the alley's exit in advance.

Wei Tao turned to face the figure and found himself confronted by a woman with a covered face. She looked up at him at the same time.

Dressed in a black short cloak on her upper body, she wore only a black short skirt underneath, the hem of which barely reached three inches above her knees, exposing most of her fair and slender legs, exuding a seductive allure.

Even with slight movements, even in the dimly lit surroundings, the contours of her body were faintly discernible.

Her eyes sparkled in the darkness, resembling water ripples, with a hint of pitiful innocence.

However, Wei Tao dared not let his guard down.

From the initial dangerous aura to the recent predatory intent, everything hinted at the woman's terrifying nature.

She would never be what she appeared on the surface, a delicate girl with a touch of purity in her demeanor.

"Your reaction is commendable, and your movements are swift," the woman in the short skirt smiled faintly. "Is this the level of Skin Refinement Discipline in the Red Line Fist? It piques my interest a little."

She leaped onto the wall, the scenery under her skirt flashing momentarily.


A gentle breeze brushed past.

The woman landed gracefully on her feet, her hand reaching out to grasp a pitch-black blade.

"Toxic," she exhaled softly, her breath impure. Flicking the blade straight into the wall, she then executed a graceful leap, descending toward the decrepit small courtyard below.

Oh la la!

However, just as she was suspended in mid-air with no support, a large canopy of sand engulfed her once again.

The woman let out a clear cry, swiftly using her cloak and using her hands she shield her front and back, protecting most of her body.

Yet, some viscous and murky substance clung to her skin, emitting a repugnant stench.


She finally landed, but her small and delicate leather boots landed right into a large lump of filth on the ground, splattering her white, jade-like legs.

"You...damn it!"


Before she could finish speaking, a figure emerged from the corner of the yard, wielding a large wooden spoon in his hand. A substantial, foul-smelling viscous liquid cascaded down onto her face.


A few drops of the black slime flew into her mouth, causing her to involuntarily bend down and vomit violently.

In that moment, a low whistle sounded.

A fist, descending from above like a red-hot iron hammer, accompanied by the sticky dung, crashed onto her head.