
Unique Love! Book 1: Omega's Curse!

Werewolves live in packs. There are three positions of a Werewolf, Beta, Alpha, and Omega. An Omega is an outcast, an Alpha who lost their position or took a life. They are meant to be alone, to never find love or be part of a pack, but what happens when an Omega is forced to join a Pack? What happens when he falls in love with a human, how far will he go for his love?

Sora_Galaxy · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: First Fight!

Hazel's P.O.V

I was running down the hall to get away from Sora. "Damnit why is he here?! He shouldn't be here! We had a deal, Dad!" I thought, eventually stopping to catch my breath, and leaning against the wall. I was panting hard trying to catch my breath, and looking back to see that Cheryl was running up to me. "Hazel!" I looked at Cheryl slowly able to catch my breath. I stood up straight and faced Cheryl. "What happened with Sora?" I was about to speak but instantly froze in place. "What should I say?..." I thought I would look down a bit, I would raise my head back up quickly saying. "O-Oh um, it's just family drama from the past. It's nothing to worry about!" I said nervously, which caused her to tilt her head. "So if it's family drama, does that mean you and Sora are related?" I would slowly nod my head. "So if he's family, does that also make him a Werewolf?" I would flinch slightly, with her looking at me. "W-Why would you think that?" She would tilt her head softly. "Well, you just said family Drama, meaning you two are family right?" I would nod softly. "Yeah it does, but we aren't blood-related, while I'm a Werewolf he isn't." She would look at me, causing me to sweat slightly. "So he isn't a Werewolf after all, then why was he put into that class?" That caught my attention, the way she said 'that class'. "Hey, Cheryl?" She quickly looked at me, responding. "Yeah, Hazel?" I gulped softly. "What do you mean by 'that class'?" She would think for a second before saying. "Oh! I meant that he was in the Werewolf class." I cursed under my breath. "Why is something wrong?" I was about to say something but instantly stopped. "I can't let her know what he truly is, I'm sorry Cheryl for lying to you like this." I would turn around and start to walk away. "It's nothing, don't worry about it ok Cheryl?" I was about to turn the corner when I said. "Though I recommend you stay away from him, he's nothing but trouble." I would walk away from Cheryl walking around the corner, bumping into someone nearly falling down. "Hey watch where you are going, you assh-" I would look up seeing our Alpha Male, Kevin.

"Is that any way to talk to your Alpha?" I would slightly shake, trying to back up. "I-I'm sorry Alpha…" He growled loudly, slowly walking towards me. "What, scared?" He said smirking, with his eyes flashing red. "You should be, Omega!" Before I could say anything I felt something hit my face, blowing me into the wall. I gasp and fall to the ground, slowly trying to sit up. I rubbed my face as I looked up to see Kevin looking down at me. "I'm glad you showed up though, I was looking to blow off some steam." I shook softly trying to get up and run, but the moment I started to move I felt a sharp pain in my right leg. I screamed out in pain feeling him stomp on my leg, breaking it. "Now where do you think you're going?" I could hear him chuckle as he moved his foot away from my now broken leg, I grabbed my leg, holding it in pain. It took everything I had not to cry. I looked up at him as he flicked his fingers, causing his nails to turn into claws. He raised his arm, getting ready to slash me. "N-No…" I would say slightly, with my mind racing. One thing stuck out in my mind, a name. Not out of wanting him to be here, but out of knowing how strong he is. "SORA!!" As if on cue, Kevin was hit in the face, pushing him back a bit. I looked to see who hit him, seeing familiar black and red hair. "Sora…" He stood up straight as he would growl softly. "Hands off my sister!" Kevin growled loudly facing Sora, chuckling. "So that damn Omega is your sister?" He would laugh a bit. "Does that make you a Werewolf, because if so your one weak-ass Werewolf!" He said wiping where he was hit. "No Werewolf could hit that weak!" I looked at both Kevin and Sora. "Yeah… he's right, Sora should have done more damage than that…" I thought as Kevin started to chuckle softly, while charging at Sora, swinging his right fist toward Sora. Sora would quickly duck out of the way, uppercutting Kevin in the face and blowing him back. He chuckled while he regained his balance, facing Sora. "Why isn't he fighting like he used to…" Kevin growled loudly flicking his fingers again causing his fingernails to turn into claws. "Unless… something's happened… maybe that's why he doesn't remember…"

Sora's P.O.V

Kevin chuckled softly, with his eyes glowing a bright red. "Damnit, why did my first fight here have to be with an Alpha?" I thought to myself with Kevin disappearing from my sight, before I could react I felt something hit my stomach hard. I coughed up blood falling down to the ground. I would grip my stomach looking up at Kevin, who slashed his claws at my face. He slashed my face, knocking me down. I would grab the spot he slashed, feeling the blood. "You shouldn't have tried to play the hero Human." I growled loudly quickly swinging my right leg hitting both of his legs, and knocking him down. While Kevin fell down to the ground we both locked eyes for a second with me glaring, I swear my eyes tingled for a second. I saw Kevin smirk as he placed his left arm on the ground moving his whole body to be able to kick me in the face. People started to gather around us, as I hit the floor. Right as I was about to get up, I felt something hit my face over and over again. It was Kevin who was growling loudly, I quickly threw my arms up to block the slash. He swung his arm down slashing my left arm, causing me to gasp in pain. Blood ran down my arm, but I couldn't even think about it. Kevin kept on slashing my arms, as blood was going everywhere. I growled slightly as my eyes once again started to tingle, with my body starting to move on its own. I moved my upper body to the right as he slashed at me, dodging the attack. I quickly would grab his arm and threw him off me. I winched in pain, as Kevin was thrown into a wall. The moment he hit the floor my body moved and got above him, grabbing his shirt. I balled my fist up growling loudly swinging down my left fist and hitting him in the face. I kept on hitting him in the face slowly losing myself, I growled loudly hearing people around us whispering to each other about what was going on. I couldn't hear them as I would continue to hit Kevin in the face until it was covered in blood and bruises. He was struggling to breathe from how much I was hitting him, right as I was about to hit one last time, an image flashed in my head. A young girl, one with black and purple hair. "Liz…" I froze for a second as tears formed, but the moment I froze Kevin would hit me in the stomach, knocking me down on the ground as he stood over me. His face was covered in blood, and right as he was going to stomp his foot on my leg, he was pushed into a wall. "That's enough!" I quickly looked to who said that seeing my WF101 teacher. He growled as his eyes flashed a bright blue. Kevin slowly got up growling loudly, ignoring the teacher charging at me. "Screw you teach! You're just a fucking Omega!" I threw my arms up to defend myself, hearing Kevin now gasping for air. I lowered my arms, to see my teacher gripping Kevin's throat. "I may be an Omega, but I'm still years stronger than you!" He slammed Kevin into a wall knocking him out.

I watched as Kevin was now knocked out with people pushing through the crowd. I looked to see both Cheryl and Luna rushing over to us. "Sora! Hazel!" Both Luna and Cheryl said as Cheryl ran up to Hazel while Luna ran up to me. "Hazel are you ok?!" I looked over to Cheryl seeing her tearing up at the sight of her broken leg. "Y-Yeah, trust me I'll heal." I smiled softly but jumped when Luna yelled in my ear. "Sora what were you thinking!" I flinched, with her grabbing my arms. I would gasp in pain from her grasping them. "Do you know how dangerous it is for a Human to fight a Werewolf?!" My teacher walked up behind Luna. "You know she's right, how stupid could you be?" I quickly said. "He was hurting someone! I couldn't just let that go!" My teacher sighed. "I get that, but she was a Werewolf like him. Werewolf matters are only for us Werewolves." I was about to say something till Luna picked me up. "Hey teach, can you carry Hazel to the infirmary for me?" he sighed, agreeing as he went over to Hazel carefully picking her up. I was about to protest being picked up, but really didn't have a chance of being rushed to the infirmary. Luna and my teacher were moving faster than I could imagine, mainly because we were both injured. "H-Hey careful! We're injured!" They would ignore us and within what seemed to be seconds we were at the infirmary, with Luna forcing the door open and rushing us inside. "What's going on here?!" I heard a guy's voice as he rushed over to us, the guy had deep blue eyes and blue hair. "They got into a fight with Kevin!" Luna would yell, as he looked at our teacher, with him nodding. "I understand, please go put them on the beds while I gather what I need." They both nodded and rushed us to a bed, gently laying us down on different beds. I looked around us sighing. "First day here and I'm already in the infirmary." I thought, with the infirmary door swinging open. "Sora! Hazel!" I heard a familiar set of voices, I looked to the door as best as I could. "Kade, what are you doing here?" I would look at Kade and then hearing Cheryl speak. "I'm here as well!" I sighed softly, looking at her. "Well, yeah you were there during the fight, I was asking why Kade was here." She blushed in embarrassment. "R-Right I should have figured." She would quickly rush to where Hazel as at, I smiled a bit knowing my sister had a good friend. I heard Kade yell at me, with me jumping slightly. "How could you be so stupid! It's only your first day here!" I was about to say something, but the guy from earlier, which I'm going to assume that he's the school's Doctor, he would walk up saying. "I'm going to need you all to back up, or clear out of you don't have an Iron stomach." I noticed that they all just backed up, not leaving. I smiled till I heard Hazel scream out in pain, causing me to quickly face her. "Hazel!" I yelled seeing the Doctor trying to put the bones in her leg back in place. "Don't worry she's fine, she's a Werewolf after all." He said smirking, as I could hear Hazel's bones being forced back into place with a snap, causing her to yell out in pain. Her yell almost sounded like a roar, as her digging her fingers into the bed she was on. "This never gets old." He said as he chuckled softly, snapping more of the bones in her leg back in place, as the yelling continued. I didn't know what to say, as he eventually stopped and gave her something to drink. "There we go, she should be sleeping soon." He would turn to face me. "Now for you." I gulped softly, slightly scared. "W-Well you know I think I'm feeling better all of a sudden." I would start to sit up when I felt his hand on my shoulder. "I recommend you don't try to leave like that." He looked me in the eyes, with his eyes glowing a bright orange. "Orange?" I thought, but before I could say anything I felt my eyes slowly get heavy. I tried to keep them open, but no matter what I did, while I was stuck where I was. It was like I could barely stay awake. "Now get some rest, when you wake up everything will be ok." I heard looking over to see everyone who was there plus someone else, a girl with black and purple hair. "L-Liz?..." I barely said out loud till whatever was happening made me pass out.