
chapter 5 publishing house


1600 words



The morning sun filtered through the curtains, gently waking Shijo. He stretched, yawning as he swung his legs over the side of the bed. His internal clock had always been reliable, waking him up promptly at 6 a.m. He slipped into his jogging clothes, a comfortable pair of shorts and a T-shirt, before heading downstairs.

The cool morning air greeted him as he stepped outside for his daily jog. The quiet streets were peaceful, allowing him to clear his mind and prepare for the day ahead. Shijo ran at a steady pace, his breath synchronized with the rhythmic thudding of his sneakers on the pavement. He circled the nearby park twice, enjoying the serene environment and the sight of early risers starting their routines.

Returning home, he immediately headed to the bathroom. The warm water of the shower washed away the sweat and tension from his jog, refreshing him for the day. He took his time, letting the water soothe his muscles. After drying off, he dressed in casual yet neat clothing, ready for whatever the day would bring.

Shijo made his way to the kitchen, where the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. He preferred simple, nutritious breakfasts, so he prepared a bowl of oatmeal with fresh fruits and a drizzle of honey. He also made a vegetable omelet, ensuring he had enough protein to sustain his energy throughout the morning.

As Shijo sat down to eat his breakfast, he logged into the website where he had previously uploaded his novels. What he saw next was quite shocking. In less than 24 hours, the number of viewers and comments had exploded. He stared at the screen, amazed.

The view count was already around 10,000, and there were over 100 comments. For a new writer with no prior contact in the industry, this was a phenomenal response. Shijo had only uploaded a single volume, and yet, the feedback was overwhelming. He scrolled through the comments, reading praises, constructive criticism, and questions from readers who were clearly captivated by his work.

"Wow," he muttered to himself, taking a sip of his coffee. "I didn't expect this kind of reaction so soon."

He continued to browse through the comments, feeling a mix of excitement and validation. Many readers were asking when the next volume would be released, while others were sharing their favorite parts and characters. Some even compared his writing style to famous authors, which made Shijo smile.

Despite his initial shock, he quickly realized the potential this platform held for him. He made a mental note to start working on the next volume as soon as possible. The positive feedback motivated him, fueling his desire to continue writing and improving his craft.

After finishing his breakfast, he decided to respond to a few comments, thanking his readers for their support and promising more content soon. This interaction not only built a connection with his audience but also gave him insight into what they enjoyed and what they hoped to see in future installments.

With a renewed sense of happiness from the compliments he received, Shijo headed to his room, determined to continue his work. He opened his laptop and started writing the second volumes of "Demon Slayer" and "Violet Evergarden." Thanks to his unique situation of merely remembering and copying down the stories from his previous life, he was able to write at an incredible speed.

Fueled by the excitement and validation from his readers, his fingers flew across the keyboard. The familiar characters and plotlines flowed effortlessly from his memory onto the digital page. Each sentence, each dialogue, felt like a seamless extension of his thoughts.

He wrote tirelessly, taking only brief breaks to stretch or grab a quick snack. The hours seemed to melt away as he became deeply immersed in the worlds he was recreating. The rhythm of his typing was almost hypnotic, a testament to his focus and dedication.

By the time evening approached, Shijo had made significant progress. With both novels combined, he had written around 300 pages, finishing half of each volume. He leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms and feeling a sense of accomplishment.

The room was filled with the soft glow of the setting sun, casting a warm light on his workspace. Despite the long hours, he felt invigorated rather than exhausted. The positive response from his readers and the satisfaction of seeing his work come to life drove him to push through.

Admiring his work, Shijo suddenly heard his phone ring. Glancing at the screen, he saw it was Ai Kamiya. He picked up the call.

"Shijo-kun, I just finished my library work. Can you come to the school? We can go from there. I've already wasted enough of your time, and I don't want to waste any more," Ai said, sounding slightly apologetic yet eager.

"Sure, I'll be there in a few minutes," Shijo replied, closing his laptop and getting ready to head out.

He quickly changed into more suitable clothes, grabbed his bag,

He left his house, opened the garage, and sat on a sleek motorcycle. With a sense of excitement, he turned the key and pressed the start button. Nothing happened. He tried again, but the engine remained silent.

It was then he realized, as a wealthy young master, he had never actually driven a motorcycle before. In his previous life, he had only ridden motor scooters, and he had no idea how to operate a gear vehicle.

Sighing in frustration, Shijo got off the bike and ran a hand through his hair. "Guess I'll need to get someone to teach me how to ride this thing," he muttered to himself. With no other choice, he closed the garage and decided to call a car service instead.

A few minutes later, a sleek black car pulled up to his driveway. He hopped in, and the driver nodded in acknowledgment. "Where to, young master?"

"To Seika High School," Shijo replied, settling into the back seat.

The drive to the school was smooth, and Shijo used the time to gather his thoughts. He was still riding the high of seeing the explosive response to his novels online. His mind buzzed with ideas for the next volumes of "Demon Slayer" and "Violet Evergarden."

When he arrived at the school, Ai was waiting by the entrance. As it was late, the school had only those students who either had club activities or other matters to attend to, so he didn't draw much attention.

She looked up to find Shijo getting out of the car. Surprised, she asked, "Whose car is this? We can go on foot. Don't waste money on a rental car."

"Oh no, no, it's a family car," Shijo replied quickly. "My father came by just as I was about to leave, so he told his driver to drop me off."

"Ah, I see," Ai nodded, slightly relieved. "We can go by train together then. He was only here to drop you off, right?"

"Exactly," Shijo said with a reassuring smile. He was lying, but he didn't want to come across as pretentious.

Ai smiled back, seemingly satisfied with the explanation. "Alright, let's get going then. The station is just a short walk from here."

As they walked together through the school grounds, the quiet atmosphere was a stark contrast to the usual bustling environment. They chatted about their day, with Ai sharing some amusing anecdotes from the library and Shijo mentioning his latest writing progress.

"How's the novel going?" Ai asked, genuinely interested.

"It's going well," Shijo said. "I managed to finish a good chunk of the second volumes for both Demon Slayer and Violet Evergarden today."

"Wow, that's impressive," Ai said, her eyes widening. "You really are dedicated."

Shijo shrugged modestly. "Just trying to keep up the momentum. Speaking of which, thanks for helping me with the publishing house. I really appreciate it."

"No worries," Ai replied. "I'm glad to help. Plus, it's exciting to see someone pursuing their passion so seriously."

They arrived at the train station and bought their tickets. As they waited for the train, the conversation flowed easily, and Shijo felt a growing sense of camaraderie with Ai. The train arrived, and they boarded, ready to take the next step in Shijo's literary journey.

Both rode the train to Chiyoda, Tokyo, heading towards the Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko publishing house. The train ride was smooth, and the cityscape outside the window gradually shifted from familiar streets to the bustling heart of Tokyo.

As they neared their destination, Shijo felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. Ai noticed his demeanor and gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Shijo-kun. Your work is amazing, and I'm sure they'll see that too."

"Thanks, Ai-san," Shijo replied, feeling a bit more confident. "It's just a big step, you know?"

"I get it," Ai said. "But you've got talent, and that's what matters."

When they arrived at the Chiyoda station, they exited the train and made their way through the busy streets. The area was filled with skyscrapers, each housing various businesses and enterprises. After a short walk, they stood in front of the Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko building, a modern structure that exuded a sense of importance and creativity.

Shijo took a deep breath and looked at Ai. "Ready?"

"Ready," Ai replied with a nod. They walked through the entrance, greeted by a receptionist who directed them to the appropriate floor.


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