
Chapter 4 : Enter! Beginning of the plot Part 1

November 6. 1981

Antares POV

Moldyshorts is dead. Boy-Who-Will-Live-In-A-Cupboard is a national celebrity and is starting his new life in a Durzkaban. Sirius Black is being shipped to an Azkaban. Peter Pettigrew is now a rat for at least ten years. And my excuse for a father pleaded Imperius.

So this all indicates that it's time to think about my future. What I want to do with my future and other things. I should probably start with things that I won't do no matter what. First on the list is politics. I don't have the patience to deal with this shit. Based on this thought came forth another idea, unfortunately the consequences will not be pretty, I will have to make Lucius somehow give Draco the Malfoy heirship. Thanks to our current relationship it shouldn't be a problem. It will give him ego boost like hell but sacrifices has to be made.

When the second wizarding comes I won't join either of the sides.

Light side is incredibly limited. You can't do almost anything without being branded as a Dark wizard or witch. Part of the Light side is also a sheep mentality. Somebody is more powerful than you, what does that mean? For sheep it means 'I can't do anything, let's wait for someone else to defeat him'. And don't get me started on the whole 'let's just stun them and ship them to prison'. You will stun them and the next thing you know they are either revived and attacking again or breaking out of the prison. That's like wanting to fill a bucked with a leaky bottom. Morons, all of them.

Dark side is more a version of a slavery even if some say it isn't. Like really, the Dark mark is like a collar and Moldyshorts is an owner.

And the whole idea 'we will kill all the muggles'? For a supposed genius someone probably didn't do well in a math. If I have to guess it's 1 wizard to 10 000 muggles minimal. Then add against the Dark side the third of the Light side and third of the Grey side. Well, you get the idea.

The Grey side. You can say that the Grey side fights for the greater good. But the greater good as in theirs not anybody's else. Why protect the sheep from a wolf when you know you are next? Besides, you can always get a new sheep.

Now I could be the one who will save them all, help The Golden Trio, destroy all of the Horcruxes, become Minister of Magic and fight for creatures rights? Yeah? No. I want something in return. What would I get if I do all of this? Shiny medal, handshake, page in some book and probably chocolate frog card. Besides why should I do it if Fate already has a whipping boy. Now you must be shouting 'but that's not right! you should help them, you have the knowledge to make all better!'. Listen lady,or whoever it is, everything works out in the end, some people die, yes, but while save somebody who could slander you the next day? The Harry Potter world show us the beauty of the saying 'today's hero, tommorow's villain'.

Let's move on the next problem. The main five characters. My thoughts on them and my future interactions with them. Harry James Potter, Hermione Jane Granger, Ronald Billius Weasley, Albus too many names Dumbledore and finally Tom Marvolo Riddle!

Let's start with the easiest one!

Ronald, the jealous one, Weasley! I already know how I will interact with him. I will simply avoid him. I have nothing, except maybe some unknown disease, to gain from him. My thoughts on him are 'what is he trying to accomplish by becoming friends with Harry?', the only things Harry learned from him about the wizarding world is in summary : Gryffindor is the best house ever, in Slytherin everybody is evil, what is chocolate frog, what is quidditch and that's all. He is constantly doing choices for Harry ( read The Philosophers Stone), isn't loyal to Harry ( read The Goblet of Fire) and then thinks he can abandon him and return whenever he wants ( read The Deathly Hallows)! His work ethic is none existent as are his table manners. I would gladly make him look more like an idiot but then we would be here all day so let's move on.

Tom, the angry one, Riddle. Little Tommy developed due to his environment superiority complex. Really? bullying orphans because you think you are the only special bean in the whole word? Nice try. Yes, I know he didn't have it easy. But he could be so much better villain if he used his brain. Splitting his soul before his magical maturity, hiding his Horcruxes in Britain only, destroying more of his sanity for more immortality fail safes, going to kill somebody with only half information himself really? Really?

Yes you can use Horcrux but at last have all the information! There isn't only Britain in the world, you could hide it in Egypt for all I care! Imagine The Golden Trio going through the whole Sahara searching for a yellow needle! Or he could have whole Britain for himself if he would go through the political route!

It would be really easy he had good OWLs and NEWTs, the best in his year probably, even if he was a half-blood people would be interested! So yes, that is my problem with him. He could be so much better if he only used his brain. As for me meeting him? Are you crazy? Who would want to do anything with man who lost his marbles? Not me, definitely not me.

! Extra !

Sahara, 1998

Narrator POV

It was a peaceful sunny day in the desert, there were no signs of life-

"How the fuck are we supposed to find a bloody needle?!"

- or not.

" How am I supposed to know?! You have the connection to You-Know-Who figure it out!" replied the female of the duo.

"I wonder why Ron left" sighed the man.

"Don't ask me, he was jealous of you not me" huffed his companion.

"Still no luck Harry?" asked the girl after a while.

"No, but I do have an idea Hermione" said the man now known as Harry.

"Ohh, do tell" inquired Hermione.

"I believe we should leave it to the Potter luck!" answered Harry.

"No! Absolutely not! You don't know what could happen!" protested appalled Hermione.

"C'mon, what could possibly go wrong?"

To this day nobody could answer to where the Sahara desert disappeared.

And that's the first part of Beginning of the plot! In the next chapter I will finish Harry, Hermione and Dumbledore. Also I will mention what kind of magic will be learned.

Author out!

Krsakcreators' thoughts