
Unicorn destiny: equestria is magcal

Some say that time heals everything and I like to think that I am living proof of that. I lived through a war as a human and ended up dying and being reborn in mlp. But time made me forget all that, that and magic. Being in a half child magic world isn't as bad as some people think, but I wish I could have avoided the plot. But this world is magical and I wanted to be involved in the plot just because. Well, I'll do it my way.

shin_guzman · Cómic
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14 Chs

Chapter 6: Griffon and Platinum have a talk.

Hello, we are here again to enjoy a new chapter.

I hope you enjoy it


This fanfiction was created by a fan for fans for the purpose of improving in the art of writing.

This story may and most likely will have spelling mistakes.

Any criticism (constructive or not) will be read and appreciated.

This story is not going to be a HIE or G5, it will be tinged to the G4 story, MLP: FIM.


Today was a beautiful day, the sun was in its splendor, the birds were singing and there was nice air all around.

Perfect day to be outside, reading a book.


"Hoof-biting action overload"


"She was like a superstar, flying high and higher."

...this pony couldn't shut up for a moment?

And why was I doing this again?

Well, that was because Twilight was here.

You see, after the previous episode, I decided to put my research aside for the time being and spend some time with my friends.

While I still don't fully believe in friendship, but I learned that I should put effort into it, not let myself become bitter about the things I experienced in the past and focus on the present.

So, I decided to spend the day with Twilight today, since Spike had to tidy up some scrolls at city hall.

We decided to hang out reading some books in ponyville park, why, I don't know, it's pretty much the same as doing it inside the library, I don't know what's so special about doing it outside besides enjoying some fresh air.

Anyway, we were both sitting under a tree reading some books, we weren't going to sit here but, on a bench, but since there wasn't enough room on it, we decided to sit under a tree, plus we took advantage of its shadow.

Then, all of a sudden Pinkie Pie appeared out of nowhere to tell us some kind of super awesome story she went through.

Normally I wouldn't mind, as I find her hyperactivity enjoyable and besides, it reminds me a bit of why she's the laughing element, but when you're busy reading a book, the least one wants is noise.

So here we were, in the park, sitting while reading a book and at the same time half listening to this crazy pink pony.

"-and then she looped around and around like WHOO, WHOO, WHOO, WHOO, WHOO, WHOO, WHOO, WHOO, WHOO, WHOO, WHOO, WHOO!"

I sighed as the mare next to me just said "aha," sometimes it's really hard to stand the hyperactivity and understand what she's saying but it's still better than the alternative, which would be a sad Pinkie.

I don't know why, but every time I imagine a sad Pinkie, it makes me want to cheer her up.

I'd rather have her happy than sad, no doubt.

And I don't know where this random thought came from in my head either, sometimes they pop up just because.

I hear Twilight sigh in relief and I return to the "real world" to realize that Pinkie had left, most likely to annoy someone else.

I let out a smile and return to my book momentarily to read it only to put it down and look at the unicorn beside me.

"So, Twilight, can you remind me again why we're doing this?" I said as I closed my book, which was a simple science fiction book. It was called "Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone" which is one of my favorites. Twilight doesn't like them because according to her they are "too fanciful" but sometimes she reads them with me, today is not one of them.

Twilight sighs and puts her book momentarily aside to look at me, "because it's a beautiful day out here and it's a good opportunity to get out and enjoy it," then went back to her book, "Had I known you were going to complain, I wouldn't have made you come with me."

Ouch, the feeling is mutual, if I'm going to read a book, then I'd rather read it at home, so I look curiously at the book that Twilight is reading.

"What are you supposed to be reading?" I said, looking at the book, since its cover is just blue, with no indication of the contents inside.

"Oh, it's nothing, you've probably already read it." She said as she shrugged indifferently as she continued reading.

Oh-ho, what's that I see? A challenge. "Probably, but indulge my curiosity, Princess." I said with a teasing twist that served immediately, as she looked up at me with a frown.

"I thought I told you long ago to stop calling me that," she said annoyed then held out the book to me, so I could see its contents, "here."

Looking at the book, I can tell that it is written in an ancient language, so ancient that I no longer know how to use it, "are you... studying ancient language?"

The mare is question nodded, "It's one of the things I didn't tell you about, a while ago I decided to start researching and learning ancient languages. You never know when you're going to need it."

"Eh... preparing beforehand, not bad Princess," I said after I finished reading the book a bit and not understanding anything it said, as I had never been interested in history in general.

Oh, and I was also greeted with a scowl and a smack on my side, courtesy of Twilight.

Then, the mare in question looked at the book lying abandoned next to me and with poorly disguised curiosity said, "and what are you supposed to be reading?"

I simply decided to grab the book with my hooves and show it to her, causing the mare to get a blank stare after seeing the cover of the book.

"Seriously, Daring do? Haven't you already read that book a few dozen times?" she said looking at me dryly as I just smiled and stuck out my tongue childishly.

"A hundred times, besides it never hurts to reread a good book once in a while, you know?" I said looking teasingly at the pony in question, as I knew she liked to reread her books several times.

And by the look in her eyes, she knew what I meant.

Then suddenly I heard a voice with a gasping tone, "Ah, Twilight! Platinum! There you two are!"

Both Twilight and I turned to see the source of the sound, to see an exhausted wild Rarity suddenly appear, who for some reason ran over here. As she looked up after recovering from running who knows how far, there was a look on her face that I couldn't recognize at all, plus she had a sly tone to her voice. "Ah... taking a break together under the tree, right?"

Yes? What's so special about that?

"Well, I apologize for interrupting your lovely afternoon together!"


Both Twilight and I exchanged confused looks - what was Rarity talking about? We're literally just hanging out together.

Wait, could it be... nah, I must be imagining it.

"Is there anything you need, Rarity?" asked Twilight with a puzzled tone as I just put my book away inside a bundle I brought, I'd finish it later.

"Ah, it's nothing sweetie, but I've been looking all over for them. I just need to borrow Platinum for a while, that's all. you don't mind, do you?" eh, now what? 'No need to be so surprised dear; you should have known this day would come; I'll finally solve the problem you no doubt keep intentionally avoiding!' said Rarity passionately while I just looked at her in utter confusion.

"...I'm sorry, what?"

"Your cape, dear!" replied Rarity dramatically as my hooves unconsciously went to my cape, the same cape I've had with me since my school days.

"What's wrong with my cape?" I asked with an offended tone.

It was then that I was suddenly lifted slightly off the ground, courtesy of Rarity's magic, and pulled towards her.

"A good gentleman should dress properly, and you dear, you have the potential to look amazing on any occasion, and I can't stand for such potential to be wasted like this! Besides, it would serve you well to wash that mane of yours you have and give it a proper cleaning."

Wait, you meant what you told me a few episodes ago? If that's the case. "I'm fine as I am, thanks but no thanks." I said firmly as I tried to pull away, but the unicorn had a strong grip on me, making it impossible for me to escape, "Twilight, help me please."

"Good idea!" wait what? "Twilight dear, why don't you come with us to watch Platinum get a new cut and coat? You could even give me some tips if you like" oh no, I couldn't help but put both of my front hooves over my face knowing Twilight would agree.

The unicorn just stared at us, then smiled and said, "You know, that's a good idea, Celestia knows how long he's had that cape with him, so it would be a nice makeover." She said looking me up and down, "besides, when was the last time I cut your hair?" oh no, you didn't go in there.

"Are you seriously doing this to me, Twilight? I said looking at her with a blank stare, to which she just shrugged indifferently as she stuck her tongue out at me childishly.

Oh, you'll deal with me later, Princess.

"Splendid! Oh, and Platinum," at the sound of my name, I looked up at the mare smiling innocently, "I wouldn't recommend trying to escape if I were you; we're going to give you a new style whether you like it or not." Where do my rights lie in all of this? Although in the end I decided to accept my fate as I groaned reluctantly, the mare eventually put me down, "and then you two can get on with this lovely little date."

Uh... ah! So that's what she meant, I couldn't help but groan in annoyance. Again with that.

As I know you can imagine, Rarity isn't the first time she's mistaken our interactions for romantic interactions and it definitely won't be the last.

Meanwhile, Twilight was mulling over Rarity's words when she suddenly blushed slightly and let out an exasperated groan.

"Oh, not you too, Rarity!"


Soon after, I found myself in Rarity's boutique with a look of eternal annoyance etched on my face as I looked at my freshly washed mane while the smiling unicorn behind me with a mirror in front of me as she went about combing my hair.

I could see through the mirror my cape laid aside, probably to be discarded, which caused my right eye to get a twitch.

Look, I don't exactly mind the cleanliness of my mane or the new cut she's giving me, I'd appreciate it a lot more if it was with my consent, besides why did she have to mess with my cape? What did my cape do to her? Did my cape do any damage to her?

My thoughts were interrupted by a "ta-dah" from Rarity, causing me to look at my reflection in disbelief. Who is this gentleman supposed to be? In front of me I can only see an upper class snobby noble stud who thinks he's above everyone and deserves all the things in the world.

And I don't like it at all, this... thing isn't me.

"Well, you look better now," my ramblings are interrupted by Twilight's comment, who looks at me holding back the urge to laugh after Rarity dragged me back before her to show me off for some reason.

At that, I gave her a dry look showing how much fun I'm having with all this.

"'Better'? Why, dear Twilight? I think you underestimate the effort I put into this; this style is very popular with young, handsome stallions, as it seeks to make all the mares who see it swoon." At that, I couldn't help but look at her with a raised eyebrow. I don't know if you know me Rarity, but I don't want to attract that kind of attention, "Oh, of course that's not your intention Platinum. But with that beautiful fur you have, along with the combination of your eyes and mane, dear, you needed to look clean and shiny with some style to make you look good, and certainly not something that makes you look like a street wizard."

And what's wrong with that? Sure, I'm a court magician, technically talking, but that doesn't mean I should always worry about looking presentable.

And besides, what does my mane have to do with anything? My mane is simply silver, it's nothing special and I doubt I'm the only one with this kind of mane, I'm sure there was at least one pony with this color of mane among the people of Ponyville.

With a sigh of annoyance, I look at myself in the mirror and I can't help but feel uncomfortable.

I've had my cape for so many years that now that I'm without it, I feel naked. And we always walk around naked.

"And for the final touch" I was again interrupted in my thoughts by the fashionist mare, this time putting something on my body, and as I'm looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but see it.

It's a cape just like the one I had, only it's longer, long enough to cover my flank and my cutie mark and the fact that it's emerald, green with silver edges, it had a simplistic design, with nothing to really make it stand out to the eye, plus it has a hood that can hide my face, probably for the rain. I lift the new cape slightly to see that inside it has several pockets and that the inside design is simple and dark purple in color

She also just put a necklace around my neck, which is silver in color with a turquoise pendant.

"I'm glad I prepared ahead of time, I made this cape taking into account the color of your mane and fur, as well as the color of your eyes, although I didn't put any design on it yet, I wanted to see if you liked it and how it would look on you," Rarity said as she watched me inspect my cape.

I honestly like it, despite the fact that it had to be at the expense of my other cape, it doesn't look bad on me.

"Uh, not bad Rarity, I must admit you really showed off with this whole thing," I said looking at the mare in question, who smiled delighted seeing that I liked my new look, "Wait, how did you get my measurements?"

At the question, the mare in question blushed a little, "W-Well dear, actually I didn't, I based it solely on what I could observe from the cape you had on, although I think I went a little overboard," she said looking at how the cape fit me bigger than my previous one. "If you want, I can take your measurements so I can make you a new one."

I pondered his words a bit, then shook my head, "No, it's perfect just the way it is." While it was bigger than my previous cloak, that didn't mean it was bad, now that it completely covered my body, and with my research in runes, I could engrave them on the cloak for added protection, the same with my new necklace. "How much do I owe you?"

The mare seemed delighted to hear my words, only to blink in confusion upon hearing my question. "Oh, dear, you don't need to pay me for this. Consider it a as a gift, from one friend to another. Besides, hearing you say how much you appreciated my work is enough for me."

I stared at her for a few moments, before shrugging. "If you say so," normally I'd keep harping on the subject, but I didn't feel like it.

Although I'm also a little surprised that she's basically gifting me a new outfit without charging me anything but I guess I should have expected it, after all, Rarity is the bearer of the element of generosity.

"I never thought I'd say this, but you look pretty fancy Platinum," Twilight said playfully. In response, I just gave her a light tap on her shoulder, she giggled a little at that. "Well, with everything settled. I'm going to go visit the bookstore which isn't too far from here, then I'll go back to the library to study some things I have to do. Do you want me to wait for you at the store?" hearing Twilight's question, I could have sworn I heard the unicorn's stifled sigh next to me.

I immediately shook my head, ignoring the protesting cry from the dramatic mare beside me. "No thanks, I have some things to do on my own. I'll see you in the library."

Hearing my reply, Twilight nodded with a smile and waved goodbye from her hoof and then left through a velvet composite door with gold outlined curtains.

Seeing Twilight leave the tent, the white unicorn gave a dramatic sigh and then went back to doing some things, including taking my old cape, to which I dismissed her with a military salute.

While the unicorn was gone, I couldn't help but admire Rarity's boutique. This place was very well ordered, if there is something that can be said in Rarity's favor, it is that so far, her business seems to be quite well ordered.

That reminds me, I need to sort out my research notes, considering I have some free time at the moment, it might be a good idea to pick up my research and maybe learn some glass carving and clothing while I'm at it.

"So dear..." and here comes the gossipy mare, looking me straight in the eye, "what's up with you and Twilight?" she said looking at me with obvious interest in the possible romance.

I just sighed in exasperation, "Nothing is going on between me and Twilight, Rarity. Please don't ask again."

"Oh, I'm sorry dear, really, I just thought..."

"Exactly, you thought, that's the problem." I interrupted abruptly before regretting it when I saw the surprised but hurt look on Rarity's face. "I'm sorry, Rarity. It's just that I'm tired of people asking us what's going on between us, it's like they can't see a stallion and a mare together and not think that we're just friends."

"I'm sorry for bothering you with that, dear, it's just that you guys are so close and I can't help but wonder." Rarity said as she put a hoof on my shoulder.

"That's the problem, everyone assumes and assumes, regardless of how we feel. I love Twilight very much and maybe in the future I could see her as more than just a friend, but I won't if everyone just thinks deciding for me." I said as I looked at Rarity with sincerity.

Twilight is one of my best friends, no, rather, she's my BEST friend and I didn't want to ruin what we have, but everyone seems to have the wrong ideas about our interactions, my parents, her parents, Shining Armor, and now Rarity and maybe the other girls too.

I might end up falling in love with Twilight or I might not, there is nothing certain in this world, but if things happen, they are going to happen in a natural way, not because other people want them to.

Hearing my words, Rarity nodded at me, "Don't worry dear, I understand. I won't bring it up in front of you again." Hearing her response, I nodded gratefully.

Sometimes it's good to have friends.

Wait? In front of me? That mean that she's thinking of talking about it with the girls

…eh, then that's not my problem.


I was currently at the market, quite happy with how today had turned out.

While I had to bitterly say goodbye to my old cape, I got a new and rather better one plus it gives me new opportunities to do something new with this stuff I was given.

As I said, I'm at the market buying some things for dinner, this time I decided to cook for Twilight and Spike (something that rarely happened), so I wanted to make it special. I don't know how to cook a lot of things, so I decided to make some simple hay burgers, now I'm just looking for what seasonings to put on it.

I may not be an expert in the area of cooking, considering that I very rarely go near the kitchen other than to eat, but even I know that with certain good seasonings it makes a difference to any meal.

As I was browsing, I couldn't help but feel something fall into my mane and a slight breeze, but I ignored it in favor of continuing to do my shopping.

As I approached another store window, which had just what I was looking for, hot sauce. The shopkeeper looked at me and began to chuckle slightly, I looked at him confused but continued with my shopping,

As I was walking back to the library, I noticed several ponies looking at me and laughing at me, which I found confusing.

I was quite confused, then Pinkie and Rainbow Dash came up to me and saw me and also laughed lightly, much to my confusion. Apparently taking pity on me, they gave me a mirror, and looking at my reflection I could see that my hair was now rainbow colored and my fur was white, plus my face looked like a clown.

Looking with surprise at Pinkie and Rainbow, only to see them laughing out loud with a dye in their hands and makeup. I just looked at them confused, I understood the fact that they applied the dye on me, since I felt the drop, but how come they did my makeup? Rainbow shouldn't be so quick.

In the end, I just shrugged my shoulders and turned on my horn, seeing my action the mares just ran away, even though I wasn't going to do anything to them.

I just teleported directly to the bathtub to remove the paint and dye, which luckily was easy to remove. Once I got the paint and dye off, I looked in the mirror only to see that the hairstyle Rarity had done for me was undone.

"Hey," I said looking at myself in the mirror then shrugged, "if anything, I can always blame this to Rainbow and Pinkie."


As I was washing up the food to prepare dinner, I could hear some commotion in the main room.

I ignored it of course, but I could hear Pinkie's voice and Twilight's voice talking about some things.

All of that came to a boiling point when I suddenly heard Pinkie yell something and then leave with a slam of the door.

After I finished preparing the food, I decided to leave the kitchen to look at Twilight and Spike looking worriedly at each other.

"What in Celestia's name just happened here?" I exclaimed, looking at Twilight and Spike for answers.

At the sound of my voice, both Twilight and Spike looked at me. After a moment, Spike decided to answer my question, or maybe not. "Nice new cape, Platinum," Spike complimented me as I watched him. "With that cloak and hat you have in your room, you really look like a real wizard now," Spike added, joking a little.

I just looked at them, seeing that they wanted to hide it from me for some reason.

Finally, Twilight sighed and said, "Well, Pinkie Pie came in to complain about a griffin named Gilda. According to Pinkie, Gilda was being quite rude and mean to her. However, I actually think Pinkie is just jealous because this new girl is hogging Rainbow Dash's attention."

Eh, that was just it. I don't see why they would want to hide it from me.

Except for one little detail that I don't know I missed.

"Pinkie Pie... jealous?" I said, looking at them both in disbelief. At their nod, I just sighed and shook my head. "That sounds wrong on so many levels I don't know where to start." After finishing my sentence, I looked them in the eye. "Guys, I know we don't know Pinkie Pie very well, after all, we've only known her for a month. But Pinkie is not somepony who gets jealous and calls some pony 'meanie' just because she's hogging the attention of one of our friends." I said as I watched them reconsider.

"I understand what you mean Platinum, but I don't think this Gilda girl is as Pinkie describes, it could be that she is simply being blinded by her jealousy." Twilight said looking me in the eyes.

At that I simply shook my head but decided not to continue the discussion, as Twilight can be quite stubborn when she wants to be and I wasn't in the mood to argue either.

Instead, I simply turned and headed for the kitchen. "Come on, the burgers are almost ready. We can't think straight on an empty stomach." After that, I went into the kitchen to finish the food.

I don't know why I feel like something is wrong with the whole Pinkie thing, it could very well be true what Twilight says, but Pinkie Pie doesn't strike me as a pony who would get carried away with her jealousy and talk bad about someone behind their back, she just doesn't strike me as that kind of pony.

There's something more to this whole thing.


After lunch I decided to go for a run, or well that's the excuse I had told Twilight.

Truth be told, I am looking for Pinkie Pie to search for answers, as she is the pony that was at the center of all things.

It wasn't an easy search though, as I had already been looking all over town but still hadn't been able to find her.

Seriously, when that mare didn't want to be found, you don't find her.

Oh, "There you are" doesn't matter, I finally found her, or did she find me? For I saw her heading towards me with her head down.

The sight couldn't help but make my heart ache a little.

"Oh, hello Platinum, nice cape."

"Thanks, it was a gift from Rarity- no, let's not get off topic, you how are you, Pinkie?" I said once I got close enough to her.

Pinkie just continued walking as she said, "Maybe Twilight is right" at that, I just raised my eyebrow as I followed her, "Maybe she isn't a big mean panty pants, maybe I'm just a jealous judgmental jealously pants." uff, she said the word jealous three times, that's not right.

As the pink Earth Pony let out a sad sigh and went on her way, I just followed her, after all, what could I say in this kind of situation?

And even though it pains me to see her like this, I decided to follow her to keep her company.


Now we were sitting at a table while we had some milkshakes, hers was strawberry and mine was chocolate, after Pinkie gave those sad but thoughtful sentences, she refused to say anything else and I didn't know what to do besides keeping her company, in the end, what can I say to a friend who is going through a depression?

I really don't know, so I simply decided to keep him company until I went home or until she said something, whichever came first.

"Get down!" Pinkie suddenly ordered after we both heard a surreal sound behind me. I immediately obeyed, crouching half my body down right with her under the round table and looking up at the sky listening to the laughter.

What the [Bleep] was that?!

And... wait, is that a gryphon? Is that supposed to be a gryphon?

"That was sweet!" said Rainbow Dash contentedly out loud, following the creature she'd only heard from time to time, and also read a bit about in the books I read. "Whew. I've got some weather work to take care of around here; shouldn't take long." I squinted at Rainbow who was talking to the... thing (that sounds so wrong to say) next to her.

"Pinkie, is that..." I said slowly as I kept my eyes fixed on the new creature.

"That's her: Gilda." She replied grimly. So, that thing is Rainbow Dash's old friend? "Half eagle, half lion. The one that's been taking up Rainbow's time more than me." she finished somberly while looking at the gryphon, I was looking at her too, after all she's a creature I've never seen in my life and I know that she looked pretty cool.

But despite her cool looks, there was something about her that just... wasn't right. I don't mean to sound judgmental or anything, but there was something about her that just left me with my guard up.

I think I have my answers as to why my gut is telling me this. If the fact that she made a joke in very bad taste on poor Granny Smith, which caused me to frown.

"Oh, poor Granny Smith! She didn't know it was a joke! How mean!"

"And also dangerous, Granny Smith is not in the age to get played with that kind of 'prank' anymore" I said in agreement, frowning as I continued to stare at the gryphon.

"No, no, I can't misjudge her. It was kind of a funny joke, I guess" at that, I gave her a look of disbelief and pity, as what Twilight had said to her no doubt affected her ability to judge people.

Oh, now she just stole an apple and ate it, that's not right.

A gasp sounded from beside me, "I misjudged her! She's not only a meanie mean pants, but she's also a thief!" I nodded at his remark about the gryphon. "No, no, no, no, no, she could take it back."


At that, I gave him a look of disbelief again. "From her stomach?" No, it was obvious that the gryphon could not be trusted. "Now is not the time for you to try to look on the bright side of this, Pinkie Pie. She's obviously someone we can't trust." With the way she acts around ponies, even Rainbow Dash could be in danger, despite being her "friend."

"You don't know Platinum; it could just be a simple prank."

I was about to retort when my eyes fell on a certain yellow Pegasus leading a pair of ducks and their offspring past us. "Alright little ones, this way." Fluttershy said kindly to the animals, no doubt escorting them to a river. That's probably the nicest way I've ever seen someone treat animals without looking up videos of that guy on the internet.


"Oh, excuse me."

"I'm walking here!"

"Oh. U-um sorry." Fluttershy stammered in her feeble attempts to apologize to the rough combination of proud creatures. "I was just trying to-"

But the gryphon would have none of it, sneering in a tone that made my gaze harden. "Sorry, sorry, sorry! Why don't you look where you're getting silly?" The ducks and their young scattered as the taller creatures advanced toward the retreating Pegasus.

At that moment I felt my anger bubbling up inside me, which caused me to have to take a few deep breaths.

No, Platinum, you are better than this, don't let your anger get the better of you, you are better than that.

"B-b-b-b-b-b-but I-I..."

Any attempt at an apology was cut off by the scream taking a deep breath and... I had to cover my ears at the loud shriek that was no doubt meant to intimidate the poor pony... and it worked. My eyes widened and my jaw tensed as I saw Fluttershy running away, crying. And I could feel my heart ache at the devastated sight of her running away.

It was enough to make anyone who saw it want to cry.

...all brought on by her…

Please, somepony hold me, or i…

"Ugh, please; all these silly ponies are taking me-ARGH!"

Whatever she was about to say, most likely a rude thing, was interrupted when suddenly a bolt of energy struck her, sending her crashing into a fruit stand.

The crowd gasped as they saw this and gasped more as they saw me come out from where I stood, horn glowing and an angry look on my face.

"Platinum!" I heard Pinkie exclaim in surprise behind me, but I wasn't listening to her anymore, I was just slowly making my way closer until I was in the center of the crowd, my eyes fixed on the fallen gryphon.

Look, I normally didn't like to fight, let alone start fights, but if there's one thing, I can't stand it's watching someone hurt my friends, people I hold precious to me and I don't care if it's male or female, what she just did just crossed the line.

My eyes focused as the thing recovered from its stupor and leapt out of the destroyed stall, standing at a height meant to intimidate and looking at the fountain that dared to hit it in disgust. I just scoffed, maybe I would be intimidating if I didn't have a burned face, and that's just a maybe. "You... you hit me... How dare you...!"

Hearing her words made me snort out loud, my horn still glowing and drawing the attention of the audience around us. "How dare I? Considering all the damage you've done, I should be asking, how dare you?" I said, as the gryphon glared at me. "Let me tell you something, Miss Gilda. I don't know how things work from where yoy come from, but what you did is unforgivable. So, you better apologize or do us all a favor and get the hell out of here."

"Or what?" she asked dangerously, her features as hardened as mine as we both crouched in ready stances, my horn roaring at my fury.

"Or I'll break every bone in your body." I replied grimly, ignoring the loud gasps of surprise and horror around me at my bold words, though I smiled as the gryphon's eyes widened before glaring hatefully at me.

Think you know about hate, girl?

I couldn't help but raise my eyebrow in amusement once she took a deep breath and let out the same roar, she used to intimidate Fluttershy, but the roar that earlier made me cover my ears all it did was shake my mane, all thanks to my modified anti-sound spell. Well, at least now I have another culprit to blame for ruining my mane.

But if you want to play the intimidation game little gryphon, let me answer you.

The gryphon's eyes widened in surprise and fear as I answered her with my own roar, as loud or even louder than hers, while my body briefly glowed from the use of my magic. Once I finished my scream, I looked at the gryphon in bewilderment and said, "I can do this all day, little gryphon."

"You're crazy." The horrified gryphon finally announced momentarily then turned and took flight, determined to get away from her assailant as quickly as possible. "But you'll pay for hitting me anyway, you silly stallion!"

"Try if you can, little gryphon!" I said as I watched his figure disappear into thin air. Taking a few deep breaths to calm my anger, I couldn't help but notice that everyone was looking at me in amazement, looking at my feet, I notice that I made a small crater I made in the ground. "huh, I didn't know I could do this." Nor the scream thing, we ponies don't have the lungs to make such a scream.

Could it have been because of me magic? Though I've never heard of unicorn magic responding like this before.

Huh, something to think about later.

Looking at the destroyed fruit stand, I use a spell to repair it, since technically speaking it was my fault, "Sorry." I said looking at the Pegasus who was still looking at me in shock.

Seeing that everyone was looking at me, I simply looked at Pinkie, gave her a nod and decided to leave back to the library.

Fifty bits to this gets me in trouble with Twilight.


"You threw a magic shot in her face?" I knew it!

I sighed tiredly, since for some reason my body felt pretty tired after here incident and besides, I had come to my senses after I calmed down, "I know what I did was wrong and I'm not proud of it-" lie "-but in this case it was justified." True.

Of course I had informed Twilight what I had done today, better she hear it from me than to hear it from another pony, as there might be a lack of information or something about the events.

Once I washed my face to dispel any anger, I still had inside me, I headed off to tell Twilight and Spike what happened today.

"I'm still trying to understand the reckless thing you just did today, Platinum Breeze!" oops, full name, this doesn't look good. "You punched her, an innocent gryphon, Rainbow Dash's friend?"

At that, I snorted, "Innocent? That gryphon was far from innocent." I said as I looked at Twilight's disapproving look. "The situation was far from ideal, but I did what I had to do."

But, of course, Twilight doesn't see things my way in this case. She pointed at me like I was some kind of criminal, which made me annoyed. "The reason behind hitting her is irrelevant-"

"Even for annoying Fluttershy?"

"Especially for annoying Fluttershy!" she continued heatedly, causing me to frown. "You should never use violence against anyone, no matter the case. We were both taught that, as long as we are not provoked, we shouldn't do anything. What you did was foolish and you could have gotten into serious trouble. But no; you chose to pick a fight, and against a gryphon, of all things!" Are you really bringing up things from the past, Twilight?

Although in this case you're not right, while your parents tried to instill that in me as well, my father taught me that at any sign of danger, attack or flee depending on what you think is right.

It's obvious who I took the advice from.

Meanwhile. Spike who is looking off to the side spoke with a tone that suggested he was impressed. "I, for one, am impressed. I didn't know you had it in you, Platinum." Despite his words, both my gaze and Twilight's was still fixed between us.

The frown on my face was starting to hurt, "I just let her know that her attitude is not welcome here in Ponyville."

"Or you could have given her the idea that Ponyville is full of violent ponies! Besides, you should know by now that it's wrong to hit a lady."

"That's sexist. Why should I care that she's a lady? If what she did is wrong, I'm going to judge her just as harshly I should."

The unicorn shook her head in disappointment. "I can't believe you..."

Okay, this is already bothering me and a lot, schooling my features to a neutral look, "Look, I understand I got out of control." I said with irritation but somehow keeping my cool, I wasn't going to let this situation get worse. "You, of all ponies, should know that I'm not normally like this. But her actions today really got on my nerves. Granny Smith didn't deserve that treatment she suffered, that merchant didn't do anything to justify stealing her product. And Fluttershy definitely did nothing to deserve the treatment she received. I just returned the favor."

"That wasn't all, Platinum!" I just looked on impassively as Twilight pushed her hoof to my chest. "Maybe Gilda was acting like a bully, but your actions today didn't solve anything, they just made you stoop to her level-"

"I'm going to stop you right there before you can continue with your words, Twilight Sparkle," I said seriously, my impassive gaze holding steady even though it's harder to maintain it at the moment. "I don't intimidate innocent ponies just because I feel like it and find it amusing. You, of all ponies, know that." Twilight's gaze faltered slightly at my words before she continued to look at me. "Twilight, do you remember how it was in school, right?"

Hearing my question, the mare simply frowned in confusion, "Yes, but what does that have to do with-"

"Then you know that I never picked on anyone, no matter how much I know they deserved it." I said as I remembered the days at school, with snobby ponies who thought they were better than any other pony. They even tried to bully me once, but let's just say it didn't go well for them, mentally speaking. "I didn't attack, even though they annoyed me, I knew at the end of the day they weren't worth it. But the school ponies never went beyond saying cruel words, they didn't steal, they didn't fight and most of all, they didn't hurt innocent ponies simply because they wanted to."

As I said that, I was advancing towards her, causing her to step back slightly. "I also know you know because they also tried to intimidate you many years ago, but they never did more than call you names and tease you because I stopped them." At that, her eyes widened; yes, that was something I never told her because I didn't see the point. "I never tolerated bullies, but I never harmed them unless they crossed the line. So, tell me, why should I have made an exception for a gryphon who were hurting one of my friends?"

Without waiting for an answer, I turned and walked up the stairs, ignoring his voice calling out to me.

What I did may not have been the right thing to do for some, but I had no regrets.

Whether Twilight understands that or not, that's her problem.


Okay, maybe I went a little overboard today.

And I'm not referring to the incident with the gryphon, but to my argument with Twilight.

But if we're being honest, I wasn't going to let them just put me in the same category as Gilda, since we weren't even a little bit alike.

I think it's funny though, I've been stopping bullies for years to keep them from getting out of line and the one time I tell Twilight about it, she gets mad.

Well, she was going to find out eventually anyway.

I was currently in my room, sitting on the balcony of my room enjoying the evening light. Spike had knocked on the door a while ago saying they were going to a party organized by Pinkie and left me in silence when he asked me if I was going. That left me alone in my room to contemplate the day's events.

As I said, I don't regret what I did, since what that gryphon did was way out of line, by far, but I'm a little worried that this has damaged my friendship with Twilight.

It's already dark and Twilight and Spike haven't returned from Pinkie's party, so if I wanted to, I could just move out.

But should I?

Moving out wouldn't solve anything in the long run, but it might be a good thing in the short term.

Decisions, decisions.

My head turns to a polite knock on my door.

Hmm, now who could that be? Twilight? It could be to apologize or continue our first discussion in years. Spike? He might try to cheer me up, though I feel I don't deserve it. Rainbow? It could be to talk about the situation you were told about.

Well, let's not keep he or her waiting.

"Oh! Hello Platinum."

More like them.

Uh, this visit I wasn't expecting. Glancing at the shy yellow Pegasus in front of me, I see that she's accompanied by both Twilight and Rainbow Dash, uh 2/3.

"uh, hi Fluttershy. is there anything I can do to help you?"

"Oh...well, we were wondering...if we could come in...just for a minute?" the shy pony asked lightly, averting her eyes after asking the question.

"...Sure, come on in" I said stepping aside to let the trio pass, looking around curiously. Will this be because of the incident? I hope I didn't piss Fluttershy off, since you know what they say about shy people. "So, what can I help you with?" I asked looking around at the little group.

"Well... um..." the shy Pegasus started rather hesitantly, looking at the mares behind them who gave her a sign of encouragement, then looked at my face before taking a deep breath to continue. "Twilight told us what you did to Gilda..." eh, why am I not surprised? "And tell you that, um, what you did, it was a bit of an overreaction-"

"I know I went too far."

The three ponies blinked at my blunt agreement. "Y-You do?"

"Of course," while I don't regret my actions, I regret letting my anger get the better of me, there were better ways to act in that situation. "What I did was childish, impulsive and careless of me to physically assault her." Better it would have given her nightmares. "And I'm sorry I lost control."

Like I said, what I did wasn't right. I know it felt right at the time, but the gryphon in question didn't make any physical attack that needed me to physically assault her, what I should have done was give her nightmares or something else with a spell or something, to make her come to her senses of what she has done.

What I did, in the end, might just make her more violent.

Fluttershy simply stared at me for a moment. "Um... well, I'm glad you know you went too far... but that's not all."

Oh? An unforeseen breakthrough, I hope she doesn't want to scold me like Twilight did, I don't want to damage another friendship.

Before I could say anything, my brain short-circuited a little when she hugged me out of nowhere.

"Thank you..." she suddenly said in a whisper. "For standing up for me like you did."

In response, I simply gave her a small hug while gently stroking her mane. That's how I know how to give a hug and at the same time give someone comfort, right? Plus, she has a soft mane.

Finally, the pony broke away with a pink blush on her face for some reason. She had never hugged a man outside of her family before? And why did Twilight and Rainbow look so puzzled? It was just a hug, for the love of the moon.

"Well, I'd better step aside, someone else wants to talk to you." She said as she stepped to the side.

Who...? Ah, hello Rainbow Dash.

"Thank you."

And this is the second time my brain short circuited, this time at the pony's words that was clearly conflicted.

Then, she looks me in the eye. "Thank you for standing up for Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash said with a sincere look in her eyes. "While I don't like the fact that you beat up Gilda, what she did was way out of line, for which I thank you." He said to then give me a confident smile. "But next time, leave it to me! You made the pranks I played on her seem like small potatoes compared to what you did to her." She finished then slapped me on the shoulder.

I just rolled my eyes but smiled too, "No problem, Rainbow." At that, she nodded with a smile then stepped aside and headed for the door followed by Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy!" at the sound of her voice, the aforementioned mare turned at the sight of me. "If anyone ever treats you like the gryphon did... or worse, report to me immediately." What Gilda did to Fluttershy was horrible and definitely something she doesn't deserve, so I'll help her however I can.

After all, that's what friends do, right?

And I purposely ignored the looks both Rainbow and Twilight are giving me.

"Oh, I don't know; I don't want to be a problem-"

"It will only be a problem if you allow yourself to be treated like that."

At his happy nod, the kind mare joined the other mare and they left the room. I could hear their footsteps and voices walking away. Well, two down, one to go.

"That 'gryphon' has a name; you know?"

Now comes the hard part, smiling, I turned to the annoying unicorn. "From what I can hear, you're still upset about the argument."

"...I'm not going to deny that I'm not still enraged by your actions today." The mare admitted with a sigh. "But I'm glad you at least learned something from all of this. I learned a few things I'd like to talk with you, too."

"As long as it's not another argument, I'm all ears." I said looking at the unicorn in question.

And... again my brain short circuits for another hug, 3 hugs in a row, that's more hugs than I've ever received in my life. Before I could return it, the unicorn broke away.

"Sorry." Another surprise. "Your actions today, while they upset me, also made me worry about the consequences it could have, consequences that could affect you negatively and I reacted accordingly." Said the mare looking into my eyes with sincerity. "I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted" I smiled lightly, glad she wasn't still upset, now as long as I didn't mention- "why didn't you tell me about the bullies." [Beep].

I sighed as I scratched my head, "I didn't see the point, I never physically attacked them, I just gave them some illusions my father taught me to give them nightmares, I didn't see the point in telling you."

"...I always wondered why they never did more than call me names or hurl insults," Twilight admitted, looking down at the ground. "Sure, their words hurt and I didn't like being called names, but it wasn't so bad with the support of my family, yours and Spike's." Then she looked up and looked me in the eye. "Thank you, Platinum, for taking care of me."

I smiled softly, "Always, Twilight." Then we gave each other a hug, which lasted for a while, and then we parted.

After that, she said goodbye and left my room.

Hey, maybe I won't need to move after all.


Hi, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Any spelling mistakes or details, please say so in the comments.

Serious question, I should try to create a musical intro for the story, like the intro that every mlp chapter had?