
Open your eyes, Dante.

KEDARN is a world shrouded in darkness and despair, left broken and scarred after a cataclysmic event known as the Death of the Gods. This devastating phenomenon left countless races mourning the loss of their divine protectors, and from the skies above, mysterious ripples emerged, disgorging the lifeless corpses of the fallen deities.

But amidst this desolation, a glimmer of hope emerges with the birth of a new life - a baby boy named Dante Donquixote. The fragile yet beautiful young woman, around 19 years old, cradles her newborn son in her arms. Her dark eyes shine with tenderness, and her long black hair cascades gently around her pale face, accentuating her rosy cheeks. Despite her exhaustion, she can't help but smile as she caresses the baby's face.

Suddenly, the heavy door bursts open, and a man storms into the room. He sports a thick black beard and long braided hair, his ocean blue eyes filled with concern. His tall, scarred figure is clad in thick leather armor, and a formidable sword rests on his back. Gasping for breath, he calls out to the woman, whom he loves dearly.

"My... love... Is it... a boy?" he manages to say between breaths.

The woman nods affectionately and offers the sleeping infant to him. "Jornar, here, hold him... our son."

Jornar, overwhelmed with emotion, trembles as he carefully takes the baby into his arms. "Hold his head, Jornar," the woman whispers, and he follows her instructions attentively.

A smile breaks through Jornar's usually stern face as he gazes down at his son's peaceful countenance. "He's... Beautiful," he declares, a single tear tracing its path down his cheek. The baby has his mother's pale complexion, but there's a striking patch of deep crimson hair that perfectly mirrors the hues of the once-vibrant night sky.

Fast forward ten years, and we find ourselves in a different scene. You are now crouched in the shadows of a dark alleyway, clutching a small sack of potatoes tightly to your chest. In the distance, the air is pierced by anguished screams as someone angrily calls out, "Damn kid! Come back here! Where the hell did you go?!"

Your heart races with anxiety, and the alley's darkness feels like a protective cloak. The events that led you here remain a mystery, but survival has become your instinct in a world where uncertainty looms over every corner. The sound of footsteps draws nearer, and you must decide whether to remain hidden or face the approaching danger.

You look around, you heart begins racing as you look for a way to escape, you see pipe going up the walls of the alleyway.

You throw you sack of potatoes up, and with a thud! You confirm it landed on the roof.

The with your small stature you begin ascending up the pipe.

Down below you see two guards look around. One asks "Where the hell is he?! I'm sure I heard him!"

Then the other one looks up and sees you.

He shouts out "hey! Up there! Come down here you little shit!"

You sick out your tongue and yell out "Catch me if you can shit face hehe!"

One of the angry guards tries to climb up the pipe.

"Uh oh" you say

You begin climbing up faster

As the guards begins climbing up. Suddenly something pops! And the lower half of the pipe falls down alongside the Guard!

You laugh to yourself

You reach the top of the roof.. "oh uh... This is kinda scary..."

Your heart still pounding from the adrenaline rush of your daring escape, you take a moment to catch your breath on the rooftop. As you gaze out at the sprawling cityscape below, you're mesmerized by the sight. KEDARN, once shattered by the Death of the Gods, now stands as a testament to the resilience of its inhabitants. Towering buildings, intricate architecture, and bustling streets fill the landscape, reflecting the determination of the various races to rebuild and forge new lives despite the tragedy they endured.

To your left, the vast and dense Forest stretches as far as the eye can see, its emerald canopy offering a stark contrast to the city's hustle and bustle. The forest teems with life, home to creatures both magical and mundane, and it whispers secrets of ancient times when the gods used to walk these lands.

But your attention is drawn to the distant mountainous skeleton, a haunting reminder of the fallen gods and the catastrophic event that reshaped the world. Once a place where god flesh was mined for its incredible power, it was now overrun by the demon kin, seeking to harness the remnants of divine energy for their own malevolent purposes. However, the unexpected wealth generated by the sale of these resources transformed a small village into a thriving trading route, attracting people from all corners of KEDARN.

You find yourself in awe of the breathtaking panorama, and for a moment, the fear and danger that lurked in the alleyway below seem distant. The view from the rooftop offers a sense of freedom, where you can momentarily escape the harsh realities of your daily struggles. The world around you feels alive, filled with untold stories, and you can't help but wonder what adventures await beyond the city's boundaries.

As the sun begins to set, casting a warm, golden glow over the landscape, you decide to stay a little longer. Here, high above the world, you feel a connection to the past, the present, and the uncertain future. The wind gently tousles your hair, carrying with it the whispers of forgotten gods and the dreams of the people below.

As the skies grow dark you whisper "Aw man, I better get going, or Nana will get mad again"

As you tear your gaze away from the breathtaking view, you begin your daring journey across the rooftops of Laska. The city's labyrinthine network of interconnected buildings and narrow passageways becomes your playground as you navigate the urban landscape with grace and agility. Each leap and step you take are driven by the urgency to escape the clutches of those who pursued you.

As you make your way, you find yourself walking under a stone bridge, a makeshift shelter for the homeless people of Laska. Their weary faces and tattered clothes tell the stories of hardships and struggles that have become a part of their daily lives. Among them, you notice a figure that stirs a memory from your past. A skinny man with a thick beard and wide pale eyes emerges from the shadows, almost resembling a ghoul. He calls out to you, his voice coarse and familiar.

"Hey! Dante! What you got there, bud?" he asks eagerly.

You turn to face him, the dim light revealing his face more clearly. Recognition dawns on you, and you utter in surprise, "Alton? Is that really you?"

Memories of the past flood back, reminding you of Alton's days as a caster, using god dust to cast fire breath. He once spoke grandly about making it to the kingdom and becoming a renowned adventurer. You used to look up to him, admiring his dreams and determination.

"Hey, uh, Dante... Buddy, do you have any money? I'll pay you later, bud... Help me out here, bud," Alton pleads, his wide eyes hopeful.

"N-no... sorry, Alton. I, uh, gotta go... see ya," you say nervously, feeling a twinge of guilt as you continue your escape.

Alton's disappointment is evident as he calls after you, "Fuck you then!"

Ignoring the echoes of his words, you find yourself in the bustling night market alley. The vibrant atmosphere surrounds you, with merchants hawking their wares and savory scents filling the air. The streets are packed with people of all kinds, from different races and backgrounds, coming together in this bustling hub of activity.

Above the buildings and structures, colorful lamps hang from wires tied across the streets, illuminating the night market with a warm and inviting glow. Amidst the lively chaos, an old man catches your eye as he proudly displays his collection of artifacts and gear, each telling its own story of history and adventure. Nearby, you spot a group of people engrossed in a game of dice, gambling for a chance at fortune.

To your left, you observe a party of well-dressed soldiers, laughing and sharing stories over drinks and skewered meats. Their camaraderie suggests a celebration of some kind, though the reason remains unknown to you.

As you walk through the bustling streets of Laska, a wide smile stretches across your face. The vibrant energy of the city fills the air, and you can't help but feel a sense of excitement and curiosity. As you get closer to a crowd that is cheering and applauding, you can hear men laughing and holding onto their beers. Your curiosity piqued, you wonder what could be happening amidst the lively atmosphere.

With an adventurous spirit, you start pushing through the crowd, determined to catch a glimpse of what lies at the center of the commotion. A man shouts down at you, "Hey, watch it, kid!"

"Sorry, sir!" you reply sheepishly, continuing to weave your way through the crowd. Suddenly, a dazzling sparkle catches your eye, and your breath hitches as you see a beautiful woman on top of a stage. She is an elf lady, with ethereal features that capture your attention. Her skin is pale and flawless, her short pitch-black hair accentuates her elegance, and her eyes are a mesmerizing shade of emerald green. She dances gracefully to the enchanting sound of a lute and guitar, captivating everyone around her.

Caught up in her allure, you whisper, your mouth agape, "Woah... pretty..." The elf lady's eyes lock onto yours, and she slowly dances her way over to where you stand, her slim and energetic figure captivating your gaze.

You raise your hand awkwardly, unsure of how to react to her magnetic presence. The beautiful elf crouches down to your level and asks, "What is a boy like you doing here?" You shrug nervously, overwhelmed by her attention.

She gently closes your gaping mouth with a playful smile and whispers, "Boys should be at home playing with toys."

Embarrassment floods your cheeks as you retort, "I'm not a boy! I'm turning 11 next year!" But before you can say more, you feel a force pulling you backward. You are picked up, and a familiar voice screams at you, "Ha, I found you, you little shit!"

As you turn around, your heart sinks, realizing it's one of the guards who had been pursuing you earlier. Panic sets in, and you think to yourself, "Oh, shit."

You're dragged into an alleyway, and the guard throws you onto the ground. You quickly scramble to your feet, trying to defend yourself. "Yo, uh, listen, man! I'm sorry! I'll give them back!" you plead desperately.

The guard spits at you, a mix of anger and pain on his face, and retorts, "That won't be enough, kid! You fucked up my back!"

Trying to reason with him, you shout, "Wait! That was your fault! You're the idiot who thought climbing up after me was a good idea!" Before you can say anything else, the guard's fury unleashes, and he delivers a powerful kick to your stomach, knocking the breath out of you!

As you kneel on the ground, clutching your stomach in pain, saliva drips from your mouth as you try to recover from the brutal beating. Between waves of agony, you manage to utter defiantly, "Hey! Y-you... hit like a bitch!"

The guard's face contorts with even more rage, and he smirks sadistically. "Oh yeah? Then how about this!?" he taunts, preparing to unleash more punishment upon you.

Bracing yourself for the onslaught, you grit your teeth and prepare to endure whatever comes your way. The kicks rain down upon you relentlessly, leaving you bloodied and exhausted on the ground. Despite the pain, a fierce determination burns within you. "He messed me up good," you think, refusing to stay defeated.

As the guard turns to leave, you refuse to back down. Summoning every ounce of strength you have left, you muster a yell and charge at him. He turns to face you, caught off guard by your sudden resilience.

With swift and precise movement, you deliver a powerful kick straight between the man's legs. He crumples to the ground, clutching his crotch in agony, foam bubbling at his mouth. Groaning and writhing in pain, the guard is left incapacitated as you stumble past him.

"Take that, asshole," you whisper, a mix of satisfaction and pain in your voice.

Picking up your sack of potatoes, you weave your way through the crowds, navigating the dark streets near the river. You remember how the river used to be a place of joy, where you and the other orphans would swim and play during the day. But now, the night brings a different atmosphere, and the riverbanks are deserted.

Eventually, you find yourself near the edge of the forest, where a secluded building stands amidst the orchards. This three-story structure is the orphanage, its roof adorned with a religious crest. At the entrance stands a familiar figure holding a small lamp. It's Nana, the orphanage caretaker, and her stern gaze pierces through you as you approach.

"Dante, where have you been?" Nana asks with a tone that conveys both concern and anger.

Looking down, you mumble, "Um... I've been, uh, I got lost."

"I know damn well, you did not get lost," she shouts, seeing through your feeble excuse.

"Nana, please don't get mad," you plead, hoping to avoid further confrontation.

"Shut it, Dante! The hell you got there?!" she demands, her anger escalating.

"Potatoes..." you quietly mutter.

Nana orders you to look at her, and you comply, meeting her gaze. She is a dark-skinned lady with short curly hair, streaked with gray. Her eyes reveal both softness and anger as she wraps her arms around you. "Oh Dante... Please... don't worry me like that," she whispers, her warm tears falling onto your face.

"I'm sorry, Nana," you whisper back, remorseful for causing her distress.

Nana lets go of you and wipes away her tears. "Dante, are you hungry, dear?" she asks, her anger subsiding.

You nod eagerly, responding, "Damn yeah, I am!"

Her stern expression transforms into a wide smile, and she says, "Come in, dear."

You enter a large room with long wooden tables covered in scribbles, and there are numerous chairs scattered around. Finding a chair with your name clumsily carved on it as "Dente," you sigh, realizing you should fix your name sometime.

As you sit down, a bowl of stew is placed in front of you, and the savory aroma of wild herbs and roots fills the air. Nana walks behind you and says, "I saved a frog leg since I know you like 'em. I'm going to sleep now; remember to turn the lamps off once you go to bed, Dante."

You nod, thanking her, and say, "Alright, thanks, Nana."

Nana whispers softly, "Goodnight, hun."

A smile crosses your face as you reply, "Goodnight, Nana."

Looking down at the stew, you think to yourself, "Man, I hate frog legs."

As you ready yourself to go to sleep, you leave the sack of potatoes on the kitchen floor, "Man, I hope Nana makes some baked potatoes tomorrow," you slowly walk up the stairs, feeling the exhaustion from the day's events weighing on your small frame.

As you look up the stairs, a pair of familiar blue eyes meet yours. You stop in your tracks and let out a sigh, recognizing the voice that calls out to you. "Dante! Where were you?"

Smirking, you reply, "On a secret mission!"

The voice belongs to none other than Emma, a young girl with long blonde hair and an innocent face that mirrors that of a saint. Her admiration for you is evident as she eagerly asks, "Oh yeah? Take me with you next time!"

Continuing to ascend the stairs, you encounter Emma face to face. She's curious about what happened to you, and you answer nonchalantly, "I beat up some guy! He got a few good hits on me, I guess."

Wide-eyed with admiration, Emma gazes up at you, "Woah! Really, Dante?!"

"Yeah! I messed him up real good! Maybe sometime I can teach you how to fight too, Emma!" you boast confidently.

Emma's smile grows even brighter, and she nods eagerly. "I'd love that, Dante!"

You smile "Yeah, yeah, Now let's go to sleep,you know how mad Nana will get at us!" you remind her, knowing the importance of obeying Nana's rules.

Emma nods with enthusiasm, and together, you walk into the bedrooms where the other kids are sleeping. The room is filled with the soft sound of breathing and the warm scent of animal pelts, as the children huddle together for warmth.

You lay down with them, feeling a sense of camaraderie and belonging as you join the makeshift bed of animal pelts. Slowly, the exhaustion overtakes you, and you drift off to sleep, comforted by the presence of your fellow friends and the knowledge that you are safe under Nana's Caring watchfulness...